Friday 25 June 2021


Prepare to enjoy Canada Day, folks. Of course things are not the same as once they were; the emotions of this old Canuck are mixed. My earliest Canada Day memory was in 1953, riding on my tall father's shoulders through a crowd of people gathered in the field across the way to enjoy the fireworks. 
When my girls were growing up, we walked down to the end of the street to watch the fireworks over the water; then home for warm chocolate. They grew up in a country where even our relative poverty was absolute wealth compared to others and I taught them their good fortune to be living where they were; in absolute peace and safety; in a high trust neighbourhood.
I promised to not complain about the current state of our nation, preferring this week to think of the beauty of Canada and the resilience of most Canadians despite our current situation. As for me, I look at the fireworks as being set off in honour of my birthday, July 2! But birthdays are not such a cause for celebration; once they were all about the future; now they are about making it though another year while still standing!


Another assassination ignored by the media. Kashogi was so much safer to get upset about!

And kill Father's Day while you are at it!

Odd the FBI cannot find this chap but the grannies are so easily rounded up.

Interesting how no one considers Israel/Zionism in these considerations, isn't it?

Essential reading!

Canadian burger: moose, bacon, blueberries, bannock. Mmmmm

Vicious! LOL.

Chesterman Beach, Tofino

Baby broccoli in a friend's garden. Summer is here!

Truer words have NEVER been spoken!

One never knows what lies beneath a professional drag queen's fabulous outfits. I found this tattoo to be particularly interesting considering the world this chap moves about in.


View from a canoe.

I never knew horses grew mustaches!

Ugly is as ugly does. And ugly thinks come naturally. Geez. Not too bright either.

The beekeeper could not understand the blue honey in his hives. After following his bees to discover the source, he found them swarming discarded M&M's from a nearby factory.

Ah! Success!

The gentleman would happily chew on Fauci's bones if he could get those monstrous jaws on him. Poor kitty looks hungry.

Be well all. And see you next week.


  1. Good collection. BTW, your previous post last week about the disappearance of strong white men is possibly one of the most important posts you have made. It should be read by all. Thanks for your continued efforts.

  2. Attractive rainbow in No. 167. The cows are nice-looking too.

  3. The rock between the tyres brought back memories.
    Thanks for the posts Noor.


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