Anders Behring Breivik: Norwegian terrorist, extremist, Islamophobe, hatemonger, Freemason,
agent of the Zionist entity.
agent of the Zionist entity.
By Jonathan Azaziah
August 3, 2011
The everyday murderous behavior of the world’s hegemonic powers, led by the exponentially powerful Zionist entity that has illegally occupied Palestine for 63 years, has split humanity right down the middle into two reactionary groups when a catastrophic event shakes the geopolitical sphere.
The first group can be classified as “the sheep”;
the oblivious, ignorant masses that believe anything and everything that the talking heads on the ‘fiction box’ known as the television tell them.“The sheep” believe that there is an international ‘Islamic’ terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda that is responsible for a great majority of the world’s terror attacks.The sheep are unaware that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist, it never has existed and it is nothing more than a creation of Zionist neo-conservative warmongers to be used as a psychological warfare tool by global intelligence agencies (1).This is because they are sheep.
The second group can be classified as the “awakened.”
The awakened wholeheartedly and emphatically reject what they hear and see on the fiction box, as it is owned and run by Zionists with an agenda firmly rooted in brainwashing, and when they hear of any ‘game-changing’ geopolitical event, they pin the blame on one of the aforementioned global intelligence agencies, with Israel’s Mossad sitting atop the mountain and America’s CIA, Britain’s MI-6 and India’s RAW providing support cohesively or individually depending upon the region.The evidence excavated by the ‘awakened’ shows deadly accuracy in their ‘pinning.’ The ‘Arabs’ or ‘Muslims’ reported by the Zionist media as the perpetrators of such attacks, if they actually exist that is, are always patsies. Not sometimes, but always.
However, on July 22nd, 2011, the sheep and the awakened were taken by severe surprise when tragedy and horror struck the European nation of Norway.
A man named Anders Behring Breivik, described by media outlets as a “right-wing Christian fundamentalist,” bombed the Norwegian Prime Minister’s office in the capital of Oslo and went on a shooting spree on Utøya Island that left at least 94 people dead, mostly teenagers (2).
Was this man really responsible for such brutality, such carnage? Was the Zionist media telling the truth for once? Or was there something more to all of it? Something more, much more indeed. The evidence will show, that this “right-wing Christian fundamentalist” was simply the face of another Mossad false flag operation conducted under ‘lone gunman’ cover.
Was Breivik a legitimate lone gunman or an asset in an intricate intelligence operationer
The Zionist media would like the public to believe that Anders Behring Breivik is a nut; a madman; a mentally disturbed ‘loner’ who simply lost it and carried out a heinous crime. 32 years old, no contact with his estranged father, immature with women, obsessed with the Dragon Age II video game and doped up on multiple doses of xenophobia (3), upon first glance, Breivik appears to be just that: a lunatic.
The Zionist media would like the public to believe that Anders Behring Breivik is a nut; a madman; a mentally disturbed ‘loner’ who simply lost it and carried out a heinous crime. 32 years old, no contact with his estranged father, immature with women, obsessed with the Dragon Age II video game and doped up on multiple doses of xenophobia (3), upon first glance, Breivik appears to be just that: a lunatic.
But a first glance is never enough to truly solve a crime with implications that shake the foundations of the geopolitical establishment.
Upon a second glance, a third and several more, Breivik is a Freemason, initiated in the Saint Johannes Lodge in Oslo in 2008 (4), an extreme bigot with strong anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, anti-immigrant sentiments, an avid Zionist who supports the genocidal Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Leiberman and his Yisrael Beitenu party and an endorser of racist, fascist and xenophobic Dutch Politician Geert Wilders (5).
Upon a second glance, a third and several more, Breivik is a Freemason, initiated in the Saint Johannes Lodge in Oslo in 2008 (4), an extreme bigot with strong anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, anti-immigrant sentiments, an avid Zionist who supports the genocidal Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Leiberman and his Yisrael Beitenu party and an endorser of racist, fascist and xenophobic Dutch Politician Geert Wilders (5).
Wilders of course, is the tour-de-force behind the Netherlands’ shift towards solidarity with the Zionist entity and has infamously given his support to the violent, extremist Israeli settlers fully dedicated to ethnically cleansing every Palestinian from occupied Palestine (6).
Breivik was ‘inspired’ by anti-Islamic Zionist ideologues like Daniel Pipes, Pam Geller and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch (7). The latter two are heavily funded by the Zionist power couple of Aubrey and Joyce Chernick, who have donated to the ADL and Zionist Organization of America for decades (8).
Seemingly, in 2007, Breivik took his inspiration to new heights by directly contacting the Chernick-funded Geller through an email which she later posted on her website, the Zionist hate festival known as ‘Atlas Shrugs.’ In the message, Breivik moaned and groaned of increasing Muslim immigration to Oslo and boasted of the Zionist entity launching a strike against ‘all of its enemies’ in the Middle East. Breivik also drew inspiration from David Horowitz, the screaming Zionist neoconservative who not only funds Robert Spencer’s abhorrent Jihad Watch, but an entire network of anti-Muslim/anti-Arab organizations, including magazines, publishing firms, NGOs and student groups. Horowitz has also gone on record to state that all “Palestinians are Nazis (9).”
Seemingly, in 2007, Breivik took his inspiration to new heights by directly contacting the Chernick-funded Geller through an email which she later posted on her website, the Zionist hate festival known as ‘Atlas Shrugs.’ In the message, Breivik moaned and groaned of increasing Muslim immigration to Oslo and boasted of the Zionist entity launching a strike against ‘all of its enemies’ in the Middle East. Breivik also drew inspiration from David Horowitz, the screaming Zionist neoconservative who not only funds Robert Spencer’s abhorrent Jihad Watch, but an entire network of anti-Muslim/anti-Arab organizations, including magazines, publishing firms, NGOs and student groups. Horowitz has also gone on record to state that all “Palestinians are Nazis (9).”

Left: The very frightening, very hateful, very Zionist, very crazy Pamela Geller; object of Breivik's admiration and asset of Israel's anti-Islam agenda
And if that wasn’t enough, Breivik was also deeply connected to the utterly vile English Defence League (EDL), Britain’s leading far-right, xenophobic, fascist organization. Brevik had held meetings with senior EDL leaders and kept in contact with them via Zionist-owned social networking giant, Facebook (11).
The EDL is allied with Zionist Pam Geller and also has strong links to America’s Tea Party movement (12), which is bankrolled in the millions by Zionist billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch and none other than Zionist mega-media mogul and war criminal, Rupert Murdoch (13).
All of these connections to Zionist hate mongers and extremists coupled with his own despicable views on Arabs, Muslims and immigrants, culminated in Breivik’s 1,467-page manifesto entitled, ‘2083: A European Declaration of Independence.’ In the manifesto, Breivik described a war of epic proportions (in vivid detail) that would be waged by a Freemasonic reincarnation of the Knights Templar against Europe’s Muslim population. Just prior to the Oslo attacks on July 22nd, Breivik emailed this document to thousands of people (14).
All of these connections to Zionist hate mongers and extremists coupled with his own despicable views on Arabs, Muslims and immigrants, culminated in Breivik’s 1,467-page manifesto entitled, ‘2083: A European Declaration of Independence.’ In the manifesto, Breivik described a war of epic proportions (in vivid detail) that would be waged by a Freemasonic reincarnation of the Knights Templar against Europe’s Muslim population. Just prior to the Oslo attacks on July 22nd, Breivik emailed this document to thousands of people (14).
