Monday 21 February 2011


Thanks NorthernTruthSeeker for this. I have posted on this topic but Dr. Duke, as always, takes it a few steps further in clarification for us all.

On February 18th, 2011, the United States of America, once again, officially declared itself to the entire world as nothing more than Israeli occupied territory! 

On that date, in spite of overwhelming support on the clear resolution that called the further expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank as illegal, the United States did as their Zionist Jewish masters dictated, and cast the only vote against the resolution and officially vetoed it in the UN Security Council chamber!  

To show how serious this issue truly is, I present this newest video by Dr. David Duke, entitled: "Zionist Running Dog Obama, And the UN Veto", for my readers to view in its entirety.

I for one am truly amazed that the vast majority of Americans do not even see what has happened to their once great nation, and how by the ignorance and stupidity of vetoing this important resolution, they are now seen as a rogue state in the world in the same context as the criminal state of Israel itself.

If Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Pakistan, Central America, South America, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, and all the other places American meddles and creates problems with and for Israel have not already ruined the image of America and earned international enmity, this veto is certainly throwing a helluva pile of fuel on that fire.

Again, where is the public outcry in America?  Well, with the US Media under the firm grip of these Zionist Jewish criminals, the American people will continue to be totally dumbed down and ignorant on what is truly happening around them.

It again falls to us, the bloggers,
to get the real message out
and try to get people everywhere
to wake the hell up!

As David Duke says in this video...Pass this video around, and make sure that the real truth is seen by everyone that you, the readers, can possibly reach.  Our very future is at stake.

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