Sunday 8 April 2012


If these articles do not convince the reader of the truth of our lying media, then nothing will. The media is going all out constantly lying about the situation in Syria. Here I present you, dear Readers, with proof of the truth of their dishonesty.

April 8, 2012

Rafik Lutf a Syrian journalist and a member of the Arab Journalists Union in the US has said CNN, Al-Jazeera and other Western and Arabic satellite news channels are fabricating and falsifying events with the help on saboteurs, to accuse the Syrian army of violating and terrorizing civilians


Key staff from Al Jazeera's Beirut Bureau have resigned citing "bias" in the channel's stance on the conflict in Syria.

Bureau Managing Director Hassan Shaaban reportedly quit last week, after his correspondent and producer had walked out in protest.

A source told the Lebanese paper Al Akhbar that Al Jazeera's Beirut correspondent Ali Hashem had quit over the channel's stance on covering events in Syria. "... his position [which] changed after the station refused to show photos he had taken of armed fighters clashing with the Syrian Army in Wadi Khaled. Instead [Al Jazeera] lambasted him as a shabeeh [implying a regime loyalist]," a source told Lebanese press.

Ali Hashem was also infuriated by Al Jazeera's refusal to cover a crackdown by the King of Bahrain while twisting its Syria angle. "[In Bahrain], we were seeing pictures of a people being butchered by the 'Gulf's oppression machine', and for Al Jazeera, silence was the name of the game," he said.

The Beirut bureau's producer also quit claiming Al Jazeera had totally ignored Syria's constitutional reform referendum, which saw a 57% turnout with 90% voting for change.

Ghassan Ben Jeddo, who had been the head of the Beirut Bureau before resigning almost a year ago, said that Al Jazeera was biased in covering the Arab Spring, especially in Syria and Bahrain.
"I do believe that Al Jazeera and other channels were not balanced in dealing with the events," he said. "For instance, with respect to the events in Syria and Bahrain, we started to invite guests from America who only criticize the regime in Syria and support the regime in Bahrain and persons who justify NATO intervention. This is unacceptable."

Journalist and author Afshin Rattansi, who worked for Al Jazeera, told RT that, "sadly", the channel had become one-sided voice for the Qatari government's stance against Bashar al-Assad, having begun as the region's revolutionary broadcaster.

"It is very disturbing to hear how Al Jazeera is now becoming this regional player for foreign policy in a way that some would arguably say the BBC and others have been for decades," he said. "If Al Jazeera Arabic is going to take a war-like stance after [the] Qatari government, this would be very ill."

"There is the courage of these journalists, however, in saying 'Look, this is not the way we should be covering this. There are elements of Al-Qaeda in there,'" Rattansi concluded. "The way Al Jazeera Arabic has covered the story of Syria is completely one-sided."

Journalists and anti-war activist Don Debar, who has also had Al Jazeera experience, confirmed that the station has been heavily guided by the Qatari government in its policies.

"That has been ongoing since last April of 2011," Debar told RT. "The head of the bureau in Beirut quit, many other people quit because of the biased coverage and outright hand of the government in dictating editorial policy over Libya, and now Syria."



Syrian Revolution 2011 Lies and Truth
April 30, 2011

A number of foreign satellite channel continue their malicious campaign against Syria by distorting facts and fabricating reports that serve their purposes.

In this context, al-Jazeera resumed its campaign of instigation. Not content with broadcasting lies, the channel incited people to go out into the streets when they said during their coverage of the protests in Yemen that “protestors in Syria will continue their protest movement in support of the city of Daraa before the Friday prayers which are sometimes followed by gatherings of dozens or hundreds in a number of Syrian governorates.”

By doing so, the channel foretold what would happen in advance, foregoing credibility and professionalism. This was made apparent when the channel indicated to an intensive dispersal of the Syrian army on the Lebanese borders while the images it broadcast live from there didn’t show anything supporting the fabricated story.

The channel also ran a report on what it claimed to be protests, showing static photos and afterwards backtracking by saying that they are “animated images” in an attempt to add a sort of credibility to their misleading coverage.