It is now readily available for anyone to read on a plethora of websites and blogs across the Internet. But there is something violently wrong with Breivik’s manifesto: large sections of it are plagiarized from the writings of the man widely accused of being the ‘Unabomber;’ outright copy-and-pasted (15).
With all of Breivik’s links to the Zionist network of hasbara fellows and propagandists, the question begs to be asked: how much more of his manifesto was ‘plagiarized?’ Or was it completely composed by the aforesaid propagandists or like-similar elements then deposited online to reinforce the lone gunman narrative? Additionally, despite initially admitting that he was behind the assault on Oslo and Utøya Island, Breivik pleaded ‘not guilty’ in court on July 25th. While in court, he bragged that there were two more cells from the ‘Knights Templar’ network still at large, preparing to carrying out more attacks (16).
With all of Breivik’s links to the Zionist network of hasbara fellows and propagandists, the question begs to be asked: how much more of his manifesto was ‘plagiarized?’ Or was it completely composed by the aforesaid propagandists or like-similar elements then deposited online to reinforce the lone gunman narrative? Additionally, despite initially admitting that he was behind the assault on Oslo and Utøya Island, Breivik pleaded ‘not guilty’ in court on July 25th. While in court, he bragged that there were two more cells from the ‘Knights Templar’ network still at large, preparing to carrying out more attacks (16).
This, by itself, is a strong indicator that Breivik was by no means alone in this slaughter of innocents. It is a strong indicator that Breivik is nothing more than the front man of a larger operation, taking the fall for the team.
This bumper sticker says it all. Never forget who fuels anti-Islamic fervor: the media. Never forget who owns the media: the Zionists
Prior to Anders Behring Breivik’s name hitting the airwaves, search engines and television sets across the globe, the Zionist media did what it normally does when there’s a terror attack: it blamed Islam and using its ever-expanding rolodex of buzz words including militants, terrorists, extremists, fundamentalists, jihadis, jihadists and Islamofascists, it attempted to convince the masses that this blame was rooted in fact. Well, as the usual case is, fact was nowhere near the Zionist media’s pathetic excuse for ‘reporting.’
‘Analysts and experts’ from around the globe, America to Britain, began stating that the Norway attack was the work of al-Qaeda after the first reports rolled in regarding the bombing of the Prime Minister’s office in Oslo. When the second stream of reports rolled in about the savage shooting on Utøya Island, the ‘analysts and experts’ compared the attack to the Mumbai massacre of 2008 (17).
Prior to Anders Behring Breivik’s name hitting the airwaves, search engines and television sets across the globe, the Zionist media did what it normally does when there’s a terror attack: it blamed Islam and using its ever-expanding rolodex of buzz words including militants, terrorists, extremists, fundamentalists, jihadis, jihadists and Islamofascists, it attempted to convince the masses that this blame was rooted in fact. Well, as the usual case is, fact was nowhere near the Zionist media’s pathetic excuse for ‘reporting.’
‘Analysts and experts’ from around the globe, America to Britain, began stating that the Norway attack was the work of al-Qaeda after the first reports rolled in regarding the bombing of the Prime Minister’s office in Oslo. When the second stream of reports rolled in about the savage shooting on Utøya Island, the ‘analysts and experts’ compared the attack to the Mumbai massacre of 2008 (17).
This was the last thing that they should’ve done as the 26/11 attack in Mumbai has been completely debunked as an ‘Islamist’ op and fully exposed as a joint false flag operation between Mossad and India’s RAW, carried out to achieve regional objectives against Iran and Pakistan and cover up Zionist-Hindutvadi crimes against humanity in occupied Kashmir (18).
But still, even after Breivik’s identity was exposed, the ‘experts’ and the media outlets that gave them a platform persisted.
Zionist-run British media in particular did everything in its power to direct the world’s attention from Breivik’s blatant connections to the Zionist entity and Freemasonry, instead choosing to blame the attacks on ‘Islamism’ and Nazism {one of Israel’s favorite and most effective propaganda tools} (19).
Zionist-run British media in particular did everything in its power to direct the world’s attention from Breivik’s blatant connections to the Zionist entity and Freemasonry, instead choosing to blame the attacks on ‘Islamism’ and Nazism {one of Israel’s favorite and most effective propaganda tools} (19).
The most prominent ‘expert’ quoted during the Norway horror and the man who planted the ‘jihadist’ seed in the minds of the planet’s populace was US State Department Advisor and Center For Naval Analyses (CNA) agent Will McCants. McCants absurdly claimed that he received his information from the most ‘elite jihadi forum in the world.’ The Zionist-owned, Zionist-run New York Times ran McCants’ disgraceful story as fact and the hasbara mouthpieces commonly known as BBC, the Guardian and the Washington Post followed suit, even after McCants retracted his lie (20).
In reality, the Zionist-engineered ‘war on terror' is bloody, bloody war on Islam
The CNA is a federally-funded propaganda outlet that provides intelligence, research, data and other services to ‘help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of US national defense efforts (21).’
In other words, as evidenced by McCants’ skullduggery, the CNA concocts fabrications and handfeeds them to the US government to execute the Zionist War On Terror, which has resulted in the deaths of millions of innocents, with maximum efficiency. CNA’s ‘leadership’ is comprised of nothing but lifers of the US intelligence establishment and its President and CEO, Robert J. Murray, is an ardent Zionist who participated in the treacherous Camp David negotiations (22), which resulted in Egypt getting back the Israeli-occupied Sinai in exchange for being economically enslaved to Zionism forever.
Not only has the Zionist media exhaustively worked to deflect Breivik’s adherence to Zionism and Freemasonry from the public eye via anti-Muslim, anti-Arab hate-rhetoric, but it has also exhaustively worked to maintain the ‘lone gunman’ theory. The evidence to counter this theory however, is far too overwhelming and damning to ignore.
Not only has the Zionist media exhaustively worked to deflect Breivik’s adherence to Zionism and Freemasonry from the public eye via anti-Muslim, anti-Arab hate-rhetoric, but it has also exhaustively worked to maintain the ‘lone gunman’ theory. The evidence to counter this theory however, is far too overwhelming and damning to ignore.
The Zionist media has done everything in its power to conceal Breivik's connections to Zionism, Freemasonry and a greater intelligence agenda
“So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists and multiculturalists (23).” ~ Anders Behring Breivik.
This quote, from Breivik’s startling manifesto, has been completely repressed by the Zionist media. It’s no surprise why. This single declaration not only shows that Breivik is a militant Zionist, but one who is ready to shed blood for the usurping entity's ‘crusade against Muslims.’ Sick doesn’t begin to describe it. This critical revelation will be revisited in just a moment.
As was the case with the attacks in New York City and Washington D.C. on September 11th, 2001, when multiple war games and terror drills were being conducted as Mossad’s false flag operation commenced (24), and the attacks against Britain on July 7th, 2005, when a terror drill involving mock bombings were being conducted just hours before another Mossad false flag operation unfolded (25),
Norway also had its own pre-false-flag-op terror drill. 48 hours before carnage struck Oslo and Utøya Island, Oslo police staged a dramatic sham terror attack with bombs and firearms near the Oslo Opera House (26).
Alone, this piece of information shatters the already fragile mainstream narrative; it displays foreknowledge. Someone knew that this was coming and nothing was done to stop it. Why? And who knew?
