Soon after the end of World War II, there were three basic para-military Zionist organizations in Palestine, working against the Arab people, with the specific purpose of driving it out of Palestine. These were the Haganah, the Irgun Zvai Leumi, and the Stern Gang.
Gaza is full-scale war but just the latest bloodstained episode in Israel’s six-decade reign of terror against Palestinians. Here you will learn about others since 1946, two years before the establishment of a Jewish state. The list is long, VERY incomplete, very disturbing, and shows what Palestinians and so many others in the Middle East have endured for well over 60 years. This extermination policy is much more openly pursued on the West Bank and Gaza, with the heavily controlled international media telling the story as Israel and complicit governments wish it to be told. Always, little Israel is defending itself from the powerful hateful Arabian people.
Very interestingly, these participants are proud of their past actions and insist they were not terrorists but merely working towards an honourable goal, the removal of all Arabs from Palestine for the creation of the state of Israel on stolen and confiscated land. To quote one of these men, "We did not mind being called terrorists back then because we used brutal force to get rid of them." Interesting that this nation, built on blood, terrorist nation and rogue, cries foul at small rockets fired by their victims and then uses this as an excuse to erase thousands of civilians because "Hamas" is involved.
Very interestingly, these participants are proud of their past actions and insist they were not terrorists but merely working towards an honourable goal, the removal of all Arabs from Palestine for the creation of the state of Israel on stolen and confiscated land. To quote one of these men, "We did not mind being called terrorists back then because we used brutal force to get rid of them." Interesting that this nation, built on blood, terrorist nation and rogue, cries foul at small rockets fired by their victims and then uses this as an excuse to erase thousands of civilians because "Hamas" is involved.

Before the British Mandate, the Jewish settlers had formed a group of mounted armed watchmen called Hashomar and with the advent of the British Mandate, it became the Haganah (Defense). With a membership of 60,000 Zionist Jews, the Haganah had a field army of 16,000 trained men and a unit called the Palmach, which was a full-time force, numbering about 6000.
The Irgun Zvai Leumi included between 3000 and 5000 armed terrorists, and grew out of the Haganah and its Palmach branch in 1933. The Irgun was not ready to obey the Jewish Agency which sought to dilute the terror of the Haganah in order not to lose its respectability.

In 1939, one of Irgun's commanding officers, Abraham Stern, left the parent organization and formed the Stern Gang, numbering some 200 to 300 dangerous fanatics. Future Prime Ministers of Israel began their careers in these gangs.
1939 ~ Haganah blew up the
Iraqi oil pipeline near Haifa. Moshe Dayan was one of the participants in the
act. This technique was used again in 1947 at least 4
August 20, 1937 ~ June 29, 1939 During this period, Zionists carried out a series of attacks against Arab buses, resulting in the death of 24 persons and wounding 25 others.
1939 ~ Jerusalem Post Office
November 25, 1940 ~ S.S.Patria was blown up by Jewish terrorists in Haifa harbour, killing 268 illegal Jewish immigrants. The explosion was the work of the Jewish underground army, the Haganah, who had meant only to damage the ship to prevent it sailing but had miscalculated the amount of explosives needed to disable the ship. Many say that this was no miscalculation and was deliberate murder of Jews by Jews, in an attempt to influence British immigration policy to Palestine.

February 24, 1942 ~ S.S. Struma exploded in the Black Sea, killing 769 illegal Jewish immigrants. Described by the Jewish Agency as an act of "mass-protest and mass-suicide."
November 6, 1944 ~ Zionist terrorists of the Stern Gang assassinated the British Minister Resident in the Middle East, Lord Moyne, in Cairo.

July 22, 1946 ~ Zionist terrorists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which housed the central offices of the civilian administration of the government of Palestine, killing or injuring more than 200 persons. The Menachem Begin-led Irgun planned and conducted the massacre of 92 Brits, Arabs and Jews, wounding 58 others.
As head of the Jewish Agency, David Ben-Gurion approved the operation. It was to destroy British-gathered evidence that its leaders colluded with the Haganah, Palmach, Irgun and Stern gangs in a wave of terrorist crimes and killings. Bombing the King David Hotel was the most notorious and followed a pattern before and since of brutal Israeli state terrorism.

October 1, 1946 ~ The British Embassy in Rome was badly damaged by bomb explosions, for which Irgun claimed responsibility.
June 1947 ~ Letters sent to British Cabinet Ministers were found to contain bombs.
September 3, 1947 ~ A postal bomb addressed to the British War Office exploded in the post office sorting room in London, injuring 2 persons. It was attributed to Irgun or Stern Gangs. (The Sunday Times, Sept. 24, 1972, p.8)
September 3, 1947 ~ A postal bomb addressed to the British War Office exploded in the post office sorting room in London, injuring 2 persons. It was attributed to Irgun or Stern Gangs. (The Sunday Times, Sept. 24, 1972, p.8)
By now, PLAN DALETH was in full swing. As expulsions and massacres gathered pace, the Zionist leaders discussed and finally adopted what was known as Plan Daleth which gave clear orders to commanders of the Haganah ~ the Zionists’ main military force ~ on how to deal with Palestinians:
“These operations can be carried out either by destroying villages by setting fire to them, by blowing them up and by planting mines in their rubble, and especially those population centres which are difficult to control permanently; or by mounting combing and control operations according to the following guidelines; encirclement of the villages, conducting a search inside them. In case of resistance, the armed forces must be wiped out and the population expelled outside the borders of the state.”
December 11, 1947 ~ Six Arabs were killed and 30 wounded when bombs were thrown from Jewish trucks at Arab buses in Haifa; 12 Arabs were killed and others injured in an attack by armed Zionists on an Arab coastal village near Haifa. In the city of Haifa, Zionist forces began rolling barrels of explosives into Palestinian neighbourhoods and poured burning oil into the streets. They then machine gunned residents who tried to put out the flames.
December 13,1947 ~ Zionist terrorists, believed to be members of Irgun Zvai Leumi, killed 18 Arabs and wounded nearly 60 in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Lydda areas. In Jerusalem, bombs were thrown in an Arab market-place near the Damascus Gate; in Jaffa, bombs were thrown into an Arab cafe; in the Arab village of Al Abbasya, near Lydda, 12 Arabs were killed in an attack with mortars and automatic weapons.
December 19, 1947 ~ Haganah terrorists attacked an Arab village near Safad, IN Gallilee, blowing up two houses in the dead of night as the family slept. In the ruins of which were found the bodies of 10 Arabs, including 5 children. Haganah admitted responsibility for the attackas well as other similar attacks at that time.


A map of a small village that exists no longer, Yafur.
December 29, 1947 ~ Two British constables and 11 Arabs were killed and 32 Arabs injured, at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem when Irgun members threw a bomb from a taxi.
December 30,1947 ~ A mixed force of the Zionist Palmach and the Carmel Brigade attacked the village of Balad al Sheikh, killing more than 60 Arabs.
George Galloway interviews
Jewish historian Ilan Pappe about Nakkba.
1947 - 1948 ~ Nakhba! ~ Over 700,000 -800,000 Palestinian Arabs were uprooted from their homes and land; since then, they have been denied the right to return or been given compensation for their property. After their expulsion, the Israeli Forces razed to the ground 385 Arab villages and towns out of a total of 475, and obliterated their remains. Eventually, Israeli villages, Kibbutzim and towns were built on the remaining rubble.

Newly arrived Jewish women walk through the rubble of their new home.
Israel has never acknowledged the right of Palestinian refugees to return because it knows that such a return would spoil its project of maintaining a Jewish majority within its borders. These refugees do not pose a threat to Jewish communities within Israel, but rather to the Israeli state ideology which leaves no room for a non-Jewish identity within Israel. Israel’s goal has never been to be a democracy for its citizens, but rather a Jewish democracy.

