Recent studies have shown that viewing even moderate amounts of television may damage brain cell development and function; it is the only adult pastime from the ages of 20 to 60 positively linked to Alzheimer’s disease; is a cause of obesity even more than junk food or too little exercise; significantly increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes; leads to sleep problems in adulthood, causing hormone changes which in turn increase body fat production and appetite; damages the immune system and may lead to a greater vulnerability to cancer; is a major cause of clinical depression.
Metabolic rates of children undertaking a variety of activities showed that when they watched TV, the children burned 211 calories fewer per day than if they did absolutely nothing. Television viewing has a lowering effect of metabolic rate', with all of the health risks that entails.
Although a growing number of people are waking up to the reality of their remote-controlled transparent soft cage, there are still many who are choosing to remain asleep. Worse are those who woke up then returned to the oblivion of sleep. This is no accident; this is a carefully crafted design. The drive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is a classic art that existed before the United States did. In many cultures it was certain death for a slave to have literary skills. Some thirty million American adults do not have the skills to perform even the most basic tasks such as adding numbers on a bank slip, identifying a place on a map, or reading directions for taking a medication. Eleven million Americans are totally illiterate in English.
Only 29% of Americans have basic reading and computing skills. One out of 20 Americans lacks the ability to understand what is going on in the world or to develop an informed opinion for voting. With an illiterate, uneducated citizenry, unable to understand what's happening in the world, it's no wonder that a fascist cabal has been able to take over the country.
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
The Destruction of American Education and What We Must Do About It
The people who place American presidents, senators, and representatives in power, through the use of their multi-billion dollar fortunes, are the same monied interests that have deliberately destroyed American education. The Rockefellers, Fords, Morgans, Browns, Harrimans, Du Ponts, and other ruling families want obedient, efficient workers, not thinkers. A leader of their think tanks, Bernard de Mandeville, advised,
"The economic well-being of the nation depends on the presence of a large number of men who are content to labor hard all day long. Because men are naturally lazy they will not work unless forced by necessity to do so. The education of the poor threatens to rob the nation of their productivity. Every hour those poor people spend at their books is so much time lost to society. Going to school in comparison to working is idleness.”
De Mandeville is saying there is no room for happiness in our lives because whistling a happy tune prevents us from working at full-throttle drone-like capacity for the corporate masters. It might even give our fellow workers the idea that happiness contagious and, (perish the thought) cannot be taxed. If we are not working or subsisting, we are robbing THE NATION of our work! Life is meant to be grim and we are to be grateful for the opportunity to work.
Could such bleakness of spirit be part of our psychological cage? You betcha! If one is depressed, one is spending more time “coping” than actually getting out and experiencing the joys of life. I guess de Mandeville disagreed with the following: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
When was the last time you had a true, deep, gut shaking laugh? Laughter is a great cardiovascular workout! Researchers estimate that laugh 100 times is equal to working hard for ten minutes on a rowing machine.
The programming began decades ago and few have the eyes to see it for what it has become. We live in a world where the populations give their minds away to the official version of the event, where utopia is right around the corner when big brother is riding shotgun. It is a world where Hollywood can make you believe anything, even that you are free! It is a world in which the prosecutor and the judge sit on the same side of the bench.
The most obvious reason that our minds are being controlled on a massive scale psychologically is because our culture has been conditioned by TV, radio, and paper. We are given reality through a screen, some ink, or radio waves. The truth is hiding in plain site. The indoctrination through these mediums warns us that views other than those presented by them are unimportant and to be condemned. This Administration and media monopoly has a carefully crafted dehumanization program to anyone that dissents the official version of events.
The greatest tool used in mind control is its most successful. Television has contributed a great deal to the assassination of American intelligence. Much of today’s programming on TV is owned and operated by the largest media corporations that also have interests in defense contracts, such as Westinghouse (CBS), and General Electric (NBC). War is business. Examining the conflicts of interest is merely glancing at the issue, although to understand the multiple ways that lies become truth, we need to examine the techniques of brain washing that the networks are employing. In “The War Profiteers” Jacobo Varela speaks of Boering, Lockheed Martin (LM), The Carlyle Group or The Ex-President’s Club, Northrop Grumman, General Electric, Raytheon, Hughes Electronics, General Dynamics (GD), GD Arabia, Halliburton, ExxonMobile, ChevronTexaco Corporation, British Petroleum (BP), and Shell, among others as amassing enormous fortunes at great human cost.