In their latest in the line of fabricated witnesses, a “jurist activist” from Daraa city called Abdullah Abazeed said that the “heavy rain only fell on the locations where the security and the Syrian army were located” neglected what he said earlier about an intense presence of the army inside the city and its surroundings, leading one to wonder how rain chose to fall only on the locations of the army which was dispersed across Daraa as Abazeed himself said.

Another “eyewitness” called Fadel Abu Muhammad from Kanaker said that security forces arrested 19 people and claimed that they were treating the people of the village like a “true enemy” only for him to contradict himself in response to another question by saying that “nothing happened between us and security forces so far, but we don’t know when it will happen.”

Ayham al-Zoabi, yet another supposed eyewitness, spoke of protests in the thousands across Daraa and that there are snipers stationed on rooftops in the city, only for him to response to a query about his location by saying that he left Daraa three days ago, raising the question of how he was able to “witness” these thousands of protests and the snipers while he was out of the city for three days.
One must keep in mind that according to these channels, communications with Daraa are down and the city is surrounded and no-one is allowed in or out.

When asked about a protest in Sheikh Meskin, al-Zoabi said that there were no clashes between protestors and security personnel, but he expected that “a massacre will happen” when they protest reach security checkpoints without giving anything to corroborate this supposition.

Al-Jazeera also showed photos of gatherings it claimed took place in Damascus in which the sky is clear, while Damascus was witnessing heavy rainfall and hailstorms.

An eyewitness from Banyas contradicted himself when he said that the army and security forces blockaded the city and prevented people from leaving it for work while saying at the same time that a “massive number” of protestors came from nearby villages to support Banyas, which caused the program’s host to try and avoid the contradiction by asking a new question then cutting off the call.

Al-Arabiya channel showed what it claimed to be a protest that took palce in Damascus on Friday, but the image they used proved otherwise because of a flag shown in the picture… the flag of another Arab country.

In response to allegations by some channels, the Association of the Syrian Community in Egypt issued a statement refuting reports that Syrians in Egypt were protesting in front of the Syrian Embassy in Cairo.

The statement said “some Arab or Arabic-language media establishments, first among them al-Jazeera, assumed another type of incitement and hatemongering against Syria as things in Syria began to move towards calm and restoring security and safety.”

“In the course of its policy of lies and distortions that contradict the most vital principals of journalism, al-Jazeera claimed that hundreds of Syrians protested against their country’s embassy in Cairo, while the protestors were only dozens and most of them non-Syrians,” the statement added.

The Association noted that al-Jazeera was among the first to ignore the demonstration organized by the Syrian community on 13/3/2011 to show their love of their country and their faith in their leadership, affirming that the Syrian community in Egypt stand by the Syrian leadership and people.        