Palestinian women and children leaving their homes during Nakba.
Note the absence of men who were sent to labor or concentration camps.
Note the absence of men who were sent to labor or concentration camps.
December 13, 1947 - February 10, 1948 ~ Seven incidents of bomb-tossing at innocent Arab civilians in cafes and markets, killing 138 and wounding 271 others, During this period, there were 9 attacks on Arab buses. Zionists mined passenger trains on at least 4 occasions, killing 93 persons and wounding 161 others.
December 13, 1947 - February 10, 1948 ~ Seven incidents of bomb-tossing at innocent Arab civilians in cafes and markets, killing 138 and wounding 271 others, During this period, there were 9 attacks on Arab buses. Zionists mined passenger trains on at least 4 occasions, killing 93 persons and wounding 161 others.
January 1, 1948 ~ Haganah terrorists attacked a village on the slopes of Mount Carmel; 17 Arabs were killed and 33 wounded.
January 4, 1948 ~ Haganah terrorists wearing British Army uniforms penetrated into the center of Jaffa and blew up the Serai (the old Turkish Government House) which was used as a headquarters of the Arab National Committee, killing more than 40 persons and wounding 98 others.
New Jewish neighbours, fresh from the camps exchange
greetings amongst the ruins of a previously flourishing Palestinian village.

greetings amongst the ruins of a previously flourishing Palestinian village.
January 5, 1948 ~ The Arab-owned Semiramis Hotel in Jerusalem was blown up, killing 20 persons, among them Viscount de Tapia, the Spanish Consul. Haganah admitted responsibility for this crime.
January 7, 1948 ~ Seventeen Arabs were killed by a bomb at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem, 3 of them while trying to escape. Further casualties, including the murder of a British officer near Hebron, were reported from different parts of the country.
January 16, 1948 ~ Zionists blew up three Arab buildings. In the first, 8 children between the ages of 18 months and 12 years, died.
February 15, 1948 ~ Haganah terrorists attacked an Arab village near Safad, blew up several houses, killing 11 Arabs, including 4 children.
March 3, 1948 ~ Heavy damage was done to the Arab-owned Salam building in Haifa (a 7 story block of apartments and shops) by Zionists who drove an army lorry ( truck) up to the building and escaped before the detonation of 400 Ib. of explosives; casualties numbered 11 Arabs and 3 Armenians killed and 23 injured. The Stern Gang claimed responsibility for the incident.
March 22, 1948 ~ A housing block in Iraq Street in Haifa was blown up killing 17 and injuring 100 others. Four members of the Stern Gang drove two truck-loads of explosives into the street and abandoned the vehicles before the explosion.
March 31, 1948 ~ The Cairo-Haifa Express was mined, for the second time in a month, by an electronically-detonated land mine near Benyamina, killing 40 persons and wounding 60 others.
March 31, 1948 ~ The Cairo-Haifa Express was mined, for the second time in a month, by an electronically-detonated land mine near Benyamina, killing 40 persons and wounding 60 others.
April 9, 1948 ~ A combined force of Irgun Zvai Leumi and the Stern Gang, supported by the Palmach forces, captured the Arab village of Deir Yassin and killed more than 200 unarmed civilians, including countless women and children. Older men and young women were captured and paraded in chains in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem; 20 of the hostages were then shot in the quarry of Gevaat Shaul. The perpetrators hoped to terrify their neighbours into flight, thus speeding up the process of expulsion.
April 16, 1948 ~ Zionists attacked the former British army camp at Tel Litvinsky, killing 90 Arabs there.
April 19, 1948 ~ Fourteen Arabs were killed in a house in Tiberius, which was blown up by Zionist terrorists. There was also wholesale looting of Jaffa carried out following armed attacks by Irgun and Haganah terrorists. They plundered and carried away everything they could, destroying what they could not take with them.
May 3, 1948 ~ A book bomb addressed to a British Army officer, who had been stationed in Palestine exploded, killing his brother, Rex Farran.
May 11, 1948 ~ A letter bomb addressed to Sir Evelyn Barker, former Commanding Officer in Palestine, was detected in the nick of time by his wife.
May 21, 1948 ~ As many as 230 Palestinians were shot in cold blood at Tantura and buried in a mass grave on May 22. At this link you will find photographs and 21 eye witness accounts of this crime.
April 25, 1948 - May 13, 1948 ~ Wholesale looting of Jaffa was carried out following armed attacks by Irgun and Haganah terrorists. They stripped and carried away everything they could, destroying what they could not take with them.
September 17, 1948 ~ Count Folke Berndadotte, UN Mediator in Palestine was assassinated by members of the Stern Gang in the Zionist-controlled sector of Jerusalem. Bernadotte’s aide Col. Serot was also killed and murdered by Jewish terrorists.
November 1948 ~ November, the Christian Arab villages of Igrit and Birim were attacked and destroyed, killing and injuring countless unarmed civilians, including women and children. All the Christian Arab inhabitants were forcibly expelled from their homes. The State of Israel still refuses to allow them to return to their villages despite several court orders.

February 1949 ~ All the Arabs were forcibly expelled from their homes in the villages of Anan and Kafr Yasif by Haganah terrorists.
February 1949 ~ All the Arabs were forcibly expelled from their homes in the villages of Anan and Kafr Yasif by Haganah terrorists.
1950 ~ Zionist agents threw bombs at a synagogue in Baghdad, Iraq, and other Jewish targets in order to pressure Jews into emigrating to Israel.

August 28, 1953 ~ Armed Israelis attacked the UNRWA refugee camp at Bureij in the Gaza Strip. The Israelis threw grenades through the windows of the huts and gunned down the fleeing refugees, killing 30 and wounding 62 others.
October 14, 1953 ~ The village of Qibiya was attacked by Israeli troops, killing 42 villagers.August 28, 1953 ~ Armed Israelis attacked the UNRWA refugee camp at Bureij in the Gaza Strip. The Israelis threw grenades through the windows of the huts and gunned down the fleeing refugees, killing 30 and wounding 62 others.

July 1954 ~ American and British consular and information offices in Cairo were sabotaged by Israeli agents operating under the Israeli Ministry of Defense.
July 1954 ~ American and British consular and information offices in Cairo were sabotaged by Israeli agents operating under the Israeli Ministry of Defense.
December 1954 ~ The first act of air piracy in the history of civil aviation was carried out by Israel when a civilian Syrian airliner was forced down in Tel Aviv and its passengers and crew held for days, despite international condemnation.
April 4/5 1956 ~ The Israelis shelled Gaza with 120 mm mortars, killing 56 Arab civilians and wounding 103 others.
January 11, 1952 - September 25, 1956 ~ Israelis carried out violent raids against Arab villages of Beit Jala, Falame, Rantis, Qibiya, Nahalin, Bani Suhaila, Rahwa, Gharandal, Wadi Fukin (in Palestine and Syria) and refugee camps at Bureij and Gaza in the Gaza Strip, killing 220 Arab civilians.
A recently arrived Jew looks around the ruins left behind, now his home.
October 29, 1956 ~ Forty-seven Arab inhabitants, including 7 children and 9 women were massacred by Israeli border guards in the village of Kufr Kassem. The guards arrived and announced that there would be a curfew as of 5 p.m. that very evening.
Most of the men were working in the fields and did not know of the curfew. When they returned in the evening, they were summarily shot.
Most of the men were working in the fields and did not know of the curfew. When they returned in the evening, they were summarily shot.
November 3, 1956 ~ The town of Khan Yunis was occupied by Israeli forces. Two hundred and seventy five persons were killed.
A Jew loots homes for what little the military left behind.
November 12, 1956 ~ One hundred and eleven civilians were killed by Israeli forces at Rafah refugee camp.
October 6, 1959 ~ The Egypt-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission condemned Israel for expelling several hundred Bedouins of the Azazmah tribe from the Nagab.
November 13,1960 ~ A large Israeli force, including tanks and armoured cars, attacked the village of Samu', destroying 125 houses, a school, a clinic; 15 houses were destroyed in another village, killing a total of 18 and wounding 54 others.
1959 - 1963 ~ Israeli armed forces attacked refugee camps at Rafah and villages at Nuqeib, Rafat and Shaikh Hussein in Syria and Palestine, killing 47 civilians.
The USS Liberty prior to the Israeli attack.
June 6, 1967 ~ On June 8, 1967, during the Six Day War, Israeli forces attacked the USS Liberty, a U.S. Navy intelligence-gathering ship off the coast of Gaza, killing 35 men and wounding 171. Not only was the attack was intentional, but President Johnson recalled the Sixth Fleet rescue flights to avoid a clash between the U.S. and Israel. This has indeed proven to be the case. This cooperative action was intended to move the American people to join Israel in its war with Egypt.