The manner in which the unsuspecting innocents on Utøya Island were massacred was yelling at the top its lungs,
The manner in which the unsuspecting innocents on Utøya Island were massacred was yelling at the top its lungs,
“There is more than one shooter!
There is more than one shooter!”
And indeed there was. Multiple eyewitnesses confirm that at least two shooters were on the island, as bullets spilled blood from two different directions at the exact same time. The second shooter was described as ‘Nordic in appearance, tall, dark hair.’ The brutality of Breivik and this other gunman was also described. Eyewitnesses confirm that Breivik and his accomplice made sure whoever was shot, was shot dead, including a young boy who was already dying on the ground as the second shooter fired into him again to solidify the kill (27).
Animalistic. And where were the police? Where were the ‘anti-terror’ units? SWAT? Anyone? Why did it take 90 minutes before any law enforcement showed up and why was access to their helicopters blocked (28)?
In fact, why did this bloodshed even occur? Why wasn’t Breivik taken into custody back in March when he was put on a Norwegian Secret Service watchlist for purchasing massive amounts of fertilizer (29)?
How was a man on an intelligence watch list able to acquire such high-powered weaponry?
And lastly, how did Norwegian police know Anders Behring Breivik’s name before they even arrived on Utøya Island and obtained visual identification of the suspect (30)?
In Norway, a very real Zionist-Masonic conspiracy exploded on July 22nd, murdering more than 94 innocents
The answers to all of the aforementioned questions emanate from a single point; a single point that is chilling, malevolent and shocking. It lies within the first question: Who knew? The answer: Anders Behring Breivik’s initiated friends in the Oslo police department and Norwegian security services; fellow Freemasons, sworn to secrecy through the blood oath of the order and who work for the betterment of any Masonic brother in need.
Revealing secrets of the order is punishable by death. Norway’s security establishment in particular has been controlled by Freemasonry since at least 1957. But Breivik is no mere Freemason. No, Breivik is part of a Masonic terror organization that is closely allied with the Zionist entity (31).
It is essential to note, that Freemasonry would not exist without the Jewish mystical practice known as ‘Kabbalah (32),’ an esoteric set of teachings rooted in devil worship and anti-Gentile xenophobia (33).
And still, the plot thickens. Breivik honed his skills, perfected his tactics and learned how to develop bombs in pine forest ‘training camps’ with a ‘neo-Nazi’ group known as The Vikings (34).
And still, the plot thickens. Breivik honed his skills, perfected his tactics and learned how to develop bombs in pine forest ‘training camps’ with a ‘neo-Nazi’ group known as The Vikings (34).
Intelligence sources from Pakistan and Norway have revealed to Mask of Zion that The Vikings are the farthest thing from neo-Nazis and have sinisterly used the label as a front.
The Vikings are a proxy of the Zionist entity’s Mossad, and have served as the European branch of Israel’s Dragon Policy operation since 2001.
Weapons, funds to build camps and set up cells and high-level paramilitary training have been provided to The Vikings by a Mossad team stationed in Oslo. Mossad’s movement between camps and headquarters was/is protected by its Freemasonic allies in Norway’s terribly corrupted security establishment.
The Vikings are part of a 10-year operational ‘standby’ plan to balkanize any European nation that is not prepared to adhere to the Zionist regime’s ‘Greater Israel’ vision. Several cells have been set up throughout Europe with ‘sleeping orders,’ awaiting activation.
Norway was the first target and the operations base.
This intelligence is confirmed by Zionist asset and Breivik object of admiration Daniel Pipes, who just so happens to foresee Europe entering a state of “protracted civil conflict” in a matter of a few short years (35).
Just two days after the Norway attacks, Zionist Defense Minister and war criminal Ehud Barak stated that “Israel must exert all efforts” in stopping UN recognition of a Palestinian state (bantustan) in September. He specifically mentioned Europe as Zionism’s main target in this mobilization (36).
Terrorism has always been an Israeli speciality; was Barak referring to ‘exerting’ terrorism to ensure his objectives result in success?
The Dragon Policy is one of Israel’s most successful and most murderous operations and Pakistan bears the scars. Mossad has collaborated with RAW in using the fake ‘Tehrik-I-Taliban’ to plunge the Islamic nation into chaos via car bombings and shootings en masse (37).
The Zionist entity’s Dragon Policy has successfully struck Europe; Norway now bears the scars too.
Mossad's tentacles hit many corners of the globe in preparation for the Norway operation
The Anders Behring Breivik affair is not the first time the Israeli mass murder apparatus known as Mossad has meddled in Norway. On July 21, 1973, in the Norwegian resort town of Lillehammer, a Mossad hit squad shot dead a Moroccan waiter named Ahmed Bouchikhi in front of his pregnant wife.
The Anders Behring Breivik affair is not the first time the Israeli mass murder apparatus known as Mossad has meddled in Norway. On July 21, 1973, in the Norwegian resort town of Lillehammer, a Mossad hit squad shot dead a Moroccan waiter named Ahmed Bouchikhi in front of his pregnant wife.
In a miserable, disgraced operation, the agents mistook Bouchikhi for Hassan Salameh, a PLO intelligence chief and premier Mossad target. The Norwegian government slammed the heinous crime as a serious violation of its sovereignty and despite the Zionist entity attempting to cover up its murderous behavior by paying blood money to Bouchikhi’s grieving family, Norway remained infuriated.
The Nordic nation reopened the case in 1990 and tried for a decade to get a conviction before abandoning the case in disgust in 2000 (38).
The ‘Lillehammer Affair’ was led by Mossad veteran Mike Harari, infamous for dealing $500 million worth of (Israeli) arms across Latin America and his role as advisor (read: handler) to US-Israeli intelligence asset and Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega (39).
As confirmed by Norwegian police, the bomb used by Breivik in downtown Oslo at the Prime Minister’s office was in fact a car bomb (40).
As confirmed by Norwegian police, the bomb used by Breivik in downtown Oslo at the Prime Minister’s office was in fact a car bomb (40).
The car bomb is Mossad’s signature weapon. It has used this device in thousands of operations across occupied Iraq, in mosques of various sects, churches, homes, businesses and government buildings. Mossad has used the car bomb to effectively transform Iraq into an apocalyptic wasteland. It also used the car bomb for the operation at al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria, Egypt and as mentioned in the previous section, in collaboration with India’s RAW, the car bomb has been Mossad’s weapon of choice in ravaging Pakistan (41).
Even the materials used in Breivik’s bomb bear the signature of Mossad; the bomb was comprised of fertilizer and fuel, exactly like the bomb used in the Oklahoma City false flag attack on April 19th, 1995 (42).
Unbeknownst to most, the Oklahoma City false flag attack was a Mossad operation, planned and executed by Zionist agents out of Elohim City, Oklahoma (43).
In the aftermath of the devastating bloodshed, The Jerusalem Post, the militant right-wing Israeli newspaper and widely-known mouthpiece of the Tel Aviv regime, composed an editorial on July 24th shockingly telling Norway to look at the attack as “an opportunity to seriously reevaluate policies for immigration integration (44).”
In the aftermath of the devastating bloodshed, The Jerusalem Post, the militant right-wing Israeli newspaper and widely-known mouthpiece of the Tel Aviv regime, composed an editorial on July 24th shockingly telling Norway to look at the attack as “an opportunity to seriously reevaluate policies for immigration integration (44).”
The immigrants that the Zionist writers are speaking of are Muslims of course. This was no mere editorial; it was a reinforcement of the threat made against Norway with the attacks.
