Tuesday 9 May 2023


It is good to be back, my friends. Being delirious is fun! However, heavy duty brain fog is another story altogether and it still strikes. Advanced bronchitis took me down and it will be awhile before I am back to normal. It has been at least five or six years since being so sick. This was the weaponized virus I imagine. Thank you everyone for your good wishes!  I am well behind on the political scene, do not really care much, but that does not stop me from offering you another good collection. Enjoy!

Communism lives here.

It is Xenophobic for people liking to smell clean?
Symmetry in nature. Gathering nesting material, helping this doe shed her winter coat for summer.

My family said I was "the purple sheep". Not "bad", just different.

The commentary below is so very very accurate.

Nice WEF button, Justin.

Himalayan poppies

I am guilty of posting this meme many times over the years. Now, gotta take them back in the name of honesty. He never said it. As usual, too juicy to be real. If Hillier will not claim it, then it is false.

Duck or rabbit?

Do you remember this naked lad escaping by bed sheet from Buckingham Palace a few years ago? He fell to his death. I always wondered about this case ~ and if Charles was involved.

1937 Bugatti

The "Royal Family" is (((tribal))).

Macron and Zelensky. What gives with these guys? Trudeau is just as bad. Closed eyes!?!


The beautiful Russian Borzoi

Gender affirmation
Greta turned this into a high art form. Remember all those miserable children skipping school to protest the end of the world?

An early part of the normalization of paedophilia; "high art" showing miserable children.

Absolutely satanic programming from Disney

You cannot tell me that this piece of filth does not know exactly what he is doing.


The child is excreted via the rear passage.

Remember those star-studded spirit dinners Marina Abramovich put on a few years ago?

(((It. Never. Fails.)))

Memories of childhood paradise.

Important message

Pallas cats

If Le Bron played soccer....

Now we understand why they destroyed the Scouts.

Humidity, fog, a hot sun right after a sun shower.


  1. I found you when you commented on Tito Puraw's absence and return. Then I was concerned by your absence. I'm glad to see you've recovered enough to post again and hope you continue to improve. Thanks for the memes.

  2. I hope you're feeling better. Love the pictures and posts; thank you.

  3. Hi Noor! So happy to be reading you again! Hope you're now fully recovered, although the brain fog may last a while longer. It did for me, but it gradually disappears. Good sleep helps a lot.

  4. I'm delighted you're back, Noor. Welcome home!

  5. Ouji board meme is spot on.

  6. Glad to have you well.

    Yesterday is history
    Tomorrow a mystery
    Today is a gift
    That is why we call it the 'present'

    Atributed to Eleanor Roosevek\lt

  7. Me thinks that is you in the first pic. Be well friend.

  8. For pic #220, I'm thinking it is time to promote Suttee as authentic Indian culture again.


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