USS Liberty, listing badly, limping to safety a day later.
US Navy Court of Inquiry finding 24: "From the time of first air attack onward, [the Israeli Air Force] attackers were well coordinated, accurate and determined. Criss-crossing rocket and machine gun [30mm rapid-firing cannon] runs from both bows, both beams, and quarters effectively chewed up entire topside including ship control and internal communications (sound powered) network. Well directed initial air attacks had wiped out the ability of the four 50 cal. machine guns to be effective."
June 12, 1967 ~ Four hundred families were evicted from the Moroccan Quarter in Jerusalem, after three hours notice to evacuate their homes. Similar incidents took place at Qalqilya.

June 12, 1967 ~ The villages of Beit Nuba, Yalu and Amwas were razed to the ground after the forced eviction of the population.
June 12, 1967 ~ The villages of Beit Nuba, Yalu and Amwas were razed to the ground after the forced eviction of the population.
June/July 1967 ~ During the June 1967 war, Israeli forces deliberately attacked UNEF Indian staff on 5 occasions, killing 11 and wounding 24. The UN Secretary-General reported that Israeli troops also mistreated UNEF officers and looted their property.
June/December 1967 ~ As a result of the June 1967 war, over 400,000 Palestinian Arabs living in Gaza and the West Bank and over 100,000 Palestinians and Syrians living in the Kuneitra area were up rooted from their homes and not allowed to return while the area was under Israeli occupation.
June 11, 1967 - June 1974 ~ Israeli forces destroyed 19,000 Palestinian homes in the West Bank and Gaza, which is equivalent to 380 villages and towns, almost the same number destroyed earlier, in the period 1948-1950
December 28, 1968 ~ Israeli commando units transported by helicopter, attacked the Beirut civil airport and destroyed 13 civilian aircraft, causing damage of 22 million pounds sterling.
September4, 1967, September 29, 1967, July 8, 1968, September 8, 1968, May 11, 1969 ~ Israeli artillery shelled residential areas in Ismail, Suez and Port Said. The Egyptian Government announced that 600 persons were killed and 1000 wounded in Ismail since the June 1967 war.
February 12, 1970 ~ Israeli planes bombed a factory near Abou Zaabal, Egypt, killing 70 civilian workers and injuring 98 others.
March 31,1970 ~ Israeli planes bombed the city of Mansoura in the Nile Delta, killing 12 civilians and wounding 35 others.
April 8, 1970 ~ Israeli planes bombed the Bahr el Baqar school in Sharkia province, 80 kilometers north of Cairo, killing 46 school children.
March 11, 1971 ~ Thirty four families from the Gaza Strip were expelled to Abou Zuneima, in the Sinai Desert.
August 1, 1971 ~ Israeli military occupation authorities in the Gaza Strip embarked on a house-demolition and terror campaign designed to force the 400,000 Palestinian refugees living in the Strip to move out.
April 28, 1972 ~ An Israeli Piper plane flew over the Arab village of Akraba, spraying a chemical defoliant over the villagers' wheat crops. Previously, the Israeli Army had forcibly confiscated 100,000 dunums of arable land. In May, 1971 the villagers were asked to sell the remaining land. When they refused, their crops were thus destroyed.
July 8, 1972 ~ Ghassan Kanafani, a Palestinian novelist and editor, was killed in Beirut when a bomb planted by "Israeli" agents exploded in his car. Also killed was his 16 year old niece.
July 18, 1972 ~ Emile Khayyat, a Rif Bank employee in Beirut was seriously injured when a letter bomb sent by Zionist terrorist arm, the Mosad, exploded in his face.
July 19, 1972 ~ In a similar incident, Dr. Anis Sayegh suffered serious injuries to his hands and eyes, in Beirut.
July 25, 1972 ~ Bassam Abou Sharif, a young Palestinian writer in Beirut was seriously wounded when a book bomb exploded.
November 1967 - September 1972 ~ Over 1500 civilians were killed in Israeli attacks against Arab civilians in villages and refugee camps in Palestine, Jordan , Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.
March 1, 1972, March 9, 1972, September 8, 1972 ~ Israel carried out attacks against civilian areas in Syria, such as Hamma and Maysaloun.
September 12, 1972 ~ Three children died in a Lebanese hospital from wounds inflicted during the attack by Israeli aircraft on the Annahr Al Barid Palestinian refugee camp, bringing the total to 13 from this camp alone.
September 14, 1972 ~ A Los Angeles accountant, Mohammed Shaath, was injured together with one of his children when a bomb planted by Israeli agents exploded in his home.
September 16, 1972 ~ Israeli armored forces attacked southern Lebanon, pulling out after much destruction of houses and large-scale looting.
September 17, 1972 ~ An Israeli tank deliberately drove over a taxi in southern Lebanon, crushing its 9 passengers into pulp.
February 1973 ~ The first deliberate shooting down a civilian airliner was carried out by Israel, when a Libyan airliner was shot down by Israeli jet fighters over Sinai on the direct orders of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, killing all 107 of its passengers and the entire French crew.
January 3, 1970, May 22, 1970, February 27, 1972, September 8, 1972, September 17, 1972 ~ Israelis attacked Arab villages and refugee camps in southern Lebanon.
October 4, 1972 ~ Librairie Palestine, Paris, was damaged by a bomb. Responsibility was claimed by the Masada Movement for Action and Defense, a student organization.
October 16, 1972 ~ Wael Zuaiter, a Palestinian scholar and artist, was gunned down by the Israeli Mossad at his apartment entrance in Rome.
October 25, 1972 ~ Ahmad Wafi, a Palestinian intellectual, was seriously injured in Algiers by an Israeli letter bomb.
October 25, 1972 ~ Mustafa Awad Zaid was blinded and paralyzed in Tripoli and two Libyan passersby were injured as he opened a letter bomb.
October 26, 1972 ~ Two employees of the Import-Export Bank in Beirut were seriously wounded when a letter bomb exploded.
October 26, 1972 ~ An Egyptian police officer who checked three suspicious-looking letters was injured when they exploded.
November 29, 1972 ~ Omar Sufan, representative of Red Crescent in Stockholm, lost his fingers when a letter bomb exploded.
November 29, 1972 ~ Adnan Hammad, a Palestinian student leader, was seriously injured in Germany with a letter bomb.
November 29, 1972 ~ Three employees in Tunis Post Office were seriously injured while sorting mail, as a letter bomb exploded.
November 30, 1972 ~ Ahmed Awadallah, a Palestinian student leader in Copenhagen lost his arm when a Mosad-dispatched letter bomb exploded.
July 1967 - December 1972 ~ Israeli armed forces, in acts of collective punishment and reprisal, blew up or bulldozed more than 10,000 homes of Arab civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.
December 8, 1972 ~ Mahmoud Hamshari, a Palestinian leader and intellectual lost a leg and subsequently died, on January 8, when an electronically-detonated bomb installed by the Israeli Mosad, exploded in his house in Paris. Aharon Yariv (an ex Israeli Minister of Information) supervised the execution of the operation, as he was charged with Israeli special operations directed at the Palestinians.
January 25, 1973 ~ Hussein Abul Kheir was killed in Cyprus when a bomb exploded in his hotel room.
February 21, 1973 ~ The northernmost corner of Lebanon was invaded by air and sea-borne Israeli forces, causing the death of 40 Arab civilians.
February 22, 1973 ~ A Libyan civilian airliner was shot down by Israeli fighter aircraft over Sinai, killing 106 passengers and crew.
April 6, 1973 ~ Dr. Bassel Kubaissy, an Iraqi political science professor, was gunned down and killed in a Paris street by the Israeli special forces..
(Kamal Nasser, one of Palestine's foremost poets, was gunned down and killed in his home in Beirut on April 10, 1973 by the Israeli special forces and terror squads.)
April 10, 1973 ~ Palestinian leaders Mohammed Yusuf Najjar, Mrs. Najjar, Kamal Adwan and Kamal Nasser were all gunned down and killed in their homes in Beirut, by the Israeli special forces and terror squads.
May 2, 1973 ~ Mrs. Nada Yashruti, a Palestinian feminist leader and mother of two, was ambushed by three Israeli agents with machine-guns at the entrance to her apartment and killed.
June 29, 1973 ~ Mohammed Boudaiah, an Algerian poet and friend of the Palestinians, was killed when an Israeli-installed bomb exploded in his car in Paris.
July 21, 1973 ~ Ahmed Bouchiki was gunned down by Israeli agents in Oslo. The Israelis admitted responsibility for this crime, which was followed by a court case. In the proceedings, information was revealed linking the Israeli murderers to the killings of Zuaiter, Hamshari, and other Palestinian leaders and intellectuals murdered in Europe.