Evan Kohlmann: Zionist propagandist and anti-Muslim bigot
Another one of the “experts” that incessantly rambled about Muslims being behind the Norway terror was Zionist Evan Kohlmann, protégé of neo-con giant, anti-Muslim xenophobe and staunch defender of Israel, Steve Emerson. One of Kohlmann’s closest colleagues is none other than Israeli Zionist and founder of SITE Intelligence Group, Rita Katz (45).
Katz worked with Kohlmann on numerous projects and set up her organization with Kohlmann’s school friend and fellow Zionist, Josh Devon (46).
Katz, a former Zionist occupation soldier and daughter of an Israeli spy, erected SITE as a front for Mossad psychological warfare operations in the Zionist-designed global ‘war on terror (47).’
In the modern era, no geopolitical analysis would be complete without the mentioning of the world’s ‘finest whistleblower,’ Wikileaks. Anders Behring Breivik stated that he had been planning his attack since 2009 and by some mystical, odd, magical coincidence, Wikileaks released ‘cables’ from 2009 on the exact same day of Breivik’s rampage that Norway was “in over its head” in regards to a terror attack, going further to state that Norway “felt immune to terrorism” and was “unprepared (48).”
When it is taken into consideration that Julian Assange is an agent of the Rothschild family, the Zionist entity’s godfathers, and the Wikileaks organization is a Mossad-CIA ‘limited hangout operation’ designed to control dissent in a re-branding of COINTELPRO and attack ‘hostile’ nations with psychological warfare (49), it can easily be deducted that the release of these ‘cables’ was the usurping Israeli regime’s way of gloating as Norway coped with the tragedy.
It is now known that Anders Behring Breivik traveled to the Zionist entity several times before the July 22nd operation (50).
It is now known that Anders Behring Breivik traveled to the Zionist entity several times before the July 22nd operation (50).
What isn’t known is what Breivik’s reasons were for traveling to Zionist-governed historic Palestine, but based on the evidence presented in the previous section, it is of the strongest likelihood that Breivik made pilgrimage to the occupied holy land to receive additional orders from his Tel Aviv paymasters. The target of Breivik and his accomplice in Oslo was Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Breivik has now admitted that his target on Utøya Island was former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, commonly referred to as the ‘the mother of the nation (51).’
These were assassination attempts and they overtly reek of Mossad involvement. But why didn’t Kidon, Mossad’s high-level assassination unit, pull the trigger directly? And furthermore, why didn’t Israel use its typical ‘Islamic fundamentalist’ patsies for the operation?

The answers are relatively simple. July 22nd, 2011 was a Friday. An ‘Islamic fundamentalist’ carrying out a terror attack when he should be in the masjid (mosque) performing Salat al-Jumu’ah (mandatory Friday prayers) doesn’t make much sense, now does it?
Every operation that the Zionist entity carries out has a psychological warfare aspect to it.By unveiling its European Dragon Policy operatives, Tel Aviv was sending an intimidating message to the governments of Europe: ‘fall in line or you will be struck; any place, any time, by people that look just like you.’
Friday also represents the start of the Jewish Sabbath, taking Mossad’s Kidon unit (reportedly comprised entirely of religious Jews) out of the picture. Enter Breivik, who played his role as ‘shabbos goy’ to the letter. ‘Shabbos goy,’ is a Yiddish phrase that simply means a gentile who provides assistance to Jews during the Sabbath. But in the modern sense, in the fields of intelligence and war, a ‘shabbos goy’ is a gentile who would literally (and willingly) kill for the Zionist state (52).
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces, Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, has gone on the record to state with no hesitation that Tel Aviv was behind the Norway atrocities. Major General Firouzabadi hit the nail on the head when he said that
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces, Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, has gone on the record to state with no hesitation that Tel Aviv was behind the Norway atrocities. Major General Firouzabadi hit the nail on the head when he said that
the Zionist regime is attempting to create divisions and deviations within Christianity and subsequently convince the world that ‘Christian’ Zionism is the real face of the Christian religion (53).
Taking it a step further, the 7/22 false flag was meant to sow discord between Europe’s Christian and Muslim populations, which enjoy brotherly relations. Hopefully, both groups will see through the Zionist media lies and avoid the trap.

Despite the fact that the Norwegian government recognizes the illegitimate and criminal existence of the Zionist entity and has actively participated in the (Israeli-led) international conspiracy against Syria by slapping the Arab nation with sanctions (54), relations between Tel Aviv and Oslo have been anything but friendly.
Despite the fact that the Norwegian government recognizes the illegitimate and criminal existence of the Zionist entity and has actively participated in the (Israeli-led) international conspiracy against Syria by slapping the Arab nation with sanctions (54), relations between Tel Aviv and Oslo have been anything but friendly.
Assumably attained by Mossad, Israel has at least 169 articles on file that it considers “anti-Semitic” regarding Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Zionist regime has launched a full-scale hasbara assault against the Norwegian government to discredit these foreign policy positions (55).
Israeli-Norwegian tension has been at an all-time high since the Zionist regime’s genocidal bombing of illegally besieged Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. During the bombardment, a prominent Norwegian physician named Dr. Mads Gilbert performed invaluable humanitarian work and documented Israel’s crimes against humanity in detail (56).
Two months after Israel’s cold, calculated and murderous campaign of destruction in Gaza, Israeli Foreign Minister and object of Brevik’s admiration Avigdor Lieberman called for an ‘overall reassessment’ of the usurping Zionist entity’s relationship with Norway and demanded that the Norwegian state’s human rights observers in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron), placed there after psychotic Zionist mass murderer Baruch Goldstein brutally massacred 29 Palestinian men and children as they prayed on February 25, 1994, be thrown out (57).
Two months after Israel’s cold, calculated and murderous campaign of destruction in Gaza, Israeli Foreign Minister and object of Brevik’s admiration Avigdor Lieberman called for an ‘overall reassessment’ of the usurping Zionist entity’s relationship with Norway and demanded that the Norwegian state’s human rights observers in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron), placed there after psychotic Zionist mass murderer Baruch Goldstein brutally massacred 29 Palestinian men and children as they prayed on February 25, 1994, be thrown out (57).
And so began the downward spiral. Shortly thereafter, heeding the call of the Palestinian Stop the Wall Campaign, Norway’s State Pension Fund completed its divestment from Israeli military contractor, Elbit Systems, a producer of death machines for the illegal entity and well-known occupation profiteer. Thanks to Norway’s decision, Danwatch, a top Danish financial watchdog, placed Elbit Systems on its blacklist and then the largest bank in Denmark replicated the motion (58).
Norway’s next divestment was an even bigger statement, sending shockwaves through the upper echelons of Zionist financial circles. In August 2010, Norway’s Finance Ministry dumped the shares it had in the Zionist firms Africa Israel and Danya Cebus, both of which were heavily involved in illegal settlement construction in the occupied West Bank and occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem).
Norway’s next divestment was an even bigger statement, sending shockwaves through the upper echelons of Zionist financial circles. In August 2010, Norway’s Finance Ministry dumped the shares it had in the Zionist firms Africa Israel and Danya Cebus, both of which were heavily involved in illegal settlement construction in the occupied West Bank and occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem).
Both of which are also owned by Israeli multi-billionaire Lev Leviev (59), a morally destitute blood diamond dealer who is intimately linked with the powerful Russian Jewish mafia and who has dedicated his life to the Zionist project, spending tens of millions to “judaize” all of criminally occupied Palestine (60).
