Friday 19 March 2021


Truly sad. This man cannot even maneuver a set of stairs without assistance. It is a cruel farce that puts him, and the rest of the world, to such extremes. He truly should be in a home somewhere. 

He is certainly clueless when it comes to his pets, if indeed these beasts were more than props.


....along with the dog beds....


Governor Whitner?

Somewhere in Mexico

This Russian mobster's tombstone....

Harry before Markle.

Harry as Mr. Markle, woke and ... looking rather unhappy.

TBH he looks like just another Communist liberal eejit.

But it was pulled from schools and libraries awhile back....

This is a Sailfin Gecko. It can grow to be several feet long. However its beauty is that it is so awesome and can change to astounding colours. Expect to see more over time. They can be blues, pinks, mauves, multicolours, whatever they are surrounded by.


  1. My week isnt complete without Saturday Cartoons, thank you!

  2. Image 24: interesting use of the monarch butterfly.

  3. According to "China" Jim McKinney, a truther (originally from Portland, Oregon) I used to listen to years ago who lived in Shenzhen, China and worked as an English teacher, the kids with assless pants are a common sight over there, since they just let them crap in the streets. He used to say that he had see people crap in the streets without any shame in front of him in the 2 years he had been living there! lol He also said that the Chinese are so friendly to Americans that even if he was broke and only had a dollar left in his pockets, he didn't have to worry, since all he had to do was walk down the street and any number of Chinese people would buy him dinner just to have the pleasure of his company and listen to his stories about America. He also said that many times while he was having dinner, pimps would arrive with about 40 hookers all standing in line trying to get him to pick one! lol What a bizarre country, huh? He would literally have to beg them to leave him alone to eat his meal in peace.

    ~ Negentropic MK I

  4. Image 353 re: "English vaccine." I'm not sure who wrote the note asking for an explanation of the cartoon. In Europe about 6 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered. Of these, there have been 16 instances of "thromboembolic events," i.e., blood clots. Three have had fatal consequences. (Numbers may not be accurate, but close). AstraZeneca is an English (actually English-Swedish) company that developed a vaccine ("English vaccine") for use against the "China virus." Sorry if I'm pointing out things that everyone knows.


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