April 12, 1974 ~ Israeli forces attacked Lebanese villages, killing 2 civilians, destroying 31 houses and kidnapping 13 people.
May 13, 1974 ~ Israeli planes raided Lebanon, killing 4 civilians.
May 16, 1974 ~ Israeli planes raided and bombarded refugee camps in Lebanon, killing 50 civilians and wounding 200, in the Nabatiyeh and Ein-el-Helweh refugee camps. The Nabatiyeh camp was totally obliterated.
May 19, 1974 ~ Israeli naval units bombarded the Rashidiyeh refugee camp, killing 8 civilians.
May 22, 1974 ~ Israeli planes bombed refugee camps in Lebanon, wounding 2 civilians and destroying countless houses.
June 20, 1974 ~ Israeli planes bombed refugee camps in Lebanon, killing 10 civilians and injuring hundreds.
July 8, 1974 ~ Israeli naval units raided Tyre and Saida, sinking 21 fishing boats.
August 7, 1974 ~ Israeli planes bombed southern Lebanese villages.
August 13, 1974 ~ Israeli naval boats shelled refugee camps, killing 1 civilian and wounding 6.
August 25, 1974 ~ Israeli forces shelled villages in southern Lebanon.
September 24, 1974 ~ Israeli forces shelled villages in southern Lebanon.
1981 September ~ Car bombs began to regularly terrorize Muslim West Beirut as strategy to evict the PLO from Lebanon. The Mossad was sponsoring the carnage.
The Israeli air raids inside Lebanon killed 20 civilians in Saida’s residential area, 150 in Fakhani and another 150 in the Beirut Arab University area in 1981.
Summer, 1982 ~ Israel invaded Lebanon. So massive were the bombing raids on Beirut in August of 1982, on the orders of Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, that some 20,000 civilians were killed.
September 16, 1982 ~ Sharon sent the Maronite Christian Phalangist murder squads into two Palestinian refugee camps, Sabra and Chatila. With Israeli tanks and troops closely surrounding the camps to prevent anyone from escaping, the murder squads machine-gunned, bayoneted, and bludgeoned Palestinian civilians all that night, the next day and the following night while the Israelis surrounding the camps listened gleefully to the machine gun fires and screams coming from inside.
Sharon then sent in bulldozers to hide as much of the atrocity as he could. Some 1500 to 2500 Palestinian men, women and children were butchered. Even after the efforts of Sharon’s bulldozers, many Palestinians remained unburied, and the Red Cross workers discovered entire families, including hundreds of elderly and little children, with their throats cut or disemboweled. Uncounted numbers of women and girls were also raped before they were slaughtered. [An Israeli investigation in 1983 found Sharon indirectly but “personally” responsible for the deaths, and he was forced to resign.]
October 1982 ~ Israeli terrorists bombed houses, cars, and offices of three elected mayors of the West Bank cities ~ Nablus, Ramallah, and Al Beireh.
1986 ~ Naj Al Ali, a Palestinian cartoonist, was assassinated by the Israeli agents.
April 1988 ~ Israeli commandos invaded the home of Khalil Al Wazir, a Palestinian leader, and shot him in his bed.
February-March 1989 ~ Israeli jets bombed the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon killing 15 children and many adults.
April 14, 1989 ~ Israeli police and armed Jewish settlers attacked the Palestinian village of Nahalin killing 8 and injuring 50.
May 20, 1990 ~ An IDF soldier in Oyon Qara lined up and machine-gunned to death 7 Palestinian men who were waiting to cross into Israel to go to their jobs. At the demonstrations that followed, the IDF troops opened with live fire arms killing 13.
October 8, 1990 ~ IDF soldiers opened with live fire arms on worshipers in the Al-Aqsa Masjid, the third-holiest Islamic shrine in the world, killing 22.
February 1994 ~ Kach Party member Baruch Goldstein used an assault rifle to murder some 30 Palestinians worshiping in the Hebron mosque. Nearly 200 were injured. This terrorist act was praised by many rabbis. During the demonstrations that followed, the IDF forces opened with live fire arms on the demonstrators, killing 23 and wounding hundreds ~ the exact casualty figures were never released.
Following the incident, Israel imposed a 5-week long curfew during which 76 Palestinians, mostly stone-throwing children, were killed. The Israeli government later gave permission for a memorial to be constructed in honor of Goldstein.
February 27, 1994 ~ Mossad bombed the “Our Lady of Deliverance” Maronite Catholic Church at Jounieh, Lebanon killing 11 worshipers.
March 28, 1994 ~ Israeli secret police opened fire on suspected Palestinian activists, killing 6 and injuring 49 in Jabalia. Those injured were removed from their cars and shot in the head to finish them off.
July 17, 1994 ~ Israeli settlers opened fire on Palestinians waiting to cross into Israel to go to work at the Eretz Checkpoint. Nearby Palestinians saw what was happening and a gun-battle ensued that lasted for six hours. On the Palestinian side, 11 were killed, 200 injured; on the Israeli side a soldier was killed and 21 were injured, along with an Israeli settler.
April 11, 1996 ~ Israel launched Operation Grapes of Wrath by attacking southern Lebanon, killing nearly 170 civilians. So massive were the bombing raids that nearly half a million residents fled the area. The IDF bombed the UN shelter for refugees at Qana, Lebanon, killing at least 106 civilians. According to Human Rights Watch, 2018 houses and buildings in South Lebanon were either completely destroyed or severely bombarded. Lebanon’s total economic damage was estimated at half a billion dollars.
1999 ~ Israeli warplanes bombed a group of children celebrating a Muslim festival in the Bekaa Valley killing 8. The year 2000 witnessed the video clips of the cold-blooded murder of 10-year old Mohamed el-Dura.
2000 ~ Israel unveiled her worst of crimes against the Palestinian people. Targeted killing of Palestinian activists and leaders became common, resulting in suicide attacks as reprisals by Palestinian resistance forces.
October 12, 2001 ~ Two Mossad agents were arrested attempting to bomb the deliberation chamber of the Mexican National Congress in Mexico City.
Mahmoud Abu Hanoud, murdered because he fought for the two-state
solution which Israel wishes to avoid at all costs. Removal of
moderate leaders will drive Palestinians to the fanatics,
giving Israel its extremist enemy.
November 23, 2001 ~ Mahmoud Abu Hanoud was assassinated when Israelis bombed the car in which he was traveling near Nablus. Upon Hanoud's death it was said, "While the Israelis say they've always gone after 'terrorist' targets, they have, in fact, also gone after those members of the Palestinian leadership who have two important attributes: One, they were interested in a two-state solution, and two, they were the kind of people who were strong enough to be the peace party in Palestinian leadership. Most of these guys have been killed. The Israeli strategy is to kill the moderate Palestinians as well as militants and send this thing careening towards an endgame where Israel has the extremist enemy it wants. Sharon is driving Palestinian society more and more to the right, to the fanatics, which is calculated to create the results he wants. In 1923, radical Zionist Ze'ev Jabotinsky-spiritual father of not only of Menachem Begin but of Meir Kahane-wrote that the "sole way" for Jews to deal with Arabs in Palestine was through 'total avoidance of all attempts to arrive at a settlement' ~ which Jabotinsky euphemistically termed the "'ron wall' approach. Not coincidentally, a picture of Jabotinsky graces Sharon's desk"
December 10, 2001 ~ Palestinian activist Muhammad Sidir, 24, was hit by a missile dropped in a crowded intersection. Two Palestinian children died in the attacks and two other children were injured. Israeli helicopter gunships hovered over the carnage for five minutes, preventing immediate medical attention from being administered to the wounded and dying.
December 17, 2001 ~ Israeli troops murdered Palestinian activist Yaqoub Aidkadik.
January 14, 2002 ~ Israeli terrorists planted a bomb outside the Tulkarm home of Palestinian resistance leader Raed al-Karmi, killing him. He is shown above with a bandaged wound incurred in an earlier Israeli attempt on his life.