In 2011, Norway’s opposition to several objectives of international Zionism ascended its position in Tel Aviv from ‘annoying’ to ‘despised.’ On March 29th, Norwegian Education Minister Kristin Halvorsen’s Socialist Left Party released a proposal that was nothing short of earth-shattering: Halvorsen and her constituents called for military action against the Zionist entity if it attacked Hamas and the defenseless, starving, civilian population of illegally besieged Gaza (61).
In 2011, Norway’s opposition to several objectives of international Zionism ascended its position in Tel Aviv from ‘annoying’ to ‘despised.’ On March 29th, Norwegian Education Minister Kristin Halvorsen’s Socialist Left Party released a proposal that was nothing short of earth-shattering: Halvorsen and her constituents called for military action against the Zionist entity if it attacked Hamas and the defenseless, starving, civilian population of illegally besieged Gaza (61).
On June 27th, a humanitarian aid ship called the “Juliano,” for slain Palestinian-Jewish activist and director Juliano Mer-Khamis, was sabotaged in Greece. The ship was jointly owned by solidarity groups from Greece, Sweden and yes, Norway (62).
Only a few days after the potentially life-threatening sabotage, former IOF chief of staff, war criminal and Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya’alon admitted with sickening braggadocio that IOF carried out the sabotage operation (63).
The documentary “Tears of Gaza,” a powerful piece of film-making that walks the viewer through the ungodly devastation that the Zionist entity inflicted upon the coastal enclave during Operation Cast Lead and indicts it for crimes against humanity, was put together by Norwegian director and actress Vibeke Løkkeberg. It exposes Israel for the barbaric, soulless entity that it is through the eyes and words of the children it unleashed hell upon. Løkkeberg has come under heavy fire from various Zionists for the film (64).
The documentary “Tears of Gaza,” a powerful piece of film-making that walks the viewer through the ungodly devastation that the Zionist entity inflicted upon the coastal enclave during Operation Cast Lead and indicts it for crimes against humanity, was put together by Norwegian director and actress Vibeke Løkkeberg. It exposes Israel for the barbaric, soulless entity that it is through the eyes and words of the children it unleashed hell upon. Løkkeberg has come under heavy fire from various Zionists for the film (64).
Just four days before the Mossad operation of July 22nd rocked Norway, the Norwegian Foreign Minister offered his support for the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state that is expected to come at the UN in September (65).
While ultimately, this is what the Zionist entity wants, for such a declaration would legitimize 63 years of ethnic cleansing and land theft since the criminal establishment of the usurping regime, it was expecting its European allies to go along with the charade in public. Norway didn’t play ball.
Utøya Island before the Zionist-designed carnage; teenage activists show solidarity with Palestine and call for the boycott of Israel
Just two days before the murder of at least 94 innocents between the attacks on Oslo and Utøya Island, the leader of the Labor Party Youth Movement (AUF), Eskil Pedersen gave an interview to Norway’s second largest tabloid newspaper and showed no cowardice by stating what he believed be the proper measures in combating the Zionist regime’s desecration of human rights, occupation and oppression in Palestine,
“The peace process goes nowhere, and though the whole world expects Israel to comply, they do not. We in Labour Youth will have a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side. We are tired of Israel’s behavior, quite simply.”
As Breivik and his fellow operative made their way onto Utøya Island, the teenage Labor Youth activists were chanting for BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel (66).
Norway’s acts of divestment, harsh rhetoric, righteous solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and exposés of Zionism’s crimes obviously and most certainly play a part in why the atrocities of July 22nd took place, but nothing infuriated the Zionist Power Configuration quite like the Norwegian decision to stop partaking in the hostilities against Libya.
Norway’s acts of divestment, harsh rhetoric, righteous solidarity with the Palestinian struggle and exposés of Zionism’s crimes obviously and most certainly play a part in why the atrocities of July 22nd took place, but nothing infuriated the Zionist Power Configuration quite like the Norwegian decision to stop partaking in the hostilities against Libya.
Back in May, Prime Minister Stoltenberg told reporters that the carnage in Libya required a political solution and his government then pledged to scale down its participation in the bloodthirsty bombing campaign before rounding out its ‘commitment’ on June 24th (67).
Now, Norway has officially bowed out of the illegal aggression against Muammar Qaddafi and the people of Libya (68).
Though it isn’t talked about enough, the ongoing demolition of the Libyan nation was 100% designed, instigated and carried out by Israel and its agents, using NATO as the ‘strongman’ to maliciously assault Qaddafi for his multiple ‘acts of war’ against the usurping regime and for the purpose of satisfying Israeli energy needs (69).
Though it isn’t talked about enough, the ongoing demolition of the Libyan nation was 100% designed, instigated and carried out by Israel and its agents, using NATO as the ‘strongman’ to maliciously assault Qaddafi for his multiple ‘acts of war’ against the usurping regime and for the purpose of satisfying Israeli energy needs (69).
And with the CIA-backed, Israeli-advised rebels becoming a more formidable international force, they are now ready to allow the Zionist regime occupying al-Quds to construct a military base in eastern Cyrenaica on a 30-year lease (70).
Norway could no longer tow the Zionist line and go along with this plot. Israel made Norway pay.
The Norway terror attacks were carried out 65 years to the day that a Zionist militia bombed the King David Hotel in al-Quds
While many will dismiss the idea of a Zionist-Masonic alliance as laughable, delusional or the all-time favorite, “conspiracy theory,” there is an undeniable link that exists between the Talmudic enclave built upon ethnically cleansed Palestinian land and the satanic secret society that has had a prominent, clandestine hand in world events for centuries.
While many will dismiss the idea of a Zionist-Masonic alliance as laughable, delusional or the all-time favorite, “conspiracy theory,” there is an undeniable link that exists between the Talmudic enclave built upon ethnically cleansed Palestinian land and the satanic secret society that has had a prominent, clandestine hand in world events for centuries.
One needs to look no further than the buildings and lodges donated to the Zionist entity by its founders, the international banking giants and originators, the Rothschild family, who are rumored to “own” 80% of historic Palestine.
Literally, Freemasonry is written all over each massive structure. The reason why this connection needs to be discussed is painfully significant. The Zionist regime is exceedingly precise in carrying out its intelligence operations of death and destruction on anniversaries, on Jewish holidays or on days with deeper, “spiritual” meaning in the Kabbalist-Masonic context of “sacred geometry.”
Examples: Mossad’s false flag attack on September 11th, 2001; in Kabbalistic teaching, the numbers (9/11) represent the day in which the religion of the world becomes one of which that requires its followers to disbelieve in ‘God’ on earth and believe that all life on earth should be annihilated (71).
Leading 9/11 researcher, journalist, writer, professor and scholar Kevin Barrett described the September 11th attacks as
“a mass human sacrifice designed to ritually inaugurate a New World Order of global government by Satanists and atheists (72).”
It is also 11 years to the day that George Bush’s father called for such a ‘New World Order.’ Next, one of Mossad’s false flag attacks in Mumbai and the infamous train bombings in Madrid; the events of both attacks were overwrought with Kabbalistic numerology, the destructive number 11 in particular (73).
Also, the criminal, genocidal, Zionist invasions of Iraq and Libya; both nations were invaded on the twisted Jewish revenge holiday of Purim, in which the blood of the Amalekites (in this case, Arabs) must be spilled for the ‘Jewish people’ to rejoice in victory (74).
