Saturday 16 February 2019


Now I remember another reason I left the East: SNOW. Slippery footing. A cold that requires actually sealing shut my windows! Hopefully this morning's offerings will bring you some smiles. This blog has long been very vocally anti-communist and now, with the current situation South of the border, it will not let up. Canada is already in the grips of (((globalism/Communism))); the hopes of the world surviving this challenge lies with America. 

Sorry folks, but that's a fact I have known for a very long time. Expect more as time passes; this threat is very real. Once freedoms are lost, once the system is changed and broken, it will NEVER return to even a speck of its previous glories and freedoms. NEVER. 

I have just noted that much of my type today is teeny tiny. I have tried to fix it but there is some HTML glitch and it just gets worse every attempt I make. Please forgive me!  

My humble attempt to illustrate the wonders of nothing in Communism.

Mercifully, I present this without comment.

I am not too sure what Trudeau is up to here in this photo. We know already he keeps company with deviants and perverts just from photographic evidence.

PET did publicly refer to Justin as "My idiot son".

I have not yet found a traceable connection between Adam Schiff and this man, Jacob Schiff, who assuredly put out the orders to kill the Tzar and his family during the Bolshevik Bloodbath which he helped organize and finance on behalf of his closest friends and business partners, the Rothschild family.

I am still laughing at this one. As IF. This cartoonist backs the Deal.

Ilhan has supporters around the world. She is being watched as a case study for her peers to attempt to follow in her footsteps. I do not like the woman; she is very angry looking. WHY when she comes from a horrible country and lives in a comparative paradise?

The shallowness of this one runs very deep. Facile and plays fast and loose with the truth. A true Democrat.

In the making: the early Viking history of Sweden; the truth at last. Her eyes are brown; now we know where those corn blue Scandinavian eyes come from.

FAO denies the peril of unsafe food, which kills more than 400,000 people each year, according to UN estimates.

Due to pesticides, insect decline threatens catastrophic collapse of nature's ecosystems.

This unAmerican woman is being taken to town for her anti semitic remarks; comments that no one with any awareness can dispute; however she is a repugnant person and her motives serve (((those she criticizes))) in the long run by drawing public attention away from (((them and their infiltration))) of the halls of power, allowing them to continue the destruction of America through immigration and cultural Marxism. Everyone seems to scream about Shariah Law which belongs anywhere but in the West but then forgets or are unaware of the Noahides already being enforced over the Napoleonic Laws upon which America's legal system was founded.

Do you remember when propaganda was subliminal?

Common Core history project.

Modern Parents. Where is the nuclear family? Where is Daddy? Oh! TWO DADDIES!

It was amazing how many people of all ages responded to this tweet, informing the man that they LIKED the artistic expression, they liked being chained to their grammar, etc. But always civil, a miracle in Twitter.

Should Jussie be charged for this fake story he created? Think of the hundreds of man hours used to get to the bottom of his BS.

Some things you just cannot unsee.

Mad snow formations in Slovenia.

"Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end... "

And another unforgettable image.

Almost 80% of the locals were geared up for this business. But "Amazon does not represent New York ideals" was the cry. No unions!

SERIOUSLY? How about all the stress and money for dinners, candy, flowers, gifts, etc from these guys? Valentines Day has been monetized, no longer just cards shared between children. (((It is big business))); perhaps it is far past time to scale expectations down and just show the love to all within your circle. (((Dump the greed))) and return to the love.

Dreams of Summer during the Depths of Winter!


  1. Winter? Wozat?

    We're gearing up for Easter here in the Land of the Rabbit.

    Was looking for a single Chirigota song, but in Cádiz they're still on the preliminaries. So you get a full half-hour here:

    Chirigotas? Explained here:

    Fond memories of Canada, both east and west.

    Sorry to hear about your Trudy problem. hough enjoy the cartoons.



  2. One of my granddaughters has just sent me a photograph of herself on snowshoes, with her hand on the roof of their house. Deep snow! (This is Quebec. A far cry from the Land of the Rabbit, evidently!)


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