January 24, 2002 ~ Elie Hobeika, a Lebanese national, was a key witness in the Sabra-Chatila war crimes case being pursued in a Belgian court against Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon. Hobeika was blown up outside his house in Beirut together with three bodyguards and a civilian bystander. The car-bomb was the work of professional assassins in the employ of Mossad. The explosion occurred two days after Hobeika agreed to give evidence against Sharon. Marwan Hamadeh, the Lebanese minister for refugees stated,"My initial evaluation is that of course Israel doesn't want witnesses against it in this historic case in Belgium." Israeli Prime Minister Terrorist Sharon dismissed the charges: "I am simply saying, from our point of view, we have no link to this subject at all, and this is not worthy of a comment," Sharon told reporters.
September to December of 2001 ~ Some 200 Palestinian children were killed and 400 injured by the Israeli forces. Sixty Palestinian homes in Gaza were destroyed as part of a collective punishment for the death of 4 Israeli soldiers.
March 30, 2002 ~ Five Palestinian bank guards executed in Ramallah by the Israeli soldiers.
April 3-11, 2002 ~ IDF massacred at least 52 Palestinian civilians. So brutal was the Israeli action that the HRW castigated Israel to have “committed serious violations of international humanitarian law, some amounting prima facie to war crimes." Amnesty International, in its November 4, 2002 report on Jenin and Nablus similarly alleged that Israel had committed war crimes. Specifically, the reports stated that unlawful killings occurred; there was a failure to ensure medical or humanitarian relief; demolition of houses and property occurred; water and electricity supplies to civilians were cut; torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in arbitrary detention occurred; and Palestinians civilians were used for military operations or as “human shields.” In addition, the Amnesty report charged that civilians were not warned before their houses were demolished and hence they were buried in the rubble.
Police examine the automobile of Mohammed Jibril, son
of Palestinian leader Ahmed Jibril. The victim's foot can be
seen dangling from the wreckage in the photo above.
May 20, 2002 ~ Mossad car bombed Mohammed Jibril, son of a Palestinian leader.
July 23, 2002 ~ A F16 jet dropped a 1,000 lb. laser-guided bomb on an occupied Gaza City apartment block, killing 15 people, including 9 children and Sheikh Salah Shahada, the military leader of Hamas. Over 150 were wounded, mostly old men and women.
February 5, 2003 ~ Kamla Said, a partially deaf woman of 65 was killed when the Israeli army demolished her house by dynamiting it during a raid on the Maghazi refugee camp in the Gaza Strip while she was still inside.
March 16, 2003 ~ Rachel Corrie, 23, a peace activist from America, was crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza, as she had protested against house demolitions.
April 11, 2003 ~ Tom Hurndall, 21, a peace activist from London, was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier as he had tried to help a Palestinian woman and her children move away from a gunfight in Rafah.
August 4, 2005 ~ Ex-Israeli Army personnel and Kach Party member Eden Natan-Zada attacked a bus using an assault rifle, killing 4, wounding 12 Palestinians.
July 15, 2006 ~ The IDF, shortly before its invasion of Lebanon, in an official response to the kidnapping of one of its soldiers by the Hamas militants near the Gaza Strip, undertook a severe raid, in which at least 60 civilians were killed and hundreds injured. Israeli planes bombed an electrical power distribution facility, knocking out power to half of the Gaza Strip, and knocking out water pumping stations, leaving much of the Strip without potable water. Bridges linking the northern and southern halves of the Gaza strip were bombed, and border crossings were closed, putting at risk the civilian population of the Strip, which is totally dependent on supplies of food and fuel brought in through the border crossings with Israel.
July-August 2006 ~ The Israeli Air Force bombed Lebanon for 34 days, killing some 1,300 civilians. So sadistic was the bombing campaign, Lebanon was dubbed to have been “bombed into the stone age.” Lebanon’s infrastructure was destroyed.
November 8, 2006 ~ The IDF shelled a row of houses in the Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, killing 19 Palestinians and wounding more than 40. Italy’s foreign minister Massimo D’Alema called the shelling of the civilians deliberate.
The Israeli air raids inside Lebanon killed 20 civilians in Saida’s residential area, 150 in Fakhani and another 150 in the Beirut Arab University area in 1981.
Summer, 1982 ~ Israel invaded Lebanon. So massive were the bombing raids on Beirut in August of 1982, on the orders of Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, that some 20,000 civilians were killed.
September 16, 1982 ~ Sharon sent the Maronite Christian Phalangist murder squads into two Palestinian refugee camps, Sabra and Chatila. With Israeli tanks and troops closely surrounding the camps to prevent anyone from escaping, the murder squads machine-gunned, bayoneted, and bludgeoned Palestinian civilians all that night, the next day and the following night while the Israelis surrounding the camps listened gleefully to the machine gun fires and screams coming from inside.
Sharon then sent in bulldozers to hide as much of the atrocity as he could. Some 1500 to 2500 Palestinian men, women and children were butchered. Even after the efforts of Sharon’s bulldozers, many Palestinians remained unburied, and the Red Cross workers discovered entire families, including hundreds of elderly and little children, with their throats cut or disemboweled. Uncounted numbers of women and girls were also raped before they were slaughtered. [An Israeli investigation in 1983 found Sharon indirectly but “personally” responsible for the deaths, and he was forced to resign.]
October 1982 ~ Israeli terrorists bombed houses, cars, and offices of three elected mayors of the West Bank cities ~ Nablus, Ramallah, and Al Beireh.
1986 ~ Naj Al Ali, a Palestinian cartoonist, was assassinated by the Israeli agents.
April 1988 ~ Israeli commandos invaded the home of Khalil Al Wazir, a Palestinian leader, and shot him in his bed.
February-March 1989 ~ Israeli jets bombed the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon killing 15 children and many adults.
April 14, 1989 ~ Israeli police and armed Jewish settlers attacked the Palestinian village of Nahalin killing 8 and injuring 50.
May 20, 1990 ~ An IDF soldier in Oyon Qara lined up and machine-gunned to death 7 Palestinian men who were waiting to cross into Israel to go to their jobs. At the demonstrations that followed, the IDF troops opened with live fire arms killing 13.
October 8, 1990 ~ IDF soldiers opened with live fire arms on worshipers in the Al-Aqsa Masjid, the third-holiest Islamic shrine in the world, killing 22.
February 1994 ~ Kach Party member Baruch Goldstein used an assault rifle to murder some 30 Palestinians worshiping in the Hebron mosque. Nearly 200 were injured. This terrorist act was praised by many rabbis. During the demonstrations that followed, the IDF forces opened with live fire arms on the demonstrators, killing 23 and wounding hundreds ~ the exact casualty figures were never released.
Following the incident, Israel imposed a 5-week long curfew during which 76 Palestinians, mostly stone-throwing children, were killed. The Israeli government later gave permission for a memorial to be constructed in honor of Goldstein.
February 27, 1994 ~ Mossad bombed the “Our Lady of Deliverance” Maronite Catholic Church at Jounieh, Lebanon killing 11 worshipers.
March 28, 1994 ~ Israeli secret police opened fire on suspected Palestinian activists, killing 6 and injuring 49 in Jabalia. Those injured were removed from their cars and shot in the head to finish them off.
July 17, 1994 ~ Israeli settlers opened fire on Palestinians waiting to cross into Israel to go to work at the Eretz Checkpoint. Nearby Palestinians saw what was happening and a gun-battle ensued that lasted for six hours. On the Palestinian side, 11 were killed, 200 injured; on the Israeli side a soldier was killed and 21 were injured, along with an Israeli settler.
April 11, 1996 ~ Israel launched Operation Grapes of Wrath by attacking southern Lebanon, killing nearly 170 civilians. So massive were the bombing raids that nearly half a million residents fled the area. The IDF bombed the UN shelter for refugees at Qana, Lebanon, killing at least 106 civilians. According to Human Rights Watch, 2018 houses and buildings in South Lebanon were either completely destroyed or severely bombarded. Lebanon’s total economic damage was estimated at half a billion dollars.
1999 ~ Israeli warplanes bombed a group of children celebrating a Muslim festival in the Bekaa Valley killing 8. The year 2000 witnessed the video clips of the cold-blooded murder of 10-year old Mohamed el-Dura.