And now: the 7/22 (‘oddly enough,’ the sum of the numbers is Kabbalistic 11) atrocities in Norway; 65 years to the day that terrorism in the Middle East was born, when the deranged and mass murdering Irgun militia, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, bombed the King David Hotel in al-Quds, killing at least 92 people. This sanguinary operation paved the way for the Zionist entity to be established. It is an event that is celebrated to this day by Zionists, including the butcher of Gaza himself and current leader of the occupation, Benjamin Netanyahu (75).
How did Israelis, the thieves of Palestine, react to the 7/22 terror attacks in Norway? Taking historical precedent, they celebrated. The Israeli daily Ynet called the murdered teenagers of Utøya Island “anti-Israeli hate mongers (76).”The Jerusalem Post called the Utøya Island activists murdered by Breivik attendees of a “pro-terrorist camp (77).”Israelis across the web hit the message boards to bash Norway’s martyrs and state repeatedly that they “got what they deserved” and cheer gleefully that the enemies of the Zionist entity had been killed (78).
Libya's Great Manmade River;
perniciously bombed by the NATO international terror outfit
The very day of the Norway terror attacks, there was another monstrous event that occurred in the Eastern hemisphere, but this event was not reported by any Zionist media outlet and it still hasn’t been reported.
One week prior to July 22nd, 2011, NATO bombed the largest irrigation system on the planet, the Great Manmade River of Libya, which miraculously carts water from the Sahara Desert to millions of Libyans from the west to the south, from Benghazi to the capital city of Tripoli.On July 22nd, 2011, NATO bombed the only factory in Libya that produced the pipes to repair the damage, in a deliberate, heartless act of terrorism that is as blatant as blatant can be. Millions of Libyans are now at risk of dying of water deprivation because of this act of reprehensible, evil barbarity (79).
Was Anders Behring Breivik’s operation carried out on this specific day to mask the beginning of the end of the Libya, another nation of Amalekites, as the Zionist criminal network plunges it into an Iraq-like descent?
NATO has no intention of stopping its terror. On July 31st, NATO helicopters slaughtered 160 Libyan tribesmen and reportedly buried them in a mass grave (80).
This was also not covered by the Zionist mainstream media.
Meanwhile in occupied Afghanistan, hundreds of civilians, mostly women and children, have been killed by NATO machine guns, brutal air raids, helicopter assaults and Mossad-RAW car bombs every day for three weeks straight and excluding the Islamic Republic of Iran’s English-language Press TV, it has not been talked about anywhere. At all.
Children being slaughtered like animals at the hands of men in possession of war machines and they are ignored as if they are carpet in a cheap apartment. This Zionist-instigated criminal occupation, which has claimed millions of Afghan lives and destroyed millions of others, has become forgotten completely by the mainstream press and abysmally covered by the alternative press.
‘Liberation," Defined By NATO: Afghan children ruthlessly slaughtered by the Zionist-fueled, US-led coalition of murderers
This is the hideousness that lies at the very heart of the Oslo-Utøya Island killings; tragedy and travesty of humanity they most definitely are, but they are only a drop in the bucket compared to what happens every single day in occupied Palestine, occupied Iraq, occupied Afghanistan, occupied Somalia, Pakistan, Yemen, occupied Kashmir and now, Libya.
Breivik, under the influence of his warped Zionist ideology, does not even consider the martyred innocents of these oppressed nations as human beings, but necessary casualties in the ‘crusade’ against Islam. What is most frightening of all is not that a Zionist-Masonic terror network exists within Europe, operating at Israel’s beckoned call, but what Breivik (and his accomplice{s}) could potentially inspire or already have inspired. Across Europe, an alliance exists between far-right-wing, anti-Islamic parties and the Zionist entity, its extremist settlers and its hardline parties (81).
The danger in this is grave, as these parties command the influence of millions of sheepish, ignorant Europeans. Whether these parties know it or not, they have created millions of foot soldiers to fight in the Zionist war against Islam.
There is an echo in this danger; and once again, the echo is Freemasonic. In a letter dated August 15th, 1871, the highest-ranking Freemason in North America, General Albert Pike wrote to the highest-ranking Freemason in Europe and founder of the Italian mafia, Giuseppe Mazzini, mapping the plans for three world wars that would trigger the ‘New World Order.’ The last of which would be fought between Islam and political Zionism, destroying both and making way for a satanic one world religion that would be universally accepted as ‘savior’ by the world’s masses (82); a religion of consumerism, self-worship, capitalism, bigotry and the worst forms of depravity known to man; a religion that already exists. This plot is unfolding right before the very eyes of the world but the inability to see is of such severity, the plot grows stronger with each passing moment.
Political Zionism as we know it today encompasses a vast network of lunatics, hatemongers, warmongers and zealots but none are as noteworthy (or as mentally disturbed) as the Christian Zionists who have taken the Zionist entity itself as their idol-god.
There is an echo in this danger; and once again, the echo is Freemasonic. In a letter dated August 15th, 1871, the highest-ranking Freemason in North America, General Albert Pike wrote to the highest-ranking Freemason in Europe and founder of the Italian mafia, Giuseppe Mazzini, mapping the plans for three world wars that would trigger the ‘New World Order.’ The last of which would be fought between Islam and political Zionism, destroying both and making way for a satanic one world religion that would be universally accepted as ‘savior’ by the world’s masses (82); a religion of consumerism, self-worship, capitalism, bigotry and the worst forms of depravity known to man; a religion that already exists. This plot is unfolding right before the very eyes of the world but the inability to see is of such severity, the plot grows stronger with each passing moment.
Political Zionism as we know it today encompasses a vast network of lunatics, hatemongers, warmongers and zealots but none are as noteworthy (or as mentally disturbed) as the Christian Zionists who have taken the Zionist entity itself as their idol-god.
The reference in Albert Pike’s letter to political Zionism was of Christian Zionism, the final, transmuted, dilapidated form of Christianity after centuries of Jewish-Zionist weakening, put on the altar to be sacrificed along with Islam, annihilating all “goyim” once and for all.
Muslim-Christian Unity:
the anti-venom feared deeply by the Zionist serpent
Battle lines have been drawn, a war has been initiated and Islam is the target.
The Anders Behring Breivik network’s attacks on Norway were a wake-up for not only the millions of Muslims in the West, but the billions of Muslims, Christians and like-minded spiritual thinkers who focus on the fight for the oppressed worldwide.
There are forces at work attempting to pit these two great faiths and their allies against each other and the money trail behind these forces leads back to Tel Aviv, the City of London and the Zionist-occupied territory commonly labeled as “Capital Hill.”
The Zionist media’s nonstop flow of anti-Islam sewage is a disease; the cure is not only faith in what the ‘believers’ call ‘God’ and the ‘nonbelievers’ call ‘the greater good,’ but faith in each other to triumph over these Zionist monsters and take back the beautiful world that we have been given.
It is a triumph that is attainable,
no matter how hard ‘t.h.e.y.’ try to convince us that it isn’t.
