Tuesday, 29 May 2007


 “Classic nineteenth century European imperialists believed they were literally on a mission. I don't believe that the imperialists these days have that same sense of public service. They are simply pirates.” - John Pilger

“I realised that what pirates do is so ghastly I simply didn't want to get into it.” - Tanith Lee

“What do you want to be a sailor for? There are greater storms in politics than you will ever find at sea. Piracy, broadsides, blood on the decks. You will find them all in politics.” - David Lloyd George

Why does yer Government lie to ye? The most fundamental values of yer country ha’e been purposefully pirated away before yer eyes. They ha’e left ye bilged on yer own anchor! Can ye fathom this, me hearties, crimps n Jennies?

The people seem so powerless against the lies yer Government tells ye, when the Government is not supposed to be agin ye, it's supposed to be ye! Ye, the American people, ha’e been lied to. Clap the criminals in irons!
Yer bonnie lads n lassies are dyin’ in a far-off land; those of ye who dissent are spied upon by an Administration that violates the Constitution. Yer economy has been plundered by massive lootin’ occurrin’ in the guise of war and disaster profiteerin’. Yer tax money has been used t’ fly people to places aroun’ the world so they can be keelhauled and tortured whether they be guilty of anythin’ or not. An’ innercent people all over the planet die as a result of policies carried out in yer name that include subversion, sabotage, terrorism, torture, death squads, sexual slavery, and drug traffickin’. Innocent Afghanis die today so that the U.S. can control both the heroin an’ the oil trades. The good ship America is listin’ badly to portside.

Today people in Afghanistan, Colombia, Haiti, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Palestine, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, and Democratic Republic of Congo die for this thing called the American way of life. Yesterday, it was Cuba, Iran, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Serbia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Chile, Argentina, Libya, Grenada, Nicaragua, Indonesia, and East Timor. A salmagundi of piratical crimes! What exactly is that American way of life?
Two separate studies ha’e found that the U.S. has the most expensive health care system in the world, yet the worst, most notable for its lack of universal coverage. Accordin’ to the Pentagon, ye ha’e 16,000 single moms serving in Iraq, an unprecedented number.

The 2000 Presidential Election result was based on the illegal denial of the right to vote of duly registered voters by way of a purposefully corrupted "convicted felons list" that included people guilty of nothin’ but bein’ black, Democrat, and registered to vote in Florida.

The 2004 Presidential election results in Ohio, accordin’ to Professor Bob Fitrakis of Ohio, were tallied on machines that housed Republican Party-oriented websites and that used software written by Republican Party loyalists.

A recent study found that one-third of adults in Washington, DC, yer nation's capital city, are functionally illiterate, not being able to fill out job applications, read maps, or understand bus schedules.

The Innocence Project just announced its 200th innocent released from a prison system that now occupies the number one slot in the world for number of people incarcerated.

The University of Michigan just released a study confirmin’what yer already knew: that hazardous waste facilities predominate in poor, minority neighborhoods. Hull House of Loyola University released a study findin’ that it would take 200 years for black Chicagoans to catch up to the quality of life experienced by white Chicagoans.

Accordin’ to United for a Fair Economy it will take 1,664 years to close the home ownership gap between blacks and whites.

Yer country now claims the top slot as the debt capital of the world.
An’ with the amount of money that ye've already spent on the war, accordin’ to the National Priorities Project, Americans could have had instead:

1.8 million new teachers;
Over 20 million college scholarships;
Health insurance for over 60 million children;
Or nearly 4 million new housing units.

Is this the American way of life that yer children are dying for and the government lies to ye for? Or is it the record profits of Exxon, Microsoft, Apple , Halliburton, Boering, etc etc an’ others while the share of national income going to wages and salaries is at a record low?

Ye should expect more from yer elected leadership. Is it time for mutiny?

The Democrats didn't fight for their own true election results in 2000 or in 2004, so why should ye expect them to impeach an illegitimate Administration that has violated the U.S. Constitution and international law, lied to the American people, and sent yer fine lads n lassies into harm's way fer their own greed?

In fact, the Democrats ha’e just now made themselves complicit in impeachable crimes of the Bush Administration. On March 17, the Democrats became explicitly complicit in war crimes, torture, crimes against humanity, and crimes against peace. The American people voted for peace in last November's election. And they voted for justice. Ye din't get peace and ye don't have justice.

What about a livable wage for America's workers?

What about the right of return for Katrina survivors?

What about repealin’ the Patriot Act, the Secret Evidence Act, and the Military Tribunals Act?

Why is impeachment "off the table"?

How can the Pentagon "lose" 2.3 trillion dollars!

Why can't ye get that money back for jobs, health care, education, and yer veterans?

“Forbid a man to think for himself or act for himself and you may add the joy of piracy and the zest of smuggling to his life.” - Elbert Hubbard

“Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.” – Mark Twain

“It is when pirates count their booty that they become mere thieves.” - William Bolitho
“The existence of the sea means the existence of pirates.” - Malaysian proverb

“Pirates could happen to anyone.” – Tom Stoppard

“Even pirates, before they attack another ship, hoist a black flag.” – Bela Kiraly

“There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea, and I no longer wonder at the cruelty of pirates.” – James Russell Lowell
“Merchant and pirate were for a long period one and the same person. Even today mercantile morality is nothing more than a poor refinement of piratical morality.” – Nietzsche

"Remember, in a pirate ship, in pirate waters, in a pirate world ask no questions. Believe only what you see. No, believe less than half of what you see.” – Roland Kibee

"A merry life and a short one shall be my motto." – Bartholamew Roberts, Pirate (Black Bart)
"I couldn't love a man who commands me - any more than I could love one who lets himself be commanded by me." - Jacquotte Delahaye (Caribbean female Pirate)
“You can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, its the honest ones you have to look out for, cause you never know when they're going to do something incredibly stupid.” – Johnny Depp/Captain Jack

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