Saturday 17 June 2023


This post is full of Daddy stuff in honour of Fathers' Day. Daddies don't get enough kudos for all that they do in this world, especially White daddies as the agenda rolls on trying to erase us and our way of life. 

So welcome, dear Reader, daddy stuff is everywhere here today. I realize I did not appreciate mine when I was a young adult but now I know we were unbelievably wealthy; Dad was there and although an imperfect human being like all of us, he supported a full family, an old Victorian home and a cabin out in cottage country with his labours. 

The things we argued about back then are all things I would agree with him on today (race mixing among them), and am relieved I did not have to deal with modern challenges; he got the hippie movement; no one saw that coming. Until, a few decades later, when I recognized him as just another soul travelling through time and space dealing with various issues, it was difficult to remember him with the love, appreciation, gratitude, that I feel towards him today.

The top photo is Dad taking a smoke break while working at our first cabin. That is my leg in the corner. The other is with Mom and me over by one of what became a favourite swimming spot. He taught me so much about the outdoors and the cycles of natural life. I never got to the point where I could thank him for the sacrifices he made carving this place for us, but I would today. 

I could be shot at dawn by almost any liberal you might meet for posting this meme but, if I am absolutely and brutally honest with myself, this is very true. I heard this quote a decade or so ago and never forgot it, applied its essence to various political movements along the way. My (((Jewdar))) had acknowledged this was true; consider the current deluge of needy Munchausen Mommas pushing gender dysphoria/ transgenderism  upon their sons. But that is just one of many things, like feminism, or the abomination of abortion.

Eventually you realize you are not the jackass whisperer...

I called this years ago.

Only the privileged can afford water

Cartoon artists imprisoned in the Philippines

'Pedo Pete' was Hunter's pet name for his father upon several occasions in those hidden files.

Which Joe did they do all this testing on? There have been a few such actors over his tenure.

Little Democrats
Yoga stretch chipmunk

Never ever go for Daddy this way

Masks.... This is in lower Ontario.

Father Knows Best

Two of my brothers were single fathers of girls back in the 1980's. This sort of thing did happen when the nappy had to be changed.
That pool!

(((Freud))). He was a lousy father, a terrible father! However, even a broken clock has to be right twice a day.

I don't know why I never thought of that. This dad is a pro.

I had never really heard the term "Christian Art" before. The artist I found produces beautiful work; I am posting a fair bit of his father oriented work today. His wife photographs him with their child in various poses and then he builds the image around thos photos.

This Syrian man chased mothers and babies around the little playground in French Alps town of Annecy stabbing leaving four hospitalized with serious injuries. A French Catholic pilgrim named Henri swung at the attacker with his backpack and has been dubbed ’’the hero with the backpack.″  Hero material.

No one seems to be too sorry to see the end of Berlesconi.

Ms. Meloni with her friend and below with the Canadian goofball. Trudy sits like such a woman it raises questions....

These two of the Pope are AI generated

Wiemar Republic. Men in drag, trans folk, sex workers, at a cafe.


Like Rachel Levine, abandoning family. 

A father's love. OUCH.

Morning dew

(((This one))) pushes (((ewish))) deviance as far as possible.

Another group of sex workers, gays, and cross dressers of the Wiemar Republic. It might shock you to know that there are MANY people who want those days of "sexual freedom" back. The other night I witnessed a crowd go wild with enthusiasm when it was suggested to them. Truly I was shocked.

The elite laugh at such things as "flag code".

Meanwhile, they still cannot define "woman". Can we pronounce "Female eradication?"

This room during a heavy rainstorm!

When I was very young, Dad showed me all these little things in nature...

Father as angel

They went to Disney world like this. It was her birthday wish.

Politically savvy Daddy

My older daughter was the queen of the skating rink for a few summers. And yes, the little boys  loved her. She played and made them laugh.
Communal house. Black and white television. Eight of us jammed into a small room. Popcorn and SNL. They really were funny, delightfully silly. There were some politics but it was pretty universal not weaponized as it is now.

"And Mummy will make a pie for us."

Somewhere in Poland

Daddy is a lumberjack. OMG wait until they are all have hormones raging...

There. Are. No. Words.

There are two races still whining; the one is inspired/boosted by (((the other))) who developed the strategy of whining and winging for cash settlements.

Thing is, these men are (((fake white))).
The next time you hear Cleopatra was black, remember she was a Greek Ptolemy. Cleo was not a beauty either but she was fascinating, spoke many languages and had red hair.

Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Sausalito...

Not a good look, Donald

I have never kept a dog on a leash in the outdoors.

Oh ho! This is as good as Michael Chertoff's name.(Son of the devil)

Cottage cheese ice cream. Apparently absolutely delicious. I plan to make some this summer.


  1. Wonderful edition. I consider myself lucky beyond belief for my parents. My Dad always used to say, "You can't be too careful in the selection of your parents." The photos you posted are wonderful. Many brought tears to my eyes in memory of my parents.

  2. Ah, you let your doggies run loose, off the leash? I'll just say... I'm sorry to hear that.

  3. Sorry, but you are not depressiv, dear Noor. At six in the morning I'm sitting on my bed like the frog you once posted, which cannot breathe - in the afternoon I started to look at your wonderful memes and I started smiling. If you would be depressiv, I would have recommend Tea from Johannis herbs, a teapot in the evening, no more. Kind regards, another Grandma with bike

  4. Sorry, but you are not depressiv, dear Noor. At six in the morning I'm sitting on my bed like the frog you once posted, which cannot breathe - in the afternoon I started to look at your wonderful memes and I started smiling. If you would be depressiv, I would have recommend Tea from Johannis herbs, a teapot in the evening, no more.

  5. A lesson, alot of people don't know.
    I wasn't aware of it, until I figured out, the south protecting our values, couldn't be the same ones that were (still are: spanish speaking illegal household help anyone?!?) racist, slave owning *ssholes fighting Lincoln.


  6. Gracias siempre, Noor!

  7. Thanks for this presentation!
    This is my favourite film about a dad: "This Way of Life"
    Might be hard to find but it is well worth the search:

  8. Thank you very much

  9. skipman
    Great posts Noor, a great fathers day selection. With post 98 You managed to please two of you followers. I loved the Milky way, traductuer would have liked the train.
    Am i right in thinking post 355 was in reference to the Spanish government, who ordered trains that were too wide for their tunnels?
    Post 386 I believe Trump did pay, it was the press getting another dig at him.
    Keep Well Noor


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