2000 ~ Israel unveiled her worst of crimes against the Palestinian people. Targeted killing of Palestinian activists and leaders became common, resulting in suicide attacks as reprisals by Palestinian resistance forces.
October 12, 2001 ~ Two Mossad agents were arrested attempting to bomb the deliberation chamber of the Mexican National Congress in Mexico City.
solution which Israel wishes to avoid at all costs. Removal of
moderate leaders will drive Palestinians to the fanatics,
giving Israel its extremist enemy.
November 23, 2001 ~ Mahmoud Abu Hanoud was assassinated when Israelis bombed the car in which he was traveling near Nablus. Upon Hanoud's death it was said, "While the Israelis say they've always gone after 'terrorist' targets, they have, in fact, also gone after those members of the Palestinian leadership who have two important attributes: One, they were interested in a two-state solution, and two, they were the kind of people who were strong enough to be the peace party in Palestinian leadership. Most of these guys have been killed. The Israeli strategy is to kill the moderate Palestinians as well as militants and send this thing careening towards an endgame where Israel has the extremist enemy it wants. Sharon is driving Palestinian society more and more to the right, to the fanatics, which is calculated to create the results he wants. In 1923, radical Zionist Ze'ev Jabotinsky-spiritual father of not only of Menachem Begin but of Meir Kahane-wrote that the "sole way" for Jews to deal with Arabs in Palestine was through 'total avoidance of all attempts to arrive at a settlement' ~ which Jabotinsky euphemistically termed the "'ron wall' approach. Not coincidentally, a picture of Jabotinsky graces Sharon's desk"
December 10, 2001 ~ Palestinian activist Muhammad Sidir, 24, was hit by a missile dropped in a crowded intersection. Two Palestinian children died in the attacks and two other children were injured. Israeli helicopter gunships hovered over the carnage for five minutes, preventing immediate medical attention from being administered to the wounded and dying.
December 17, 2001 ~ Israeli troops murdered Palestinian activist Yaqoub Aidkadik.
January 24, 2002 ~ Elie Hobeika, a Lebanese national, was a key witness in the Sabra-Chatila war crimes case being pursued in a Belgian court against Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon. Hobeika was blown up outside his house in Beirut together with three bodyguards and a civilian bystander. The car-bomb was the work of professional assassins in the employ of Mossad. The explosion occurred two days after Hobeika agreed to give evidence against Sharon. Marwan Hamadeh, the Lebanese minister for refugees stated,"My initial evaluation is that of course Israel doesn't want witnesses against it in this historic case in Belgium." Israeli Prime Minister Terrorist Sharon dismissed the charges: "I am simply saying, from our point of view, we have no link to this subject at all, and this is not worthy of a comment," Sharon told reporters.
September to December of 2001 ~ Some 200 Palestinian children were killed and 400 injured by the Israeli forces. Sixty Palestinian homes in Gaza were destroyed as part of a collective punishment for the death of 4 Israeli soldiers.
March 6-16, 2002 ~ Some 200 Palestinian civilians were slaughtered in Jabalya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces.
March 30, 2002 ~ Five Palestinian bank guards executed in Ramallah by the Israeli soldiers.
April 3-11, 2002 ~ IDF massacred at least 52 Palestinian civilians. So brutal was the Israeli action that the HRW castigated Israel to have “committed serious violations of international humanitarian law, some amounting prima facie to war crimes." Amnesty International, in its November 4, 2002 report on Jenin and Nablus similarly alleged that Israel had committed war crimes. Specifically, the reports stated that unlawful killings occurred; there was a failure to ensure medical or humanitarian relief; demolition of houses and property occurred; water and electricity supplies to civilians were cut; torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in arbitrary detention occurred; and Palestinians civilians were used for military operations or as “human shields.” In addition, the Amnesty report charged that civilians were not warned before their houses were demolished and hence they were buried in the rubble.
of Palestinian leader Ahmed Jibril. The victim's foot can be
seen dangling from the wreckage in the photo above.
May 20, 2002 ~ Mossad car bombed Mohammed Jibril, son of a Palestinian leader.
July 23, 2002 ~ A F16 jet dropped a 1,000 lb. laser-guided bomb on an occupied Gaza City apartment block, killing 15 people, including 9 children and Sheikh Salah Shahada, the military leader of Hamas. Over 150 were wounded, mostly old men and women.
February 5, 2003 ~ Kamla Said, a partially deaf woman of 65 was killed when the Israeli army demolished her house by dynamiting it during a raid on the Maghazi refugee camp in the Gaza Strip while she was still inside.
March 16, 2003 ~ Rachel Corrie, 23, a peace activist from America, was crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza, as she had protested against house demolitions.
April 11, 2003 ~ Tom Hurndall, 21, a peace activist from London, was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier as he had tried to help a Palestinian woman and her children move away from a gunfight in Rafah.
August 4, 2005 ~ Ex-Israeli Army personnel and Kach Party member Eden Natan-Zada attacked a bus using an assault rifle, killing 4, wounding 12 Palestinians.
July 15, 2006 ~ The IDF, shortly before its invasion of Lebanon, in an official response to the kidnapping of one of its soldiers by the Hamas militants near the Gaza Strip, undertook a severe raid, in which at least 60 civilians were killed and hundreds injured. Israeli planes bombed an electrical power distribution facility, knocking out power to half of the Gaza Strip, and knocking out water pumping stations, leaving much of the Strip without potable water. Bridges linking the northern and southern halves of the Gaza strip were bombed, and border crossings were closed, putting at risk the civilian population of the Strip, which is totally dependent on supplies of food and fuel brought in through the border crossings with Israel.
July-August 2006 ~ The Israeli Air Force bombed Lebanon for 34 days, killing some 1,300 civilians. So sadistic was the bombing campaign, Lebanon was dubbed to have been “bombed into the stone age.” Lebanon’s infrastructure was destroyed.
November 8, 2006 ~ The IDF shelled a row of houses in the Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, killing 19 Palestinians and wounding more than 40. Italy’s foreign minister Massimo D’Alema called the shelling of the civilians deliberate.
The 2007 Amnesty International Report for the year ending in December of 2006 stated, “Increased violence between Israelis and Palestinians resulted in a threefold increase in killings of Palestinians by Israeli forces. The number of Israelis killed by Palestinian armed groups diminished by half. More than 650 Palestinians, including some 120 children, and 27 Israelis were killed. Israeli forces carried out air and artillery bombardments in the Gaza Strip, and Israel continued to expand illegal settlements and to build a 700-km fence/wall on Palestinian land in the Occupied Territories.
Military blockades and increased restrictions imposed by Israel on the movement of Palestinians and the confiscation by Israel of Palestinian customs duties caused a significant deterioration in living conditions for Palestinian inhabitants in the Occupied Territories, with poverty, food aid dependency, health problems and unemployment reaching crisis levels. Israeli soldiers and settlers committed serious human rights abuses, including unlawful killings, against Palestinians, mostly with impunity.
Thousands of Palestinians were arrested by Israeli forces throughout the Occupied Territories on suspicion of security offenses and hundreds were held in administrative detention.
Israeli conscientious objectors continued to be imprisoned for refusing to serve in the army. In a 34-day war against Hezbollah in Lebanon in July-August, Israeli forces committed serious violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes. Israeli bombardments killed nearly 1,200 people, and destroyed or damaged tens of thousands of homes and other civilian infrastructure. Israeli forces also littered south Lebanon with around a million unexploded cluster bombs which continued to kill and maim civilians after the conflict.”