The War Profiteers by Jacobo Varela.
When a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the seat of logical thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming data uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to emotional, rather than logical responses. The shift from left to right brain activity causes the release of endorphins, making it possible to become physically addicted to watching television, a hypothesis proven by numerous studies which have shown that very few people are able to kick the television habit. It's no overstatement to note that the youth today raised and taught through network television are intellectually dead by their early teens.
How Television is (Quite Literally) Killing Us
Edward Bernays, the first man to codify and apply propaganda techniques in a scientific manner, was hired by Woodrow Wilson during WWI to sway popular opinion in favor of entering the war on the side of Britain. Bernays wrote, "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."
By causing emotional stress and mental confusion, judgment is impaired and suggestibility increased. Under these conditions, people allow their rights to be diminished for the promise of security. When it comes to the events going on around us, unimaginable fallacies are created as truth not because it's logical or provable, but because of the broken record technique. No matter how ridiculous the lie, it's repeated often enough that the populace doesn't know the difference between reality and nursery rhymes. This technique is under estimated in its ability to allow the puppeteers to hypnotize millions of people. Instead of "Fair and balanced" it's "We say it enough times, and you believe it."
The 9-11 Solution -How the myth was sold-
It's a tragic day when the state can and does monopolize on the enslaving and imprisonment of a population. Hollywood continues to misinform and frighten with films on the military, mafia, gangsters, and corrupt blue collar criminals whose stupidity and greed get them caught. In the end, the minds of America are being pre conditioned to accept living in a police state economy and society because they read it in the paper, saw it praised on the news and talk shows, or saw it in a movie. This is Ahramin in action if you will. Very scary, deluded, potentially dangerous stuff can happen in people's subconscious minds while they're otherwise passively involved this trance-like state watching television.
Hal Becker, media expert and management consultant for the Futures Group, “I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television. You put something on the television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it like the TV set images.”
Unadulterated violence is now accepted on regular TV. Killing in the name of the mother government is praised, unless the violence is committed in self defense to protect someone from the system. Sharp shooters, bombers, and assassins are worshiped if they are fighting for the system, in the military, or associated with groups that control the masses locally, such as the local police department. The media has been actively cultivating fields of couch potatoes from a once highly-literate society of well-read, well-spoken individuals who could at least express themselves in complete sentences and have lives measured in real physical experiences and not the result of shared cybernetic simulations.
In the mind numbing dumbness of video games, reality transfers itself into the shady world of games steeped in plots to kill as much as possible. The players are getting ever younger with 7 out of 10 children playing games with a 'Mature' rating. More than 50 games are set in Iraq with the goal to kill as many men in Islamic dress as possible. Children are being indoctrinated through their favorite games and law enforcement programs to be weapons of mass destruction for tomorrow's world. These messages won’t make them go out and get a gun, but they will definitely decrease sensitivity and promote acceptance of death dealing.
Every day, millions of Americans come home around the same time; eat dinner around the same time, then settle behind the tube to watch the same well crafted news and social conditioning programmes that pass for entertainment. Everyone shares the same opinions, thoughts, goals, knowledge and understanding. This massive brainwashing of the general public results in the creation of the hive mind. This programming began decades ago and few have the eyes to see it for what it has become. We live in a world where the populations give their minds away to the official version of the event, where utopia is right around the corner when big brother is riding shotgun. It's a world where Hollywood can make you believe anything, even that you are free. It's a world in which the prosecutor and the judge sit on the same side of the bench
The most obvious reason that our minds are being controlled on a massive scale psychologically is because our culture has been conditioned to accept the party norm as set out by TV, radio, or paper. We are fed reality through a screen, some ink, or radio waves. The truth is hiding in plain site. The indoctrination through these mediums warns us that views other than those presented by them are unimportant and to be condemned. This Administration and media monopoly has a carefully crafted dehumanization program to anyone that dissents the official version of events.
A hive mind society gears itself towards conformity and ignores diversity while masqueraded as the road to utopia in mainstream television. Network programming, weather it's the news or drama, is geared towards artificially creating your world and reality. Many folk even live their lives through the television set.
