Tuesday 17 October 2023


Let's go! We'll chat along the way. Tonight I am treating myself to some Seagram's as I begin the final stages here. I should tell you some day what goes into preparing these pages. It is indeed a process albeit one I truly enjoy and am addicted to. BRB with my drink.

My old scooter bike circa 2009. The bike was T-boned, the flag was stolen. I loved that bike. The flag did not attract the best reactions....

Childhood memories. I brought them home in one of these then put them in a smallish fish tank. Swimming apostrophes.

I wonder (((who))) President Johnson is speaking about.

When PNAC got together they vowed at least a hundred years of international conflicts to take down nations non compliant with whatever the Rothschilds (basically) wanted taken down, primarily those without banks run by that cabal.

No decent men dare run any more.

Heed these words.

Screw them. Lewd and crude. Screw them.

Beautiful HardRock Hallelujah is now one of the most valuable horses in Russia. He is magical to watch exhibiting personality and humour. He absolutely swept up all the ribbons at a major Gypsy Cobb Horse show. Not sure why it is but I seem to be attracted to many Russian things: the fantasy art, architecture, the horses, the beautiful people. A lot of the music I listen to is Russian as well.

Learning to fly ~ eaglets.

Collie in perfect hunting form ....

Wealth and warmth; a magnificent home for hundreds of insects sheltering from winter.

This is the real Fetterman; check the bulge on his neck.

Did you ever do this?

Honestly, I don't know any more!

What a fluffboi!

As stated in a recent post, we really do live in the Age of Dumb.


This ludicrous image is floating around these days. Why do people create idiocy like this? Below is the origins of the image.

Resistance to the anti White agenda. Well done, Australia.

Albino family from India. Make them white like this and they don't look all that different from Caucasians.

Go, Poland. Go, Poland. Go, Poland, go!

Oh, dear! The bloom has fallen from the rose...

Sophia and Jane....

Yes, I believe they are trying to provoke ~ as always.

Basically this is fact checking a la Musk. It is everywhere in Tw... er.. X... lately. Useless stuff still holding the party lines.

Those Russian fashion shoots...

Dream pool

Bridge in Cumbria. Ancient and as sturdy as it was when it was constructed.

"And the joint was a-rockin'"

Sorting onions in Burma

Trikes are getting very fancy. More on Saturday.


  1. I always appreciate your Covid vaxx truths!

  2. Thank you for this collection, as always. With recent world events and the 33+ trillion dollars in government debt, the role of compound interest may go unnoticed. The daily interest on this debt is probably billions of dollars. Compounding interest implies a doubling of the debt over time, and the frequency of doubling increases as the growth of the debt becomes exponential. Where does the money for the interest payments come from? Banks create dollars and they must be borrowed into existence, or else the whole thing comes crashing down because there are never enough dollars in circulation at any given moment to keep up with compound interest. A Mideast war solves this problem due to the vast amounts of government debt that will be created. Compound interest may also explain the haste and the escalation of this war. Perhaps the dollar is nearing the end of its life-cycle and will soon start generating a trillion dollars in daily interest payments, so their window of opportunity to act is closing fast. This is another angle that shouldn't be overlooked.

  3. "I might lose a few of you after you have been through this post. I am definitely for the Palestinian people in the long run but decry all civilian deaths especially those of the children."

    I 100% agree Noor.
    I don't necessarily agree with the methods of the Palestinians, but I do get their reasoning.

    The Palestinians didn't invaded jewish territory, the jewish invaded theirs, with the consent of the UN.
    The Palestinians didn't shoot children playing, or people walking, to close to the border, the jews did.

    "Our" politicians stand with Israel, but I can guarantee you, most of the western civilisation doesn't.
    "Our" politicians are bought and payed for, by the likes of the WEF and consorts, but most people have no clue. Alot have dual citizenship.

    We can't get rid of them by voting (“If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal,” Emma Goldman (1869-1940). ), so the only way to take the western world back, is by force, so a civil uprising, to expel the devil aka the jews, for the x-th time. They've been expelled over 1000 times, if you count countries, kingdoms, etc. That tells you all you need to know.

    I see a very dark future in our lifetime unfortunately.


  4. the 8 billion dollar to Iran they are talking about was Iranian money that the Americans confiscated (stole) so President Biden did one time the right thing to give it back with the Jews disagreeing. I hope you do not agree with the Jews and neocons on this.

  5. Hola Noor!
    I just noticed that you did not get any further contributions to your "ancient chariot replacement fund" this week. It's very probably due to the fact that you didn't mention it this Wednesday, and for some reason, the contribution square/link on the top right wasn't particularly evident. Suggest you be more direct in your pleas this Saturday. You deserve lots more support. Please don't be shy to ask more clearly. Your frequent readers do want to help you!

  6. Nick from Newtown19 October 2023 at 21:51

    Grab a bunch of the pics from the fake israeli hospital theatre. Showcase them quick, theyr trying to fslse flag another war.

    Search images for "israel hospital", sort newest / day old, notice the cars look exactly like Maui, glass melted, rubber tires melted, plastic bumpers melted, but leaves still on trees! Just like Maui, just like California, theyr frying the cars from a dew aircraft, .

    But also notice how much rust is on the fried cars, those cars are fully rusted, impossible after just one day. Those cars were fried a month ago. Its all staged, made for tv.

    Mossad, by way of deception.


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