(1) The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear by Adam Curtis, BBC
(2) Norway Attacks: Police Search Farm For Clues After Shooting, Explosion Leave 94 Dead by Michael Birnbaum, The Washington Post
(3) Breivik And His Enablers by Roger Cohen, The New York Times
(4) Was Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik A Freemason? by Info Wars
(5) Norway Suspect Laid Out Detailed Plans For Violence Against “Traitors,” Muslims by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
(6) Dutch Islamophobe Geert Wilders Reaffirms Norway Killer’s Goals But Rejects Methods by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
(7) Anders Behring Breivik, A Perfect Product Of The Axis Of Islamophobia by Max Blumenthal
(8) Park51: A Zionist PSYOP by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(9) About David Horowitz (Spencer’s Boss) by Spencer Watch
(10) Neo-Cons And Muslim Haters by Phil Giraldi, Council For The National Interest
(11) Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik Had Extensive Links To English Defence League by Mark Hughes and Gordon Rayner, The Telegraph
(12) English Defence League Forges Links With America’s Tea Party by Mark Townsend, The Guardian
(13) The Billionaires Bankrolling The Tea Party by Frank Rich, The New York Times
(14) Breivik Manifesto: What Does ‘2083' Mean? by The International Business Times
(15) Norway Shooting: Anders Behring Breivik Plagiarised ‘Unabomber’ by Andrew Hough, The Telegraph
(16) Defiant From The Dock, Breivik Boasts More Will Die by Mark Townsend and Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
(17) The News Coverage Of The Norway Mass-Killings Was Fact-Free Conjecture by Charlie Brooker, The Guardian
(18) 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(19) While Ignoring Norway Terrorist’s Support Of Israel, Media Tries To Tie Attacks To Islamism, Nazism by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(20) How A Clueless “Terrorism Expert” Set Media Suspicion On Muslims After Oslo Horror by Benjamin Doherty, The Electronic Intifada
(21) Who We Are by CNA Analysis And Solutions
(22) About Us: Leadership by CNA Analysis And Solutions
(23) The Norway Shooter’s Zionist Streak by Michelle Goldberg, The Daily Beast
(24) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(25) 7/7: The Terror Drill, The Military Explosives, And The Israeli Connection by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(26) Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast by Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet
(27) At Least Two Terrorists Behind Norwegian Youth Camp Massacre – Witnesses by Ria Novosti
(28) Norway Police Arrive 90 Minutes After Firing Began by Ian MacDougall and Louise Nordstrom, Associated Press
(29) Anders Breivik ‘Was On Norwegian Secret Service Watchlist’ After Buying Chemical Haul From Polish Retailer by Chris Slack, The UK Daily Mail
(30) Police Knew Gunman’s Name Before Arrest by Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet
(31) Secret Terror, The Price Of Ignorance: A Very Real Masonic Plot by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(32) Freemasonry Is Kabbalah by 800 Pound Gorilla
(33) Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak (rip)
(34) Norway Nazi Was On Drugs by N. Syson, The UK Sun
(35) Norway’s Terrorism In Context by Daniel Pipes, National Review Online
(36) Barak: Focus On Europe To Stop UN Bid by Ma’an News Agency
(37) 26/11 Revisited: Raymond Davis And A Travesty Of Justice by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(38) Norway Solves Riddle Of Mossad Killing by Doug Mellgren, The Guardian
(39) Norway Reopens Mossad Case Of Mistaken Identity by Patrick Cockburn, The Independent
(40) Police Aren’t Ruling Out More Suspects In Norway Attacks by CNN
(41) Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(42) Norway Attack: 90 Minute Police Delay Gave Killer Time To Lure Some To Their Deaths by Larry McShane, New York Daily News
(43) Lest We Forget – Oklahoma City Was More Than Likely A Trial Run Of 9/11 by Mark Glenn, Mark Dankof and Michael Collins Piper, The Ugly Truth; Oklahoma City Bombing Linked To Mossad By CBS News Investigative Reporter by Richard Volaar, Oped News
(44) Norway’s Challenge by The Jerusalem Post
(45) Terrorism Experts On Parade by Philip Giraldi,
(46) Evan Kohlmann: The Doogie Howser Of Terrorism by Spin Watch
(47) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(48) Wikileaks Files Show Norway Unprepared For Terror Attack by Mark Hughes, The Telegraph
(49) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(50) ‘Zionist Trail In Norway Terror Attacks’ by Press TV
(51) Norway Shooting: Killer ‘Confirms Gro Harlem Brundtland Was Main Target’ by The Telegraph
(52) Was The Massacre In Norway A Reaction To BDS? by Gilad Atzmon, My Cat Bird Seat
(53) Zionists Behind Oslo Terror: Iran Cmdr. by Press TV
(54) Norway Joins EU Sanctions Against Syria by Rolleiv Solholm, The Norway Post
(55) Norway And Israel Political Relations by The Glaring Facts
(56) Palestinian Civil Society Stands In Solidarity With Norway by Maureen Clare Murphy, The Electronic Intifada
(57) Lieberman: Norway Too ‘Hostile’ To Have Monitors In Hebron by Barak Ravid, Haaretz
(58) Scandinavian Financial Institutions Drop Elbit Due To BDS Pressure by Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada
(59) Norway Government-Run Pension Fund Drops Africa Israel Group Shares by Shuki Sadeh, Haaretz
(60) What Do Susan Sarandon, Alan Dershowitz And The Russian Mob Have In Common? by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam
(61) Norway: Socialist Left Party To Vote On Motion Calling For Bombing Israel If It Acts Against Hamas In Gaza by Europe News
(62) Gaza-Bound Ship “Juliano” Found Sabotaged In Greek Port by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
(63) Israeli Deputy Prime Minister: Flotilla Sabotage Thanks To IDF by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam
(64) ‘Tears Of Gaza’ – Lest Our Tears Dry Up by Susan Abulhawa, Mondoweiss
(65) Norway Backs Palestinian Path To UN Statehood Vote by The Jerusalem Post
(66) Was The Massacre In Norway A Reaction To BDS? by Gilad Atzmon, My Cat Bird Seat
(67) Libya Solution More Political Than Military – Norway by Reuters
(68) Norway Quits NATO’s Libya Mission Ahead Of Schedule by Agence France-Presse
(69) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(70) NATO’s Alternative Universe In Libya by Wayne Madsen, The San Francisco Bay View
(71) 9/11: What Happened To The 10 by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Ascent of Safed
(72) Breathing A Word Of Truth About 9/11 Will Kill Your Career: Kevin Barrett; an interview by Kourosh Ziabari, Intifada Palestine
(73) 7/7 9/11 Madrid Mumbai Kabbalistic Connection? by Divining The News (DVN)
(74) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(75) British Anger At Terror Celebration by Ned Parker and Stephen Farrell, The Times
(76) The Hateful Norway Debate by Manfred Gerstenfeld, Ynet
(77) The Region: The Oslo Syndrome by Barry Rubin, The Jerusalem Post
(78) This Sick Glee In The Face Of A Terrorist Attack by Yossi Gurvitz, 972 Magazine; Israelis Debate On The Web: Did Norway Get What It Deserved? by J.J. Goldberg, The Jewish Daily Forward
(79) Pure Evil: NATO Attacked Libyan Water Supply Pipeline And The Factory That Makes Replacement Pipes by Scott Creighton, Empire Strikes Black
(80) BREAKING NEWS: Libyan Transitional Council Rebels In Total Disarray by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research
(81) Europe’s Right-Wing Populists Find Allies In Israel by Charles Hawley, Der Spiegel
(82) Albert Pike’s 1871 Plan For Three World Wars by Liberty For Life Association
(1) The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear by Adam Curtis, BBC