Please watch this short video to understand how this theory has been so effectively employed in recent years.
David Icke’s “Problem>Reaction>Solution video
Once our eyes open and we can see how greatly the media is intentionally deceiving us, we can apply this principle of problem-reaction-solution to the rather shady circumstances of 911 or 7/7. The natural reaction from the people was a request for more control to ensure more safety. The new fascism promises security from the terror of crime. All that is required is that we take away the criminals’ rights which, of course, are our own. Out of our desperation and fear civilians begin to imagine a sense of security from the new totalitarian state.
Most are guided by fearful emotion and respond with something like, "The government needs more power over our lives to make us safer and freer from tyranny. I believe what the media tells me so I will support whatever decisions they make." Wrong!! Did not Ben Franklin say, “The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either”?
The more harmless or inane the forum, the more unsuspecting will be the audience.” Children’s media television and MTV, in fact, are the easiest places to launch counterculture missiles to set ablaze at any time in the future to manipulate the entire generation. John Pilger once commented, "It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and myths that surround it."
Today's corporate news discourages dissent of the war and paints those who think outside of the box as activists negatively brushed with hints of treason. At the same time, the so-called journalists are cogs in a much larger machine who know that if they report a story painting the government in a dark light, is will remain on 'the wire' and off the front page.
The most disturbing thing about network cable news and modern Hollywood films are the reoccurring themes in the backdrop. The central ideas of countless investigative reports or Friday night special features are about a threat of some sort. The end of the world as we know it is being sold. If the news isn't feeding it to you, then the History Channel or Discovery Channel are either talking about the crusades, asteroids, UFOs, earthquakes, terrorism, or exposes about serial killers as they craft the message that our world is unstable, and the threat is an invisible and dangerous one that only the military can fix.
When you get to the other side of the terror alerts of all shapes and sizes, you find another nightmare masquerading as the savior. The mother government is here to rescue you and squash this brown terrorist bug, this gray alien, this avian bird flu, and every other nightmare that the nightly news brought you. Oh, and suspicious white powders as well!
It's human nature to resist and fight that which is suppressing us. Spectator sports provide the outlet internationally for what has been stripped away from humanity. People have lost the right to rebel and change their government through warfare if necessary. The bulk of the American population today doesn't know what's really going on with the fall of the American dollar and the plans for the transfer of American wealth to other countries. However, most can tell you who the top basketball or football players are. Or the finalists in American Idol!
We must recognize the truth about why the system is flawed and enslaving us if we wish to beat it. The most important solution to fighting this type of brainwashing and mind control is to start with ourselves and our own awakening in the smaller things. In this case, it's brainwashing but after awhile, we inevitably break Outside the Box and begin venturing out into the system and into unknown terrain. Arguing with people and forcing them to understand 'our truth' is not a solution.
If our collective free will created this nightmare, then only our collective free will change it. The battle begins in the heart and mind of the beholder, and extends outward from there, only to those open to the information. If you choose to travel the road to the truth, then you must be prepared for the considerable obstacles that await you. You will most likely be condemned or criticized by your family, your friends, your lovers, or your co-workers. You could even be threatened with retaliation in some situations.
This is their programming that began at birth that is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. You're going to have to be stronger than that. You must realize that there is a reality that exists outside of this controlled artificial system. Like Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade, take that 'leap of faith' over the bridgeless canyon in an attempt to get to the other side.
Once you wake up, it's as if a hypnotist came along and snapped his fingers. You wake up and say to yourself, "Oh my god, I can see it now. Why did it take me so long to wake up?!" It can be a major shock. Like anything else, take this information and knowledge in stages. If it took a lifetime for them to mold your reality for you, then it may take longer than a day to fully awaken.
Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
"The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominant political mythology." - Michael Parenti
“The first people totalitarians destroy or silence are men of ideas and free minds." - Isaiah Berlin
“There can be no doubt about the causal relationship between media violence and what is happening in cities and towns across the nation." – Svali
“Truth is the enemy of the State. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.” - George W. Bush. No, sorry, it should be Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda
“Man does not have the right to develop his own mind.” - U.S. government mind manipulator, Dr. Jose Delgado,
"The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." - Steve Biko
"It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear." - General Douglas MacArthurr
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