Thursday 24 February 2011


An ancient olive tree growing in Crete

This, dear readers, is a must-read post. 

I have been posting for weeks about the riots and revolutions that are rocking our world. They have been presented to you with insight, analysis and clarity not found in most web sites ~ the over all picture.  

Now, please read this summation of events by The Olive Farmer.  This is, to be honest, one of the most terrifying things I have posted, simply because it hits home and it is a truth I have long known about. It frightens me to be honest.

To contrast yet afirm the thoughts of the Olive Farmer, I have started off with a quote from Albert Pike, circa 1871. It is Part three of his description of and purpose for  The three World Wars planned to bring about the  dark and medieval Luciferian world which the Freemasons (primarily 33rd DegreeKabalist Talmudic Jews) wish to bring about. Yes, I refer to the New World Order.
On August 15, 1871, Albert Pike, 33 degree Mason, one of the founding fathers head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry and s a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, said:

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

February 25, 2011
February 25, 2011, an insightful blogger named  The Olive Farmer
posted:  I wrote this a while back:

“The plans of the global scum elite have been long in the making. Their objective has been to export manufacturing to cheaper labour countries, (done), create mountains of debt out of thin air, (done), impose stringent IMF dictated financial cutbacks in order to pay this fictional debt, (done and continuing), then create the triggers for revolution that will be fed by the unrest already caused (about to occur).

Why revolution? Because it is out of revolution that a new world order will be born. It is out of revolution that the western world can be further enslaved. It is out of revolution that the evil can be most gratifyingly extended.

It is in post revolutionary regimes where the most significant culling of the human race can happen, because revolution always leads to totalitarianism, to mass fear, to the free operation of murder squads, to death camps, to the most fun for the most evil, to the great blood offerings for the god of the shapers of the false reality.

One of the triggers will be the likely revolutions in countries which have a history of civil unrest.”

Oddly, go back to the beginning of this blog and you'll see the whole thing unfolding, piece by piece.

Beware of the deception that is being played out before us across the globe right now and has been long in the making.

The global wave of revolution now under-way
is not the spontaneous uprising
of bitter and angry peoples,
now in the Arab nations,
soon in a country near you.

It is one of the final acts in a long strategy of the ruling elite.

This current and soon epidemic up-welling of chaos
has been ordained, planned for,
promulgated and engineered in every detail
to create the destruction of
the current paradigms of “civilisation” worldwide
in preparation for the “new” world order,
also known as the old world order in a brand new package.

What is happening can be briefly described.

They are engaged in the destruction
of everything that humanity believes in.

Even the stuff they made us believe in.

All change is unsettling
and change in the power paradigms
is the most unsettling of all.

As Shakespeare said,
“Nature abhors a vacuum”
and into the vacuum of power
created by revolution
will step, as history shows in every instance,
the ready-made demagogue straight out of the Luciferian factory.

Firstly they have undermined the belief in and confidence in “Democracy”.

Aided and abetted by the “truth and consciousness” movement that they created (the needle that is a lie is best hidden in a haystack of truth), the majority of people, even those who have swallowed whole the lies of the main stream media, even those “sheeple”, now understand that their politicians are liars, their politicians are puppets and co-conspirators, that their Government is engaged in the wholesale fleecing of the flock.

This is more obvious to the inhabitants of false democracies or states in the hands of demagogues (as we are now witnessing in the Arab nations), but will very rapidly become the common understanding in the western democracies as the juggernaut of planned revolutions bulldozes its way across Europe and then into China, the US, everywhere.

Don't get excited just yet.
This is not the longed for awareness
and new consciousness of humanity.
This is the deliberate creation
of chaos out of which order will arise.

Secondly, by the grand theft of trillions in the global banking scam, they are creating the circumstances which will destroy humanity's belief in the system of exchange that has served us so badly for all of known history.

This “money”,
this thing that divides us so effectively
one from another,
that creates the jealousy,
unhealthy desire,
planet wrecking greed,
inequality and unnatural disparity
between we members of the family of humanity
has been around for so long
that we cannot think of a system that could exist
without it.

We'll have to, because they plan to destroy it, paving the way for more chaos, to which they will of course provide the answer.

Their agents in the Aquarian truth movement wait in the wings with the ready made solutions that will take what's left of us into perpetual scientific imprisonment and slavery.

This writing is on the wall
for all who can see to see.

Belief in government,
belief in money, what's next?
The third stage is the belief in security.