(2) Norway Attacks: Police Search Farm For Clues After Shooting, Explosion Leave 94 Dead by Michael Birnbaum, The Washington Post
(3) Breivik And His Enablers by Roger Cohen, The New York Times
(4) Was Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik A Freemason? by Info Wars
(5) Norway Suspect Laid Out Detailed Plans For Violence Against “Traitors,” Muslims by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
(6) Dutch Islamophobe Geert Wilders Reaffirms Norway Killer’s Goals But Rejects Methods by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
(7) Anders Behring Breivik, A Perfect Product Of The Axis Of Islamophobia by Max Blumenthal
(8) Park51: A Zionist PSYOP by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(9) About David Horowitz (Spencer’s Boss) by Spencer Watch
(10) Neo-Cons And Muslim Haters by Phil Giraldi, Council For The National Interest
(11) Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik Had Extensive Links To English Defence League by Mark Hughes and Gordon Rayner, The Telegraph
(12) English Defence League Forges Links With America’s Tea Party by Mark Townsend, The Guardian
(13) The Billionaires Bankrolling The Tea Party by Frank Rich, The New York Times
(14) Breivik Manifesto: What Does ‘2083' Mean? by The International Business Times
(15) Norway Shooting: Anders Behring Breivik Plagiarised ‘Unabomber’ by Andrew Hough, The Telegraph
(16) Defiant From The Dock, Breivik Boasts More Will Die by Mark Townsend and Simon Tisdall, The Guardian
(17) The News Coverage Of The Norway Mass-Killings Was Fact-Free Conjecture by Charlie Brooker, The Guardian
(18) 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(19) While Ignoring Norway Terrorist’s Support Of Israel, Media Tries To Tie Attacks To Islamism, Nazism by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(20) How A Clueless “Terrorism Expert” Set Media Suspicion On Muslims After Oslo Horror by Benjamin Doherty, The Electronic Intifada
(21) Who We Are by CNA Analysis And Solutions
(22) About Us: Leadership by CNA Analysis And Solutions
(23) The Norway Shooter’s Zionist Streak by Michelle Goldberg, The Daily Beast
(24) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(25) 7/7: The Terror Drill, The Military Explosives, And The Israeli Connection by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black
(26) Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast by Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet
(27) At Least Two Terrorists Behind Norwegian Youth Camp Massacre – Witnesses by Ria Novosti
(28) Norway Police Arrive 90 Minutes After Firing Began by Ian MacDougall and Louise Nordstrom, Associated Press
(29) Anders Breivik ‘Was On Norwegian Secret Service Watchlist’ After Buying Chemical Haul From Polish Retailer by Chris Slack, The UK Daily Mail
(30) Police Knew Gunman’s Name Before Arrest by Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet
(31) Secret Terror, The Price Of Ignorance: A Very Real Masonic Plot by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today
(32) Freemasonry Is Kabbalah by 800 Pound Gorilla
(33) Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak (rip)
(34) Norway Nazi Was On Drugs by N. Syson, The UK Sun
(35) Norway’s Terrorism In Context by Daniel Pipes, National Review Online
(36) Barak: Focus On Europe To Stop UN Bid by Ma’an News Agency
(37) 26/11 Revisited: Raymond Davis And A Travesty Of Justice by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(38) Norway Solves Riddle Of Mossad Killing by Doug Mellgren, The Guardian
(39) Norway Reopens Mossad Case Of Mistaken Identity by Patrick Cockburn, The Independent
(40) Police Aren’t Ruling Out More Suspects In Norway Attacks by CNN
(41) Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq And Egypt by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(42) Norway Attack: 90 Minute Police Delay Gave Killer Time To Lure Some To Their Deaths by Larry McShane, New York Daily News
(43) Lest We Forget – Oklahoma City Was More Than Likely A Trial Run Of 9/11 by Mark Glenn, Mark Dankof and Michael Collins Piper, The Ugly Truth; Oklahoma City Bombing Linked To Mossad By CBS News Investigative Reporter by Richard Volaar, Oped News
(44) Norway’s Challenge by The Jerusalem Post
(45) Terrorism Experts On Parade by Philip Giraldi,
(46) Evan Kohlmann: The Doogie Howser Of Terrorism by Spin Watch
(47) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(48) Wikileaks Files Show Norway Unprepared For Terror Attack by Mark Hughes, The Telegraph
(49) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(50) ‘Zionist Trail In Norway Terror Attacks’ by Press TV
(51) Norway Shooting: Killer ‘Confirms Gro Harlem Brundtland Was Main Target’ by The Telegraph
(52) Was The Massacre In Norway A Reaction To BDS? by Gilad Atzmon, My Cat Bird Seat
(53) Zionists Behind Oslo Terror: Iran Cmdr. by Press TV
(54) Norway Joins EU Sanctions Against Syria by Rolleiv Solholm, The Norway Post
(55) Norway And Israel Political Relations by The Glaring Facts
(56) Palestinian Civil Society Stands In Solidarity With Norway by Maureen Clare Murphy, The Electronic Intifada
(57) Lieberman: Norway Too ‘Hostile’ To Have Monitors In Hebron by Barak Ravid, Haaretz
(58) Scandinavian Financial Institutions Drop Elbit Due To BDS Pressure by Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada
(59) Norway Government-Run Pension Fund Drops Africa Israel Group Shares by Shuki Sadeh, Haaretz
(60) What Do Susan Sarandon, Alan Dershowitz And The Russian Mob Have In Common? by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam
(61) Norway: Socialist Left Party To Vote On Motion Calling For Bombing Israel If It Acts Against Hamas In Gaza by Europe News
(62) Gaza-Bound Ship “Juliano” Found Sabotaged In Greek Port by Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada
(63) Israeli Deputy Prime Minister: Flotilla Sabotage Thanks To IDF by Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam
(64) ‘Tears Of Gaza’ – Lest Our Tears Dry Up by Susan Abulhawa, Mondoweiss
(65) Norway Backs Palestinian Path To UN Statehood Vote by The Jerusalem Post
(66) Was The Massacre In Norway A Reaction To BDS? by Gilad Atzmon, My Cat Bird Seat
(67) Libya Solution More Political Than Military – Norway by Reuters
(68) Norway Quits NATO’s Libya Mission Ahead Of Schedule by Agence France-Presse
(69) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(70) NATO’s Alternative Universe In Libya by Wayne Madsen, The San Francisco Bay View
(71) 9/11: What Happened To The 10 by Rabbi Simon Jacobson, Ascent of Safed
(72) Breathing A Word Of Truth About 9/11 Will Kill Your Career: Kevin Barrett; an interview by Kourosh Ziabari, Intifada Palestine
(73) 7/7 9/11 Madrid Mumbai Kabbalistic Connection? by Divining The News (DVN)
(74) Libya: The Zionist Dragon And The Drums Of War by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
(75) British Anger At Terror Celebration by Ned Parker and Stephen Farrell, The Times
(76) The Hateful Norway Debate by Manfred Gerstenfeld, Ynet
(77) The Region: The Oslo Syndrome by Barry Rubin, The Jerusalem Post
(78) This Sick Glee In The Face Of A Terrorist Attack by Yossi Gurvitz, 972 Magazine; Israelis Debate On The Web: Did Norway Get What It Deserved? by J.J. Goldberg, The Jewish Daily Forward
(79) Pure Evil: NATO Attacked Libyan Water Supply Pipeline And The Factory That Makes Replacement Pipes by Scott Creighton, Empire Strikes Black
(80) BREAKING NEWS: Libyan Transitional Council Rebels In Total Disarray by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research
(81) Europe’s Right-Wing Populists Find Allies In Israel by Charles Hawley, Der Spiegel
(82) Albert Pike’s 1871 Plan For Three World Wars by Liberty For Life Association
yabba dabba doo