Wednesday 13 July 2016

Jack Bernstein: The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel

I have been running Snippits and Snappits for over ten years now.  Over those years many long hours were invested in reproducing books and articles that I feared would eventually disappear from the Internet and, in several cases, I was correct. (Just try to find Dave McGowan’s excellent Laurel Canyon series complete, anywhere else. After his untimely death it disappeared.)  Perhaps it might be a good idea to bring forth a few of these old pieces for reprint simply because they are significant, especially in retrospect since they were a major part of my (and, I hope, your) learning curve. We have come a long way from blaming things on the Jesuits!

When I posted this book by American Jew, Jack Berenstein, in 2009 I was, like so many of you, still naive about the Talmudics in so many regards; Mr. Bernstein's work taught me a lot although, of course, so many years later, I look at everything much more cynically when it comes to “our dear friends” aka the Tribe.  

Yes it is dated. Extremely so considering the downward curves Israel has taken regarding human decency over the past decades ~ not to forget where this truly Communist country/regime has taken the world since the writing of Bernstein's autobiographic view of Israeli history and culture. Please leave a note if the article does not work for you. I posted it in 2009 and it took a long time to come up for me earlier this morning. If downloading is problematic, please let me know.

Also, a short follow up on the fate of this American Jew:


  1. Dear Noor, it is so good to visit your blog after all these years when we first met on YT. :-) I remember our lamenting abdicating our personal responsibility to the younger generations, how we both agreed this was so.

    You have found the 'chalice', though, much sooner than I. Only recently have I stumbled upon 'The Protocols of Zion' and mine eyes have been restored their vision. All of the misogyny in this putrid world had it's roots somewhere but it was difficult to ascertain their location.
    I don't know if you have read Zecheria Sitchin's books but I intuit that these Zionists believe themselves superior due to the influence of a particular 'gOd' in these historical records.
    One passage in particular in the recounting of the 'covenant' with Abraham, Enlil orders him to remove the foreskin of every male child so that they could differentiate the Enlilites from those that followed his step-brother Enki.
    To this very day these people still practice this barbarism which leads me to believe that every word in those Sumerian Clay Tablets are facts.
    Anyway, "know[ing] thy enemy" is the key to eradicating their filthy and ignorant ideologies.

    In truth, Noor, I thought that I had reached the bottom of that 'rabbit hole' once I had read these books and others on the Jesuits ( as you so saliently pointed out ) but the dots would not come full circle...they refused to connect to the Sumerian History, the oldest, instant civilization ( according to the Zionists who own all printing presses )on Earth.

    Thank you for delving deeper into this insanity and offering up these jewels. ( I always wondered why things fashioned of gold, "precious" stones and silver were called JEWlry. Now I know.)
    To see that you have been at this task of revelation for 10 years garners my profound respect and admiration.
    All the best.....

    1. My chalice has coffee in it at the moment.

      I don't think we will ever get to the bottom of the rabbit hole. I don't want to drown in all that poison! It is bad enough dealing with its toxic effects with every breath we take!

      Your mention of a covenant with Enlil are really interesting to be honest. However I might warn that Sitchin is ~ like so many others ~ duplicitous on some levels. He is an "in crowd" member, full fledged and has been mentioned in connection with the Royals and their ... private rituals... more than once.

      And yes, language is the casting of spells... "spelling" .... Jewdicial system is another...

      Oh and it has only been 10 years on the blog. Before that, all my life, I knew something was very wrong and observed.... foolishly in retrospect because I was as manipulated as most.... the blogging served as a bit of an educational tool. A direct result of my explorations at the time.

      Now... I am lazy...

      Blessings. We still have our work cut out for us as the madness of summer riots and guns drives the American dream forward ... onwards to israel....

  2. You made me laugh with the "coffee filled chalice". :-)

    " However I might warn that Sitchin is ~ like so many others ~ duplicitous on some levels. He is an "in crowd" member, full fledged and has been mentioned in connection with the Royals and their ... private rituals... more than once."

    Do you have any books on this matter that you could recommend? I have done much research in this matter and have come to the conclusion that his character is deliberately being so many other historical figures and authors who try to speak truth to this pernicious and violent form of 'power'.
    If you have any links that provide solid proof I would love them.

    Yes, we have our work cut out for us....hard work.

    Nice to see you still around.


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