Friday 8 March 2019


Sorry about Wednesday's no show but I simply could not put together a post. Healing a Rotator cuff injury means much less time clicking and using my hand for such teeny repetitive movements. Games have been deleted completely; even bought a shoulder brace today that feels absolutely great. Anyhow, the arm just hurt too much but I know things will get better with physiotherapy and work. 

Anyhow, it means I have a lot of good material this week; and lots in reserve. Included are quotes from H. L. Mencken, the American philosopher. This man was not perfect; I disagree with many of his attitudes especially in regards to relationships and core values but his political commentary was always good. So expect his words throughout today's post. 

Sometimes I feel what is offered is better than other days; this feels like a better collection. Warning, there is also a lot of general silliness included.

As always, Communism. Yes, I know, dear reader in PQ, (you know who you are!) this is one of my pet themes. BTW I cannot respond to your comments because something prevents me from leaving comments almost everywhere! Even here at the blog. I type but nothing happens. Do you do Twitter? 

America is the world's last stand against International Communism; socialism is the same thing for most nations in the West. Warnings cannot be whispered/shouted loudly enough. Anyhow, on with the show. Please enjoy and share widely! I gotta say, I love nice numbers of many viewers, so rewarding. But then I also LOVE your Comments. 

UPDATE: I just put up that video to the upper right on AOC and who is behind her. You MUST take time to watch this as soon as possible. The information contained in there is documented fully and shocking once the dots are connected. You will end up with a whole new understanding of the new mad radical Democrats and where they come from. This is what I consider to be essential information. So much will come clear with this absolutely excellent piece of journalism. So please, for answers to questions you might not even know you had, this is time well spent. Hint: For once the money and agenda / programme being implemented does not come from Soros, Obama, or HRC.

This actress, a bartender named Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, won the role to play Congresswoman for a very well-funded group organized by a prominent media personality. They speak, she parrots their words. Her bungles come when she speaks on her own. 

The film recommended above covers all of this in great detail. AOC is basically an employee of a radical organization, as are so many other foreign-named new Democrats in power, including Rashida Tlaib (surprise, surprise). The folks running the show are indeed sinister and must be exposed ~ you will agree when you read their agenda. 

They knew how to pick Alexandria for her "star power" from many thousand applicants for the job, but that is about all she brings to the table. Everything else about her is a facade but for her origins. Politics were never an interest but a good job and all those perks are another story. She and the others are, indeed, merely puppets of people who don't even bother to hide in the shadows any longer, brazen in their desire to change our world in their image and with the media savvy, cash, connections, and formula to bring it about. 

Be concerned. Watch that video. I will shut up now.  

Oh, Justin! Oh, JUSTINE!

Showing the world what true Canadians are made of! I have always felt Alex was forever, this saddens me so deeply. His attitude is inspirational and heroic. He has been part of our family for decades! We are all Jeopardy fans. Memories of my mother...

Speaking of the Green New Deal....
(Sorry I misspelled her name and dumped the blank so I cannot go back and redo it.)

Now THIS is a major insight. Definitely a Democrat style strategy.

Just a reminder that Sunday is Daylight Saving Time day, meaning that at some point in the middle of the night you should set your clock forwards or backwards by an hour ~ we don't really know which way and don't particularly care, other than to hate it. All we know with certainty is that we're going to have nausea and jet lag for the next two weeks, and it's all Donald Trump's fault.

If Cory Booker had hair, it should be standing on end about now. 

Hillary Clinton has officially declared that she is not running for President in 2020, but says will take an active role by working with the candidates in the crowded Democratic field. In much the same way, we believe, that John McClane took an active role working with the terrorists at Nakatomi Tower.

Mind you, we do believe that Hillary has no intention of "running." This is, after all, a woman who has to pay heavily-muscled men to carry her up and down stairs when not dragging her limp body into a waiting getaway van after a public appearance.

But not for a second do we believe she's given up her all-encompassing obsession with becoming President. Rather, we expect her to maintain an active public profile while all the other Dems batter each other on the stump, after which she'll step out on the blood-soaked battlefield and graciously accept the "draft Hillary" movement which someone with no traceable connection to the Clinton Foundation has thoughtfully and generously funded.

Sorry, folks. I would give her a hand. But I would make points and make her sweat, perhaps get her to make a promise recorded on my phone. Then I would run like hell; save her, not trust her.  But I do admit, my immediate response would be to pry her filthy little fat fingers loose; except she might land on some innocent person!

I noticed this at the time also. Chuckled and wondered just how significant this was. I used to love wearing that shade of blue but no longer have it anywhere near me, replacing it with much deeper or greener blues. A certain flag and the mood it carries ruined that combination for me as I am sure it has for so many others.

This whole issue is so surreal that I find it almost impossible to verbalize my thoughts. So many labyrinthine avenues to get tangled up in. Dali could not have come up with something more devious although Hiermonyous Bosch probably could have managed with ease. Simply Surreal.

