Saturday 17 March 2012


Strong Opposition Also Seen to Arming Rebels

By Jason Ditz
 March 15, 2012 

A new Fox News Poll is showing overwhelming opposition among American voters to a potential US invasion of Syria, with fully 78 percent of respondees rejecting the idea of sending ground troops to intervene in the nation’s civil war.

The poll also showed solid opposition to lesser forms of military intervention, with 68 percent opposing air strikes aimed at regime change and 64 percent opposing the US arming the rebel factions.

A separate Pew Research poll also showed strong opposition to US intervention, with some 64 percent of Americans saying that the US does not have a responsibility to “do something about” the ongoing fighting in the nation.

The polls are being spun as “in-line” with American opposition to the attack on Libya last year, which the Obama Administration did anyhow. With Libya already in the process of falling apart at the seams, however, it may be difficult for the president to start yet another war on that model.

Just for interest's sake, here are a few more from PEW Research.

1 comment:

  1. all discussions of "human rights", "democracy", "opposition uprising using force" is 100% pysop mumbo jumbo, for the sole purpose of attention-obliteration, re-direction and ultimately for purpose of 100% deception (as in "war by deception)

    there is only one operational, unstated goal vis-a-vis the Middle-Eastern nations:

    the "greater israel" plan

    Syria - is the current "obstacle" in the way of the zionists' goal of creating "greater israel" that requires total control over the eastern Mediterranean sea-coast (and corresponding immediately surrounding territories - and including prime beach-front lands (yes - the zionists are that crass)

    the pysop disinformation is propagated only as a means to force (self-deluded, ignorant) non-jews into offering themselves to do the dirty work (as in "war" which is in reality - mass-force gangsterism - even this is unknown to the duped) for the zionists


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