Friday 13 October 2023


Happy Friday the 13th, dear readers. 

Well, it is as I begin to put this together for you. The image above is my mood and has been for the past week or so. This post has a lot of heavy material, not so much in visuals but so much as content. 

One reason for the heaviness? I saw four newscasters in military style garb as they read the "news". That is a very serious fashion statement, very serious. The world is being fully prepared for this Third World War under our noses. 

It is difficult to be cheery (or anything at all really) when you are so aware of what is going on in the world. Operation Cast Lead in 2008 robbed me of my ability to disconnect when aware of such events. Every thought that Christmas filled me with guilt; we were snowed in at a luxurious place but I could not fully enjoy myself at all; then I returned home and began blogging about Palestine and educating myself. At least I felt I was doing a little something; those early years of blogging are overflowing with information about the situation in Israel. The real history. Much of that material was removed by the censors over the years. 

Thankfully this article still stands. Please save the link and check it out. Amazingly all the links but for one old video are still there! The reading is not for the faint of heart.


As when we were hit by the covid mess, it is time to open up a new folder dedicated to this new amp up in the Middle East. Sigh. We are going to be inundated with this and our Western world torn asunder from within by many factors including some we don't even know about yet. I ran out of room for more images, this is a huge post, but Canadian media is demanding the total evisceration of Gaza and Hamas. Hamas can go, but the call for bloodshed of everything that moves in Gaza is loud here. 

Something has changed on a fundamental publishing level in the international cartoon level. Most international sites that have bored me for awhile because they were so in lockstep with the Communist agenda; many have come out heavily in favour of Palestine. There are usually plenty of these favourable pieces but this is different. Many are showing more anti Israel bias than usual. And pro Hamas. It just feels different.  

I might lose a few of you after you have been through this post. I am definitely for the Palestinian people in the long run but decry all civilian deaths especially those of the children. 

Oh, almost forgot. Last few days for you to earn gold stars in heaven by helping with that car of mine. Don't worry if you can't; please feel generous if you are in the mood. Blessings to you all whatever you decided. Just click on the tab up to the right. 

Also, to keep up on things, again my blog roll. Visit Henry Makow for some damn fine insights! You can lose a lot of time on that blog following his links.

And now here we go. Prepare for a lot of commentary today. 

Never apologize for doing the right thing.

There are some things you never would have even imagined you would read.

Ben Shapiro blew that one. More on that later.

Just two (((people))) standing over a gas stove gloating about a world war and its profitability.

Even more so than the images will be the propaganda and lies accompanying them.
At the American border...
My ancestors helped clear out what is now Montreal, the first of the French to arrive on Canadian shores. They contributed as did my ancestors all down the line, including today.


Some of these things are ridiculous.

In some old folders I found this photo of a Chinese van used for travelling organ removal surgeries in transit from various slaves, guaranteeing the freshest product for the customer.
Falun Gong slaves working until their parts are required. Or they die of neglect and overwork.

Slaves freed from work in a brick factory.

Iran may or may not be involved but I don't think so. Netanyaho has been pushing for war with Iraq for almost 40 years now. The entire operation points to a false flag (black swan?) and this does not make sense.

Never did. Never will.

Some of us have been saying this for years. Forget who is backing Gaza at the moment for their own causes, this is a human rights issue that surpasses all else. The Palestinians have been our front line for decades; their recent and current past indicate just what could be in store for the rest of the world unlucky enough to fall under the Zionist thumb.

That includes the destruction of Iran...
How they do it

How about Israeli crimes against humanity in Palestine? I am posting a few of these images; infuriated at how these otherwise talented artists and commentators are forgetting what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for decades. They ignore all the burned and stolen olive groves, murdered children, imprisoned children, night raids, etc etc. It is as if Hamas just got up and decided to go rogue. That is, of course, if Hamas really is behind this, what they want to call Israel's 9/11.
This one is the stupidest of them all. This whole thing about hiding behind babies etc.... Folks who say this are quite ignorant of the situation in Gaza where so many are crammed into tiny spaces.
NO! NO! NO! Again, no concept of historical background...
Do these folk mourn the millions of slaughtered Palestinians as deeply? Methinks not.

