Saturday 15 July 2023



I have just learned that drinking margaritas and working on this material makes one slow! So I won't say much and just get busy. It is already going on midnight and everything needs to be enlarged which takes a bit of time. Grab your tablet and go sit in the shade and enjoy.

I honestly don't get the message here, just liked this take on Babel. 

They really want this guy in the White House.

All her own hair. Baby Chanco is now a Pantene hair model.


Perhaps if they had treated Jordan Neeley this well, Daniel Penny would still be a free man.

Every year in commemoration of Traveller people still visit his grave.

Totally awesome
It appears my daughter did well when she chose to live her life in Norway

Harper, another globalist, also gave massive sums of Canadian money to Third World nations and causes. So this has been building for some time now.

Another person I know chose MAID and ended his life a few weeks ago. I am sure they offered him the option within days of his hospital stay. The basic Catholic deep inside me calls it suicide. Everyone I discuss this topic with says the same things about it; it is an invisible pressure to keep quiet, respect the person's choices. My soul doesn't agree but then again, one can also appreciate the sweet release of Death for so many souls. But THIS is genocidal in intent. And extremely predatory.

One of the first things he did upon taking office. I remember wondering about that at the time.
Chances are good he is waving at the tarmac.

JT embarrassed Canada again. They had to start the programme without him because he was tardy. Meanwhile look at those greasy lips.


Does this person speak for YOU? This material is from when he came into power.
They want this mandatory!

Win/win for Sudbury!

The cult of Communism

"The thing.You know, the thing."

Somewhere on Vancouver Island

Oh, Julian! No wonder they hate you if you have this sort of dirt on them.

AI spit this picture out of Obama. I don't have a clue how that works, just thought this a fairly odd image.
Abandoned fishing dock on the east side of the Island. I love how forests can grow anywhere.

Yellen thinks she is in Japan perhaps. (((VERY nasty creature)))

I actually had a couple of Hydro agents come by yesterday to check my refrigerator to make sure it was up to the latest government standards.

Remember when Buttigieg pulled the same stunt in Washington. According to fact checkers that never happened but we all saw it.

This picture was being sent around with a story of a man killing his baby girl's rapist. You can search and find quite a few stories of this being done to rapists but this was not the case.

The future

Don't you love fresh chewy coconut like this? Childhood memories still available.

The parents were told it was SIDS.

Torturing your good boy
Read this twice then read it again.

Always a hero to me. He terrified them so had to be removed. He even took power over Egypt in a bloodless coup.

Sigh. Canada did it first. Keep reading

(((Of course he did)))

More Vancouver Island

My niece took my great niece and friends to the place in Florida last month. She said they never stood in line for very long anywhere.

The meds taken to do this are highly toxic and proven harmful to infants.

Ginsberg ~ (((deviant and pedophile

s much as I detest De Niro, he gets a pass this week. Very sorry he lost a child; his luck with children has not been good.

America is too unforgiving. Peru beckons Dylan.

Child friendly deviancy. Leather daddies embracing in the very centre...

Oh, dear. How sad.



They called him Curly

Did a search for "sweet white children" and "sweet black children".

Read the small print

Visualizing sound on water

A day of the sun in Alaska


  1. Gracias, gracias, gracias!

  2. Thanks for the cartoons. They are a great start to Saturday. It is interesting to ponder the future of the human race. I can remember being a "communist" in university, but I can't recall what turned me away. I wonder if and when people will have had enough of the current "things" to return to stuff that 'was' as opposed stuff they'd like to see implemented?
    Given the insanity of much of the world these days a person can understand those embracing suicide... That we've come to this is pointed out in history and leads to understanding that the more things change, the more they stay the same. I wish the world well, but I'm not an optimist.

  3. No. 72 is a cheap crack at publicly funded health care. Noor, sometimes I wonder about you. I have been consuming a good deal of health care lately, and I can tell you, from direct personal experience, that the Canadian system is indeed wonderful, at any rate its Quebec version. Two recent spells in hospital, and look! my life's savings are not depleted, and if I need further care, I will get it. A far cry from what would have happened to me in the USA! Yes, we have to pay for the system with our taxes, but we get excellent value for our money. Bear that in mind the next time you have to be treated for a hangnail!

  4. Absolutely BRILLIANT. Many thanks.

  5. "Another person I know chose MAID and ended his life a few weeks ago."...

    I predicted this years ago, when they started with euthanasia.

    It will go something like this:
    It's voluntarily at first, and year after year it'll get worse.
    They'll start pushing people turning 85/90.
    They'll bribe people turning 85/80, promissing their grandchildren will get some perk.
    They'll make it impossible for people turning 80/75 to live, closing bank accounts, stop ensurances, rent, etc...
    They'll make it mandatory for people turning 70, because old people are a huge burden on social security, and people can't expect for society to pay for their old age.
    The fact that they worked their entire life, and contributed to social security, doesn't matter. And most people won't even realise it.

    So after your pension, you can enjoy 5 years "leaching" on social security, before you get the mandated government needle, and are forced to the everlasting sleep.


  6. Wonderful posts again Noor, many thanks.
    Post 335 made me cross my legs then saw post 336 and wished what was on 335 was transposed onto 336.
    Keep well.

  7. "Is this actually what our militairy looks like?"

    I think she (Kamala) looks like most of us would look, when we shat our pants and tried to act natural, hoping the people behind us don't smell it...



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