Friday 6 March 2020


And off we go with a lot of stuff l have lovingly collected for you all! I apologize to anyone who thinks this Canadian is over-focusing on the States, but if you can find me access to good Canadian content, please share! As for most international cartoonists, most are now toeing the globalist agenda line. In many cases, their lives and/or livelihoods are on the line if they attract the wrong type of attention.  Quality controversial material is almost impossible to find. 

When you finish the cartoons &; memes, take a little time to look over my blog roll and find more things of interest.

Meanwhile, enjoy these offerings and remember, boys and girls:

Whatever the Bush administration said, it was NEVER about female rights in the Middle East. Anywhere.

Since my surgery, I am finding these lighter meals more vegetable based, appeal to me a lot.

Yes! The government announced that Canadian taxpayers are NOT on the hook for Meg and Harry's security expenses since they have been removed from the IIP list. (International Important Persons). Meghan is toxic. Harry always looks so sad these days.

I hope this costs JT a LOT of his Quebec base but I imagine he will simply throw tax monies at the province.

Now what?

Meanwhile as of this week, Canada's pot growing facilities have been letting most of their staff go, they got to the factory and were given their pink slips. Hundreds of them. The government don't seem to understand why folks like me prefer to go to our friends for our supplies!

Trudeau's virtue signalling to his globalist buddies, coming out right from the getgo, is the reason our Canadian/American relationships have gone down the tubes. He is a Liberal (rabid Democrat by American standards.) But this is how things are presented to Canadians! And this is what I mean by Canadian cartoonists toe the line. 

Commie beer

View from a Russian cabin above the Frost line.

The hidden truth so open for anyone to be aware. In their way of thinking, by telling us their intentions, knowing full well the world will ignore them, they have warned us and we have accepted this situation. By ignoring their threat, we are, in their eyes, consenting to it and all its ramifications.:


Every Sunday evening Mom cooked us a super dinner. Roast like this was a staple. Walking into the warm house from a brisk hike was always such a treat with the odors filling the entire place.

It is not helping too much in Iran at this point.

My daughter teaches at a Norwegian university. Due to the virus, her class has been denied the big treat of their year, a month trip to China where they work in a sister laboratory. Disappointment is high amongst the students. Next week she and her team are supposed to head to Strassburg for another conference but at this time, they feel that will be cancelled as well. 

Both daughters are supposed to fly to the Philippines to spend time with their Dad next month; that too is up in the air now. Even so, if their flights aren't cancelled, both plan to self isolate for a few weeks when they return home as was suggested by their employers.

For a few weeks, the Norwegian university was on break. During that time the students travel around the EU, usually heading to the Mediterranean for some sun. So nice in midwinter Norway. Well this year it seems southern Italy was the place for the students this year. They have now returned to classes and suddenly there is a notable increase of coronavirus around campuses. 

What a way to put an end to those exuberant Trump rallies! Put an end to that happy Trump nonsense and perhaps lower the numbers of his followers while at it. But of course that is just... conspiracy stuff.

Tell me this isn't heaven. I won't believe you.

How about Zero SENSE?

The illusion of going in opposite directions. Both are Democrats; both are Communist.

This is how the ground looks today. They are predicting snow! But we know it won't come. Not here.

Hunter Biden in his art studio. Apparently he has found his dream job. Personally, I think both he and his art "blow".


A beautiful old workshop. Two of my brothers had large shops like this. More modern of course but large, airy, bright, productive. The smell of the woods is delicious.

Oh, man! This is one scary encounter.

Feast of the senses

 I do approve of this quote actually.

Elizabeth "Princess Running Gag" Warren has dropped out of the presidential race, owing to a spectacular inability to get actual primary votes ~ including in her own home state.

As she made her emotional announcement, Warren said "one of the hardest parts of this is all of those pinky promises (I made to) those little girls who are going to have to wait four more years." Um, wait for what? Someone to show them that a strident serial liar who can't do math can grow up to mismanage the greatest nation on Earth? Yeah...that's a real heartbreaker, Liz.

And while Warren is out of the race (Caucasian?) for now, she insists that she is going to continue making meaningful contributions to our country and planet. Mostly by standing next to highways and shedding a single tear when she sees litter.

Oh how I relate to this. By the end of the year I have so many bags they get used for gift giving!

Not a soy boy!

To most cartoonists, Greece protecting itself seems to be a shameful thing. Globalism good; nationalism bad.

 This is my "pleased to meet you" grin.

The place froze. The potty tank cracked under the expansion...

 Very cool fire briquets.

Would you want to live in this neighbourhood in Berlin?

America's first transgender thief! FTM of course.

Free Julian Assange. All he did was expose truths!

I did this. Hilarious.

Cold marble that is so exquisitely sculpted it breathes the warmth of life and love better than a modern photograph!

Go, Dallas!

Can you find the snow cat in this photo? Best case of camouflage ever. When you find it, you realize that cat is staring straight at the photographer! Hint: This is damn difficult!  Enlarge or you don't stand a chance.


  1. Great work but I wish you would put the Demonrats on IGNORE. I have.

  2. I'm glad the land is carpeted with flowers out there on the west coast, Noor (#131), but here in Quebec the landscape looks more like #206: deep snow everywhere! But spring is undoubtedly on its way. I have seen a pair of cardinals in my back yard: there will soon be babies!

  3. There is no 🐈. There is no way

  4. Found the cat but could not believe that Killary is the 7th most popular woman.
    Keep well Noor.


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