Another old piece I published back in the day.
That goes both ways, Golda.
Operation Cast Lead
It was a war crime in 2008, it still is today but Israel is raining down this hellfire as I type these words.

This piece of crap is an attempt to place all supporters of Palestine under the Marxist BLM umbrella.

Magnus Walker; very interesting man. Hot Wheels creator.

There never WAS a Mr. Nice Guy IDF! How misleading is this?
 I watched a video today of NYC Jews showing hot Gaza should look. The bottom image was what they showed. This is more than a cartoon; it is what they want.

This could be my Dad's desk right down to the tattered desk blotter beneath the typewriter.

How they do it. Part 2.

Circa 1940

This looks like a nice place to be about now.

Laughing demons or falling dove? Or both?


Very strange lightening. Or is it? Lightening, I mean.

Just as valid as they were over a decade ago.

More OLD material exposing the same old political gambits.

Learn before you open your mouth. Learn from other than the usual sources of information.

Cooking the Palestinian people.

This was the first cartoon I posted about Israel and Gaza. I remember being concern that my blog would be taken down for anti-semitism. How far I have come.

He is wearing something lacy, by the way.
Filters. Filters. More filters.

Now this is proof America is getting deep....

Not enough. Zero tolerance.

Menswear on the runway. Something to do with being a shark. Those are scrawny male calves.
Can you relate to this?  I am so not a numbers person. Toss in the alphabet and tears are guaranteed. How I spawned a mathematician with a degree I have not a clue.

It's a Motorola!

Rockabilly. Early rock n roll. Folk. Protest music. The British invasion. Etc etc. I remember for almost all of them. Isn't that something to do with... memory?
Tell that to the suffering under bombardment in Palestine tonight. In the cold. In the dark. Hungry. Thirsty.

Truth! I even once posted a favourite book in here called The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment. It gets no lazier than that.

We are already seeing a mountain of this in regards to the Israel/Gaza situation.

The "Winter Palace" my brother built for his wife on their little estate. It overlooks a waterfall and a field of Black Angus cattle living their best lives. The walls are recycled stain glass windows and the ceiling largely comprised of green grape vines.

No one does this any more but when my Dad drove, he would flash his headlights to anyone approaching such a situation ahead. When I learned to drive decades later I adopted the habit. Whether it has ever helped anyone I have no clue.

Emotions are being played upon at an almost unimaginable level at this point. Emotions to elicit pity for the Israelis and disgust for the Palestinians. It is all wrong when civilians are being slaughtered but we know also who began all of this in the first place.

I smell a bankers' con. Again. They have played the Blacks this way for decades. Look what they did to Detroit.

I am so very glad this woman is real Canadian. Not. Screw her and the donkey she rode in on. Let's discuss stupid.

After all this time?.....

I also found this old photo of Rudy Giuliani from the turn of the century. Apparently he was not in drag but part of a Broadway Revue of some sort. Might have been Cabaret?

Beavers, the only animals on earth besides mankind that are capable of completely changing the environment to suit their needs. I would say our bucktooth brethren have kept it much more real than we have.

Tell that to the Palestinians...

This one bears reposting....

An old photo I took 20+ years ago

This little spot is at the foot of my street. Come on over and sit awhile. The Olympic Mountains in the distance are across the water and part of Washington State.


  1. Hola, Noor! You are always on point. Muchas gracias! Moi

  2. I added a few lines.


  3. No tab found on the upper right. Can you refresh my memory with details to find the donation spot.


  5. Dear Noor, oh, how much I would like to sit together with you on your favorite park bench as Kurt Tucholsky once had said:"It's nice to be able to be silent with someone." Thanks again for you work.
    Kind regards another grandma on bike

  6. That tweet about putting digital IDs on them is a great idea. Back in my idealistic days I used to daydream we could implement something called "little brother" that videographer followed around politicians. Just like big brother but flipped the script.

  7. Fuck you if you don't agree :)


  8. "I cannot believe Mossad, Israeli Defense Intelligence, CIA, DIA all missed this"

    They didn't miss it, they ignored it.
    They let it happen, let their own civilians die, to have a legitimate reason to invade Gaza.
    If they invaded without a solid reason, they would've had the world against them, but look now...



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