Friday, 27 August 2021


Before I begin loading material, I just want to say thanks to everyone for your responses to my problem last week. It seems that the only way to save materials previously blogged requires going in and saving pieces one by one. My tech friend and I spent an afternoon trying to find an answer and that was all we could find. So it shall be.

This past tumultuous week has been unbelievable for materials in terms of quantity so in this particular post you will find almost nothing on Sleepy Joe, Communism, Afghanistan or Canada. Tomorrow I will do a second post to catch up. There was just too much to sort through today. As I began to organize today's post, I was up over the limit within a short time. And, to be honest, I can only deal with so much at once: the planet is not even close to peak madness. 

Anyhow, now to post. Enjoy. If that is possible. It is SO STRANGE to not see better days ahead; all my life I have felt that was possible; now it all seems so far away... 

They dig deep:

History lesson:

Walk upstream for maximum effect:

I am surrounded by them!:

Space Junk. Elon Musk could care less:

Mmm. Pie coming up.

Squamish, BC.:

Non-compliant Australians.

He laid out a heart of feed for his sheep:

One of my regulars suggested the occasional photo of a pretty woman would not go amiss. What say  you all? Here are a few suggestions.... smile. Each appeals to a different appetite.

In Reims, France, citizens picnicked on the streets outside restaurants demanding proof of vaccination. They brought their own meals...

Greek warplane:

1967 to 2018:

Those Russians really know how to put together a military parade!:

Definitely the word for today:

This person was VERY upset over the above cartoon.:

Heh! Truth:

This image made me think of creeping, choking Communism over running .... anywhere.

Bounty from my brother's garden:

Classic Stones story. RIP Charlie, the bedrock of the Rolling Stones.: 

Rush and Meatloaf. But there are so many more!:

The good professor is now in hiding:

They just cannot tell the truth!:

Just the fact that this is a report from a fact checker says everything we need to know.:

From the Bee:;

Red road rage:

This is happening in France already.:

This cliff is the remains of an antediluvian city.:

Well this posting went by beautifully! Maybe I just might get Part 1 done before sleep after all!


  1. Water isn’t h20. It’s an element. They had to make up the atmospheric gssses to explain how 70%+ of their tilted flying blue ball of water appeared out of nowhere w the Big Bang.
    Gorillas are fake animal species.
    Oxygen is a dehydrating gas. It’s foolish not to believe it does the same thing to your lung tissue as it does the oral & nasal mucosa of anyone prescribed it. It dries up secretions making it appear beneficial but it doesn’t stop there. The vents are what is killing people that don’t stay home w the flu.
    Kamala Harris is Nancy pelosis daughter, Christine, in black face.

  2. Please don't be tempted to post beautiful, un-modest women.

    We get that everywhere.

    I'd rather see feminine, modest women, or tender grandmothers.

    too much sex devalues women and degrades men.

    (I am male)

  3. I love the outdoor tin bathtub on the front porch in No. 30. My Australian brother has one just like it. And I very much appreciate the attractive but modestly dressed young lady in No. 160. All in all, a good week!

  4. Answer this question: Name one singer or one band that makes you immediately change the station.
    For me it's Eminem. Loved his music, got his cd's immediatly when they came out, untill the idiot started blairing his leftist bullshit...


    1. For me, it is the Beatles.

      Never could stand 'em.


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