June 1, 2007 ~ Israeli troops shot and killed two 13-year-old Palestinians ~Ahmed Abu Zbeida and Zaher al-Majdalawi ~ near the Gaza-Israel border fence, saying that they were crawling toward the barrier in a “suspicious manner.” The boys had told their families they were going to the beach. (The Guardian, June 1, 2007)
In its year-end review of Israeli violence against Palestinian people, the Israeli Human Rights Organization B’tselem stated that in 2007, up to 29 December, Israeli security forces killed 373 Palestinians ~ 290 in Gaza, 83 in the West Bank, 53 among them minors.
By comparison, in 2006, 657 Palestinians were killed, including 140 minors: 523 in Gaza, 134 in the West Bank.
In 2007, there was an increase of 13 % in the number of Palestinians held in administrative detention without trial, which averaged 830 people. Sixty-six staffed checkpoints and 459 physical roadblocks on average controlled movement inside the West Bank, thus hindering Palestinians’ freedom of movement.
Israel continued the freeze policy on family unification, denying tens of thousands of Palestinians the right to a family life. The number of houses demolished in East Jerusalem rose by 38 percent. Palestinians continue to face severe discrimination in the allocation of water in the West Bank, causing serious hardship in the summer.
The 2008 Amnesty International Report, in its year-end review for 2007, stated, “The human rights situation in the Israeli Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) remained dire. Israeli forces killed more than 370 Palestinians, destroyed more than 100 Palestinian homes and imposed ever more stringent restrictions on the movement of Palestinians.
In June, the Israeli government imposed an unprecedented blockade on the Gaza Strip, virtually imprisoning its entire 1.5 million population, subjected them to collective punishment and causing the gravest humanitarian crisis to date. Some 40 Palestinians died after being refused passage out of Gaza for urgent medical treatment not available in local hospitals. Some 9,000 Palestinian adults and children remained in Israeli jails, some of whom had been held without charge or trial for years.” During the same period 13 Israelis were killed by Palestinian armed groups.
As if this litany of state terrorism is not enough, Palestinians suspected of actively opposing Israel’s occupation of the West Bank or Gaza, have had their homes and families attacked by Israeli tanks, mortars, missiles and bombs. And after their suspect is killed or imprisoned, the Israeli army bulldozes or dynamites their family’s home. Over the years of occupation, thousands of homes have been destroyed in this fashion. Israel has also killed hundreds of Palestinian leaders by assassination. Such attacks often kill innocent bystanders.
Police brutality against Arab Israelis is common and well documented. Illegal detention, beatings, personal property confiscations and torture of Arab citizens of Israel are a fact of life. Their homes are routinely invaded and ransacked in the middle of the night, under the pretext of searching for suspects. From 1967 to 1988 more than 600,000 Palestinians have been held in Israeli jail for periods ranging from one week to life. During the first Intifada (1987-1994), Israel arrested some 175,000 Palestinians. According to the B’tselem, some 85% of Palestinian detainees have been tortured during interrogation.
The Israeli torture includes everything from choking victims with urine and feces soaked bags tied over their heads to using electric cattle prods for anal rape and mutilation. The brutal torture of prisoners and detainees is recognized as a particularly vicious form of terrorism. Many thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese have died while in Israeli custody.
The use of cluster bombs in civilian territories is known to kill unarmed civilians and as such considered a crime, according to most international laws. However, Israel used cluster bombs in its bombing campaigns in Lebanon. Not surprisingly, therefore, that while the rest of the world recently vowed never to under any circumstance “use cluster munitions” nor “develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer to anyone, directly or indirectly, cluster munitions,” Israel, like the USA, China and Russia have not ratified the treaty banning its use.
Notwithstanding the fact that the above list of terrorism is incomplete, what is clear is that many of the leaders of the State of Israel ~ Begin, Rabin, Shamir, Barak and Sharon ~ were terrorists and that, irrespective of who runs the government there, the State of Israel continues to practice terrorism against her dispossessed Palestinians and neighbors. Audaciously, she has also practiced terrorism against the USA, the country which has been her greatest benefactor.
Recently, Israel’s latest 11-month blockade of Gaza has been dubbed as “abominable” by Desmond Tutu, the Nobel Laureate for Peace. He denounced the international community by stating that “our silence and complicity, especially on the situation in Gaza, shames us all. It is almost like the behavior of the military junta in Burma."
Shot in the head, Feb 14, 2009, by IDF, 13 year old
Hammad Silmiya was tending his grazing sheep.
Sadly, many lawmakers in the West who cry out foul about human rights violations in places like Burma and China ~ especially when it comes to Tibet ~ are the most vocal supporters of state terrorism of Israel. Why this double standard? Are all complicit leaders in Europe and the West in agreement with this Zionist genocide or will they ever develop the moral courage to condemn Israel for her monumental records of state terrorism?
Military blockades and increased restrictions imposed by Israel on the movement of Palestinians and the confiscation by Israel of Palestinian customs duties caused a significant deterioration in living conditions for Palestinian inhabitants in the Occupied Territories, with poverty, food aid dependency, health problems and unemployment reaching crisis levels. Israeli soldiers and settlers committed serious human rights abuses, including unlawful killings, against Palestinians, mostly with impunity.
Thousands of Palestinians were arrested by Israeli forces throughout the Occupied Territories on suspicion of security offenses and hundreds were held in administrative detention.
Israeli conscientious objectors continued to be imprisoned for refusing to serve in the army. In a 34-day war against Hezbollah in Lebanon in July-August, Israeli forces committed serious violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes. Israeli bombardments killed nearly 1,200 people, and destroyed or damaged tens of thousands of homes and other civilian infrastructure. Israeli forces also littered south Lebanon with around a million unexploded cluster bombs which continued to kill and maim civilians after the conflict.”

