Saturday 31 March 2012


March 31, 2012

[Not necessarily in order of sinfulness]

Hanging around truth forums ego-fighting, bitching, and squabbling over finite details, leaving negative, neutral or meaningless cryptic comments. Supported by endless browsing of truth sites, acting purely as a spectator of the drama.
Not speaking up in public when someone ignorant of the truth comes out with a real clanger ~ such as “Those moozlems did 9/11”.
Drifting from month to month ~ year to year without regularly creating and producing and distributing any flyers/leaflets, stickers, burnt CD’s/DVD’s, etc.
Not resisting at any level the ridiculous Orwellian control grid and new normals i.e. paying your all your taxes and filling out all your government forms like the good little goy slave you are. In full knowledge where the money was going towards.
Never attending these ‘controlled’ and organized demos and resistant groups to propagate real truth. Meaning turning up with flyers/leaflets, with information on the root causes of their particular rally, demo.
Not sticking your neck out at any level to:
* give a local truth talk

* give or organize an interview

* write articles/essays

* set up your own blog/website

* create videos or creative/artist presentation of truth

* give a truth workshop

* put a truth stall up
or any of the plethora of intuitive proactive things one can do
Not motivating other truthers to ‘do their bit’ for the truth.
Not financially supporting those that really have stuck their necks out over the years for us (the Mark Glenns, DBSs, John Kaminski, MCP and other long term fighters in this battle).
Not actively and consistently trying to help others seeking the truth, keep on the right path regarding accuracy, because you didn’t want to appear condescending or pushy. Thinking you ought to just let them drift and eventually find their own way.
Let your hobbies, pass times and all recreational interests take precedence over this humongous tsunami which is soon to engulf us all.

You are guilty of these heinous sins, crimes against humanity and truth. You are worse than the useless eaters, at least they have the excuse of cognitive dissonance. You are even worse than the elite Jews, at least they have their insanity and tightly-guarded infrastructure to blame.

But you ~ you’re cowardliness, you’re apathy is inexcusable!

You had endless opportunities to act. You only have yourself to blame.

You have been metaphorically sentenced to the death penalty by way of the gallows for committing the offense of treachery to the human race.

You will await your final departure by spending contemplative time in solitary confinement, inside the truth prison.

Guardian of truth.


  1. This fellow is astounding, he has only been blogging since January of this year and he is a self appointed expert on who is real and who is not in the vast blogger array on many different interlacing subjects and even has it all worked out down to just a Jew World Order problem. But he really wants to help them too, he says. He also knows just who we should give MONEY to.

    Excuse me, most of us didn't just fall off the shicksa truck.

    Love your gentle and loving side Noor, that is really you and we all really respect that.

  2. He is a tad brash isn't he? LOL.

    Give him awhile and he will tone down... I hope.

    Maybe a lil too much of that frenzied newbie energy we all had at one time?

    I wanted to chuck him under the chin and give him a s'more and suggest he take a chill pill.


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