As someone who sees Israel for what it really is, who has for a long time studied the actions of Israel against the Palestinian people, I agree with many of the words uttered by this Muslim woman. Motivation is what separates the two of us greatly. We both come from very different vantage points; I come from humanitarian concern for the situation of the Palestinian ordinary folk caught between Israel and Hamas; she comes from a radical Brotherhood perspective, entirely different. As such she should never have qualified to even run in politics.

I am still trying to comprehend the strong support given her by Dr. David Duke. It is one thing for her fellow Democrats to play their games regarding Israel and anti-semitism; totally another for him. This is definitely a convoluted web of deception. "By deception thou shalt commit war." 

What I do see is a ratcheting up of sympathy for the "victims" of antisemitism, not exactly what one would think is Omar's goal.  She is, I believe, an employee of the same people who hired Tlaib and AOC. This explains much.

As a result of this confusion, the following cartoons on this issue come from opposing viewpoints.

It is amazing how many people are supporting this woman. Internationally. She is becoming a superstar despite the fact her agenda is distinctly anti-American; she does not serve the interests of the nation she is part of. But then, no Democrats do these days. 

But on the positive side, Omar has brought national attention to (((involvement))) in American politics; this could be a tipping point for many. Awareness is always good; but how it is managed is crucial and I fear this situation could backfire in every direction. So far it seems to do nothing but drum up support for the (((victims))) and I honestly cannot figure out where this is going.  

This looks so delicious but it is eye candy only. I doubt I could manage more than the tomatoes and some beef. Maybe one fry. The eggs, childhood memories leave me feeling nauseous at the thought of eating Sunny-side-up fried egg whites.

Or maybe she was just splashed with Holy Water. 

Stilton says:
Just to be clear, we're not mocking anything about Ash Wednesday or the Catholic faith. If Nancy Pelosi wants to get ash-faced, it's certainly her privilege...and her sacred promise to give up something she loves for the 40 days of Lent will be good environmentally for the Earth, considering how many D-cell batteries she won't go through in that period.

But still, we find her public display of faith to be pretty much the ultimate in hypocrisy. This is a woman who proudly promotes infanticide, is an active obstacle to national security, and is a serial liar. And we're guessing that when she goes to confession, she has so many sins to confess that she has to pay staffers to recite all of the "Hail Marys" that she's racked up each week.

Among those recent sins is Speaker Pelosi's refusal to take a hard line condemning the blatant anti-semitism of new congressmuslim Ilhan Omar, whose anti-Israel rhetoric is actually supported by other blithering idiots on the left like AOC. Pelosi has made efforts to pass a nonbinding House resolution that members should probably pull back on bigoted hate speech, or at least try to curtail the amount of spittle spewing from their mouths while screaming invectives. So far, the other Dems aren't buying it because, hey, hate is fun! And the only source of Democrat power.

Of course, Nancy is far from the only politician to callously wrap herself in a religious facade while leading a life of spectacular immorality and straight-up evil.

But because of Lent, for the next 40 days we're forsaking the comfort we normally take in forgiving others for being scurrilous assholes, so we're calling her out.

Think about this for a moment. Consider how many Christian or other parents were against these teachings to their children! They were almost criminalized!

Ignoring the fact that he cannot even control France, Macron begins pushing for a more strongly united European Union.

The question everyone in America should be asking right now. 

Politicians and alleged newscasters have been shocked, shocked, by the carefully choreographed Congressional testimony of prison-bound, disbarred, sleazeball former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen.

Disclaimer: we haven't really trained our laser-like focus on said testimony because (and we want to put this as delicately as possible) circle-jerks may be fun for participants but offer very little to outside observers.

To the best of our nearly nonexistent knowledge, Cohen hasn't produced a single substantive charge against Trump, other than to allege that the President is egotistical, sometimes uses bad language, puzzlingly finds porn stars and Playboy playmates attractive (and would rather that his wife not find out), that he's a wheeler-dealer, and that he believes some starving, corrupt, disease-ridden countries are "shitholes."

Of course, Cohen has hinted at much more and much worse. Which could be really problematic if hints from a serial liar carried any legal weight. But they don't. Still, that hasn't prevented pointless exchanges like this during testimony: 
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: Is it possible that (Trump's) whole family is conflicted or compromised with a foreign adversary in the months before an election?
Cohen (reading from script): Yes.
Wow! And is it possible that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz uses still-warm pureed fetuses in the shower to make her hair wavy? Also yes! Isn't "possible" a wonderful word?

The Left gleefully believes that if Donald Trump can be proven guilty of anything ~ no matter how slight ~ that by extension he's guilty of everything and can be impeached and removed from office. But they're forgetting that for many of us who voted for Trump, his character flaws have been known from the start and weren't considered disqualifiers for the filthy, stinking job that absolutely needed doing. And which he's doing pretty darn well.

1952. Our cabin was a canoe ride across the lake from this Camp Kandalore. My brothers played the same games.

March 8 was International Women's Day. Women's rights around the world are quite horrific in so many nations and cultures. Generally speaking, women in the West don't have a clue what truly being oppressed and victimized is all about.