تواصل بعض الفضائيات الخارجية حملتها المغرضة ضد سورية وتشويه الحقائق وفبركة التقارير التي تخدم توجهاتها وفي هذا السياق تابعت قناة الجزيرة حملتها التحريضية حيث لم تكتف ببث الأكاذيب والأضاليل بل قامت بتحريض الناس على الخروج إلى الشوارع اليوم حيث ذكرت القناة وهي تغطي مظاهرات اليمن بان المتظاهرين في سورية سيستمرون في حركتهم الاحتجاجية مساندة لمدينة درعا وذلك قبل بدء صلاة الجمعة التي تعقبها أحيانا تجمعات بالعشرات أو بالمئات في عدد من المحافظات السورية
بدوره توقع مراسل القناة في وادي خالد على الحدود اللبنانية خروج مظاهرات على الجانب السوري من الحدود بعد صلاة الجمعة مستبقا الأحداث ومتجاهلا المصداقية والمهنية وبدا ذلك واضحا عندما أشار إلى انتشار كثيف للجيش السوري على الحدود اللبنانية بينما الصور التي كانت تعرضها القناة مباشرة من هناك لم تظهر على الأرض ما يدعم روايته المفبركة
كما بثت القناة تقريرا عما قالت إنه مظاهرات في بانياس وكانت الصور التي عرضتها عبارة عن صورة ثابتة واستدركت الخطأ بالقول إنها صور متحركة لتضفي نوعا من المصداقية على تغطيتها المشوهة والمضللة
وفي جديد فبركات شهود عيان هذه القناة قال عبد الله أبا زيد أحد الناشطين الحقوقيين من مدينة درعا إن الأمطار الغزيرة هطلت فقط على أماكن تواجد الأمن والجيش السوري دون أن ينتبه إلى ما قاله قبل ذلك حول الوجود الكثيف للجيش داخل درعا ومحيطها.. فكيف اختار المطر فقط مواقع الجيش وهو منتشر في كافة أرجاء درعا حسب أبا زيد
من جهته قال شاهد العيان فاضل أبو محمد من كناكر إن قوات الأمن اعتقلت 19 شخصا زاعما أنهم يعاملون أهل البلدة كأنهم عدو حقيقي ولكن في إجابته على سؤال آخر عاد أبو محمد ليناقض نفسه بقوله لم يحصل بيننا وبين الأمن إلى الآن أي مواجهات ولكن لا ندري متى يحصل ذلك
وواصل شهود عيان الجزيرة بث الأكاذيب حيث تحدث أيهم الزعبي عن مظاهرات بالآلاف في مناطق درعا وعن وجود قناصة على أسطح البنايات في المدينة بينما أكد لدى سؤاله عن مكان تواجده أنه خرج من مدينة درعا منذ ثلاثة أيام وهنا السؤال كيف شاهد الآلاف والقناصة وكيف خرج من درعا منذ ثلاثة أيام وحسب هذه الفضائيات ان الاتصالات مع درعا مقطوعة وان درعا محاصرة لا يسمح لأحد بالخروج منها أو الدخول إليها
وعندما تم سؤاله عن مظاهرة في الشيخ مسكين نفى الزعبي حدوث أي صدامات بين المتظاهرين وعناصر الأمن متوقعا بأنه عندما تصل المظاهرة إلى الحواجز الأمنية سيحدث هناك مجزرة دون أن يورد سندا على ذلك
كما بثت قناة الجزيرة صورا لتجمعات قالت إنها مظاهرات في مدينة دمشق وأظهرت هذه الصور الجو صحوا بينما كانت دمشق تشهد في هذا الوقت هطول أمطار غزيرة ممزوجة بحبات البرد
ومن بانياس ناقض شاهد العيان عبد الكريم نفسه عندما تحدث عن حصار الجيش وقوات الأمن للمدينة ومنع الناس من الخروج منها لمزاولة أعمالهم بينما ذكر في نفس الوقت أن عددا كبيرا من المتظاهرين جاؤوا لدعم بانياس من القرى المحيطة الأمر الذي لاحظه مقدم البرنامج وحاول تفادي التناقض بطرح سؤال جديد على عبد الكريم ومن ثم قطع الاتصال بعد ذلك
كما عرضت قناة العربية تظاهرة زاعمة أنها تجري في دمشق اليوم لكن الصورة بينت بأن التظاهرة ليست في سورية لأن العلم الموجود في الصورة هو لبلد عربي شقيق
في السياق ذاته أصدرت جمعية أبناء الجالية السورية في مصر بيانا نفت فيه ما ورد على شاشات بعض الفضائيات العربية من أن أبناء الجالية السورية في مصر خرجوا في مظاهرة أمام السفارة السورية في القاهرة
وجاء في البيان أن بعض أجهزة الإعلام العربية أو الناطقة باللغة العربية وفي طليعتها قناة الجزيرة اتجهت نحو شكل آخر من أشكال التحريض وبث الكراهية ضد سورية بعدما اتجهت الأمور في سورية نحو الهدوء واستعادة الأمن والآمان
وأضاف البيان الذي صدر اليوم أنه وفي سياق سياسة الكذب والتشويه المنافية لأهم مبادئ العمل الإعلامي زعمت قناة الجزيرة أن مئات من أبناء الجالية السورية تظاهروا أمام سفارة بلادهم في القاهرة علما أن المتظاهرين وهم بالعشرات معظمهم غير سوريين
ولفت البيان إلى أن قناة الجزيرة كانت أول من تجاهل تظاهرة المحبة والفرح التي نظمتها الجالية السورية أمام السفارة بتاريخ /31/3/2011 حين عبر السوريون يومها عن محبتهم لوطنهم وثقتهم بقيادتهم
وأكد البيان وقوف الجالية السورية في جمهورية مصر العربية إلى جانب سورية قيادة وشعبا

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