The loss of money will be a major part of this. The idea that you can plan your life, buy a home for yourselves and your family, work hard and save for a pleasant retirement in the bosom of your family and the security of a calm and ordered world.....

Forget it, if you haven't already.

This is a dream that we can and will eventually achieve, but the troubled waters have to be crossed first, the ones approaching fast.

This loss of a sense of security, of the rocks that can be clung to in the maelstrom of existence will vanish completely in the coming months.

They have been weakened for decades.
This is what has been behind the destruction
of the family, of community, of fellowship,
of unity, a steady and relentless weakening
of the structures of true power
amongst humanity,
our real strength
which came from unity
and is now on the verge
of complete destruction.
This is the third stage.

Do you expect to live in peace for the rest of your life? This expectancy is now under severe attack. From the false and engineered revolutions will emerge both civil strife and military intervention that will see father turned against son, brother against brother, neighbour against neighbour, nation against nation.

They have feigned the belief that guns should be taken from citizens. They want you to have them so that you can start shooting each other in the struggle for food or to defend yourselves from marauders.

From such strife
new leadership will emerge,
leadership bathed in blood,
the cruelest and least human
to the fore.
It has ever been so.

Then will they destroy for countless millions their belief in a religion, to which so many will turn in this hour of need.

This basic need of the human psyche,
this most manipulated tool of the governance of the soul,
this tool that misdirects those that seek good
and peace and love
and twist this beautiful yearning
into enmity and hatred
and killing and torture and perversion.

Even these great falsehoods will be destroyed 
in this great paradigm shift.

To shatter into nothing thousands of years of lies (and buried amongst these lies, thousands of eternal truths). This will be the great unsettling.

In a world bereft of all of the anchors of life, from family to security to government and law to money and then to religion all of the basic tenets of our lives will be whipped away as the rug is pulled from under us.

This is now inevitable.

The New World Order is a grand plan.
It's intention has been and is
to destroy everything,
to wipe the slate clean
and paint a new future
on the blank canvas
of the wretched remnants of humanity.

They need such an overwhelming construct to replace the crumbling instruments of authority and manipulation that are outdated in this technological age.

The cleverness of their plan beggars belief.
Its intention has ever been driven by their awareness
that, sooner or later and at about this time
humanity in its vast numbers
will discover the full truth of its circumstance.

To misdirect this apocalypse (from the Greek”apocalypse”, the lifting of the veil, the revelation of the mysteries), is fundamental to this plan.

It needs all the “shock and awe”
at their disposal to distract us.

If they fail,
a new species of humanity will emerge.

New ideas and systems and leaders apparently in opposition to the NWO are, instead, agents of the same Luciferian cabal. They don't just throw these things together.

Believe nothing.
Check everything
and still don't believe.

Of course, U.F.O.'s are a part of this.

And the new “Christ” Maitreya of whom I've written many times.

And the amazing gifts of technology that will change the world (but are the product of humanity's ingenuity, stolen and stored for these times).

And, regrettably, something “Biblical” in Israel, a place created by the global elite, a people twisted into ugliness and shame by the same elite, a place where the spark that will ignite the great conflagration will be struck and where will appear, as planned, the false salvation intended to bring us to our knees in wonderment.

The old one's are the best.
Aren't they?

Though the great plan is certain to continue unfolding
it's outcome is not certain.

How humanity react is not inevitable,
though it may seem so.

Free will is everything
as this tale unfolds.

Underpinning that is love.

There we find our god.

Inside ourselves and the knowledge of love.

The very soul and essence of true humanity
and the greater truths that we will discover.

Creatures fit at last
to enter the universe
and take part in its bounty and joy.

There is good out there, and it approaches and watches, waiting for the rebirth of our species, a rebirth and evolution that we will create for ourselves from the chaos that evil is propelling us into.

We've had enough of all that.

Evolution is preferable to engineered revolution.

Time for the near 7 billion of us to cry aloud

No More.
Let's start again.”?

Love to you all.
Olive Farmer

Through the shade cast by the leaves of the olive tree here in Crete fall the rays of light that warm and feed the soul. I hope you will all share in this warmth and nourishment. xxx xxx xxx


  1. Hey Noor,...Wonderful post, all the 'know it alls' should read this. Brilliant and uplifting: Let's get this party started!



  2. Great Post !

    LOVE yOUR blog and yOUR attitude,
    THANK YoU !! -))

    a GrebBear

    PeaCe LOVE liGHt tRUtH
    (- ;
    ; -)


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