Netanyahu is running out of political lives. 

The latest rumour is that RBG is working from home. Allegedly there has been "RBG action" on some Supreme Course cases.  But no one has seen her or spoken to her to prove this is more than the work of hidden hands.

 Why Ruthie won't be missed. Just a few reasons.

Is it bad taste to mention that this merchant who was rather shady to begin with, was of very small stature and enjoyed the high party life with glamorous women? How about he began with a Bris and ended his life with more unnecessary attention paid to his parts? Sheer vanity. Wonder if there was a woman behind his desire to become a big guy....

I don't know any young parents who are having their sons circumcised these days. None of my daughters' friends are having it done. It seems the current healthy movement is to leave baby boys natural and intact, allowing them to make that decision themselves later on in life.

So much love. I honestly don't know any Trump supporters who speak this way of Democrats. We may laugh at them but we don't just randomly offer such undiluted hatred. 

I cannot figure out whether this person is a comic or just a whack job or both. It is impossible in my humble opinion to actually say such things as this one does and keep a straight face, they are so outrageously skewed. But I do believe s/he is serious more often than not. This person has a huge following in Twitter, absolutely huge. 

This "woman" is extremely radical but, to be honest, the man who ran the company before her uttered almost identical statements. She, however, is even more radical than he. But this is absolutely an atrocious action and an insult to both Trump and her employees. Employees must be in a cult to accept this without argument.


Shortly after making this statement, Mr. Connolly was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Just saying. 

Someone has a problem. Took me a moment to find the big improvement.

Yeah, feel the love from this man who named his YouTube news programme after (((the Donmeh group))) who helped orchestrate the Armenian Holocaust.

 So long as I have WiFi and electricity, fresh water, a good dog, I could definitely live here.

Bald eagles nest in our city parks. A decade or so ago an nesting tree for at least the previous 75 years was toppled during a storm. Remains, bones, collars, tags, etc for dozens of small pets were found!

"Now I am become white, the destroyer of worlds." Hmm. Last person who came out with this quote was the (((gentleman))) Robert Oppenheimer who discovered the bomb!

 Amazing American survivors.

Read about it HERE.

Gosh, those California fires must have just loved trees so much that they skipped them over and aimed for those houses of unwanted humans. Agenda 2030, anyone?

Years ago, when the Los Angeles diocese was up on hundreds of abuse charges and under great duress to pay for (If I remember correctly) $6 Million in fines, their solution was not to give up any of their real estate or cease building expensive edifices; they instead went up to Carmel where there was a humble home that had been gifted to the local nuns by a supporter of the cloister. 

These were extremely frail aged women who eked out a small life of doing good in their community and living simply; on a mere pittance. What did the church do? It booted out the nuns and divided the small cloister, sending them around the state to wherever they could be boarded out. The Diocese then sold the house and put the profits towards their debt. 


  1. Very glad to have you back, Noor. Vigilant as always, I see: they'll never take over with you on the job! But how unfortunate about that rotator cuff injury. Never had one myself, but by all accounts it's a painful and disabling condition. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  2. Sorry to be so dim, but what is the AOC video you make reference to? I must have missed it..

  3. Here's my old thread re-threaded at the new DIF forum; thanks for doing my last 2 posts for me.

    Re-your injury - a little discipline goes a long way: Eliminate all grains, all veggies that are not purely for seasoning except for sour-kraut. Cut out all sugar, make sure to include all fruit sugar. Get your entire daily sugar rush from one 16 ounce bottle of fermented tea/fruit-juice kombucha. Sip it slowly through the front teeth to create even more bacteria in the mouth, do not gulp. For nutrient density, nothing beats raw beef liver - but you can try this brand of cooked cod liver as a substitute - it's delicious to eat and better than sardines.

    After six months of badgering, I finally got my 82 year old mom to drink RAW Kefir every day, and you should see the difference in her mood after only one week. No more whining, no more complaining and drama. No more trying to make me mad by pushing my buttons as if I was still in junior high school. The calming effect on her nerves is almost as good as 60 milligrams of pure THC, which she wouldn't take even if she was on her deathbed.

    The main reason she finally conceded is because she sees me get younger every week in front of her eyes while all my friends from high school, most of whom are now brainwashed normies I rarely hang out with, look like old men with one foot in the grave. I make sure she has plenty of kefir in the fridge when I visit. We watch episodes of really old shows she likes which are subtle enough in their programming not to be entirely repulsive to me (Family Affair, Brady Bunch, The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, etc. What I really like about my mom is she hates "the Golden Girls," which her maid and some of her friends tried to get her to watch. She realized right away how repulsive it was even before I put the reasons into words for her: nothing but dirty jokes and degenerate programming for older people, to get them through the bait of laughter to the hook of being more sympathetic to liberal hogwash).

    ~ Negentropic

  4. The Neg...what a heart.

    if we had more Men like him the skanks would run off a cliff

    those two coons talkin' about the USS LIBERTY cracked me up

    works for me,

    Justice delayed is Justice denied....

    happy celestial events




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