June 1, 2007 ~ Israeli troops shot and killed two 13-year-old Palestinians ~Ahmed Abu Zbeida and Zaher al-Majdalawi ~ near the Gaza-Israel border fence, saying that they were crawling toward the barrier in a “suspicious manner.” The boys had told their families they were going to the beach. (The Guardian, June 1, 2007)
In its year-end review of Israeli violence against Palestinian people, the Israeli Human Rights Organization B’tselem stated that in 2007, up to 29 December, Israeli security forces killed 373 Palestinians ~ 290 in Gaza, 83 in the West Bank, 53 among them minors.
By comparison, in 2006, 657 Palestinians were killed, including 140 minors: 523 in Gaza, 134 in the West Bank.
In 2007, there was an increase of 13 % in the number of Palestinians held in administrative detention without trial, which averaged 830 people. Sixty-six staffed checkpoints and 459 physical roadblocks on average controlled movement inside the West Bank, thus hindering Palestinians’ freedom of movement.
Israel continued the freeze policy on family unification, denying tens of thousands of Palestinians the right to a family life. The number of houses demolished in East Jerusalem rose by 38 percent. Palestinians continue to face severe discrimination in the allocation of water in the West Bank, causing serious hardship in the summer.
The 2008 Amnesty International Report, in its year-end review for 2007, stated, “The human rights situation in the Israeli Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) remained dire. Israeli forces killed more than 370 Palestinians, destroyed more than 100 Palestinian homes and imposed ever more stringent restrictions on the movement of Palestinians.
In June, the Israeli government imposed an unprecedented blockade on the Gaza Strip, virtually imprisoning its entire 1.5 million population, subjected them to collective punishment and causing the gravest humanitarian crisis to date. Some 40 Palestinians died after being refused passage out of Gaza for urgent medical treatment not available in local hospitals. Some 9,000 Palestinian adults and children remained in Israeli jails, some of whom had been held without charge or trial for years.” During the same period 13 Israelis were killed by Palestinian armed groups.
As if this litany of state terrorism is not enough, Palestinians suspected of actively opposing Israel’s occupation of the West Bank or Gaza, have had their homes and families attacked by Israeli tanks, mortars, missiles and bombs. And after their suspect is killed or imprisoned, the Israeli army bulldozes or dynamites their family’s home. Over the years of occupation, thousands of homes have been destroyed in this fashion. Israel has also killed hundreds of Palestinian leaders by assassination. Such attacks often kill innocent bystanders.
Police brutality against Arab Israelis is common and well documented. Illegal detention, beatings, personal property confiscations and torture of Arab citizens of Israel are a fact of life. Their homes are routinely invaded and ransacked in the middle of the night, under the pretext of searching for suspects. From 1967 to 1988 more than 600,000 Palestinians have been held in Israeli jail for periods ranging from one week to life. During the first Intifada (1987-1994), Israel arrested some 175,000 Palestinians. According to the B’tselem, some 85% of Palestinian detainees have been tortured during interrogation.
The Israeli torture includes everything from choking victims with urine and feces soaked bags tied over their heads to using electric cattle prods for anal rape and mutilation. The brutal torture of prisoners and detainees is recognized as a particularly vicious form of terrorism. Many thousands of Palestinians and Lebanese have died while in Israeli custody.
The use of cluster bombs in civilian territories is known to kill unarmed civilians and as such considered a crime, according to most international laws. However, Israel used cluster bombs in its bombing campaigns in Lebanon. Not surprisingly, therefore, that while the rest of the world recently vowed never to under any circumstance “use cluster munitions” nor “develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer to anyone, directly or indirectly, cluster munitions,” Israel, like the USA, China and Russia have not ratified the treaty banning its use.
Notwithstanding the fact that the above list of terrorism is incomplete, what is clear is that many of the leaders of the State of Israel ~ Begin, Rabin, Shamir, Barak and Sharon ~ were terrorists and that, irrespective of who runs the government there, the State of Israel continues to practice terrorism against her dispossessed Palestinians and neighbors. Audaciously, she has also practiced terrorism against the USA, the country which has been her greatest benefactor.
Recently, Israel’s latest 11-month blockade of Gaza has been dubbed as “abominable” by Desmond Tutu, the Nobel Laureate for Peace. He denounced the international community by stating that “our silence and complicity, especially on the situation in Gaza, shames us all. It is almost like the behavior of the military junta in Burma."
The recent war in Palestine was no war ~ it was a holocaust in which children and women were targeted, as in Lebanon two years prior. The old saw children used as shields for Hamas is given and the media accepts it. It is well documented that Israel blatantly ignored the six month ceasefire and, when Hamas retaliated, Israel fell upon the Palestinians with a heavy and ugly boot. Meanwhile the settlement plans for the West Bank are being doubled as the settlers continue to terrorize and kill Palestinians. The so-called current ceasefire is marked with one breach after another by Israel ~ a young farmer here, a family there, Israel continues its path of expulsion and terror. And always the children.
.Hammad Silmiya was tending his grazing sheep.
Sadly, many lawmakers in the West who cry out foul about human rights violations in places like Burma and China ~ especially when it comes to Tibet ~ are the most vocal supporters of state terrorism of Israel. Why this double standard? Are all complicit leaders in Europe and the West in agreement with this Zionist genocide or will they ever develop the moral courage to condemn Israel for her monumental records of state terrorism?
You forgot Sept 11 and 7/7! ;-) And Entebbe was recently discovered an Isr-eli hoax from the start.
ReplyDeleteGreat job putting it all together Barbara, quite the list! I've added it as a page on my site, where I put primary articles of education.
Have you heard about "Canada Park" in Isr-el? Isr-eli youngsters drive their motorbikes over the remains of destroyed Arab villages where Jesus walked.
I'm sending this one to and!
ReplyDeleteYes this article I'll save, that's how it is, and: Neocons and Israelis urging through the world-press to attack Iraq and Iran. About Lebanon 2006. a criminal war-attack, here in EU was little critique and Gaza recently, all Western media lied, that Hamas was responsible, while Israel broke the truce on Nov.4.08 and killed 5 Pals inside Gaza.
ReplyDeleteDebate with Norman Finkelstein:
But I would not compare this terrorism with WW-2, the picture of "Nazi-Germany" is coming through Tv and Hollywood and is wrong. To who started the war, there is a new book by Pat Buchanan, accusing Churchill, and Victor Suvorov describing Stalin's draw up 1941 to attack Germany with big overpower. The Soviets had not accepted the Geneva Convention and the Bolshevic commissars were using any sort of bloody terror like then the partisans.
The aggression against Lebanon and Gaza can be compared with the Allied bombing of German civilian cities.
The Zionists have falsified the history of their war against the Palestinians and also the role of Germany in the second World-war.
Big thanks for this article that brings the true description of the time.
It would be hard to put together a day by day account in the same way for the atrocities of the Bolsheviks, but are remarkably similar in nature to those of Israel. This is so much the case, that the one collection looks like a continuation of the other.
ReplyDeleteWould you mind me pointing out that the same pattern of corruption of a country's government through money power, followed by attempts at dispossession of the country's native citizenry has been going on for the last 1,000 years always using the most brutal methods. The brutality is always attributed to the victims. Curiously the purpetraters frequently seem drawn from the same group.
The engineered financial crisis may well turn the bulk of the population of many countries into Palestinians desperately fighting against being made into helots.
Fritz is of course entirely correct with regard to WWII.
Very notable and informative!
ReplyDeleteIt becomes even more coherent if we follow the history of Zionism, that became political with the Balfour declaration 1917 between the banker "Lord Rothschild" and the British minister Balfour about the creation of a Jewish state in the British colony of Palestine in exchange for war propaganda against Germany and Austria, which then led to the dictate of Versailles. (as Benjamin Freedman also declared, eventually at /only that they are often disturbed at their site, but Freedman is very serious).
ReplyDeleteO.K., it's good to investigate from 1939/45 on more in detail.
Though cruelties and terror can be used by any other people, that have moral education removed, probably like e.g. Talmudist, Bolshevism, Pol Pot .. But for most people it is hard to understand how the falsified history of Israel is accepted still in the West, and that in our modern age of science and information. The same with Iraq-war, ("Saddam's weapons of mass destruction") - and that made me think again about political history and research more, as probably very many other people too.
Wow. Great details here. I had no idea of the history behind the situation.
ReplyDeleteWell said! Israel is the aggressor, oppressor & needs reigning in urgently.....but who has the guts?
ReplyDeleteWell said.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lot of disinformation and fake propaganda. Maybe you forget that the first one who started the violence were the arabs with their violent protests against who? Against civilians and refugees from the antisemitic Europe. You're real pathethic and I can clearly see your antisemitism disguised as antizionism. Read more about Zionism and less about anti-israeli or anti-semitic arab-made hitlerian-look-like cheap propaganda.
ReplyDeleteThere's no fucking apartheid in Israel. There's no fucking genocide. The genocide is when you exterminate a people. The Jews in Europe were nearly 10 millions and in WWII died 6 millions. The Arabs so called "palestinians" were 1.5 millions in 1948 and now they are 5 millions in the region (9 millions of people around the world consider themselves as "Palestinians")....increasing a people is a genocide? Is an Holocaust? Your comparisons are really childish and with no sense as hilarious worlds used by ignorant and jealous people like "ziofascism", "zionazism" etc...
The fact is that you, dumb people, only hates Israel. You just give a shit about civilians (which real oppressors are Hamas islamofascists, using international aid and funds to increase their bank accounts instead protect their own people with bunkers as the israeli do). You don't care about other humanitarian crisis around the world because there's no Israel involved. Pretty hipocrit. Israel is the only democracy in the region (only if you consider more democratic countries where freedom of speech is condemned, infidels are killed, women are considered less than men and minorities are persecuted everyday) and will live for centuries as the Jewish people survived to any extermination plan, and not a bunch of brainwashed islamofascists will break it, nor a bunch of western liberal cunts.
You're a lying imbecile!
DeleteIsrael is a terrorist state. They stole Palestine through acts of terrorism.
DeleteLet me add: Moshe Dayan, 1915 - 1981, was seen in Athen, Greece, later in June 1968 helping to install military dictatorship in Greece and Franz Josef Strauß, 1915 - 1988, from Germany helped with delivery of weapons. International colleagues.
ReplyDeleteUri Avnery, 1923 - 2018, was allowed to say in German television, he once was a member of Hagana, a terror organization, before he was member of Knesset.
ReplyDeleteBut Felicia Langer, 1930 - 2018, was not allowed to speak in a talk show by Sabine Christiansen, German television. Langer was invited, but later uninvited / excluded.
Joschka Fischer, born 1948, German politician of the Green Party, Foreign Minister 1998 - 2005, got a well paid professor-ship at University Princeton, USA. For his never talking about Gaza?
ReplyDeleteJacinda Ardern, born 1980, New Zealand, got a professor-ship at University Princeton, too, after she was Prime Minister from 2017 - 2023.
Why on earth would you choose blue and green colors for this essay? Good information but it is giving me a headache.