Tuesday 29 August 2023


Hi folks.

This is just a little post to keep you going. It has been difficult to post these days. It has taken time to reorganize all the data and files that somehow reappeared last week. So I have just gathered a few quotes that I can actually get behind at the moment. 

At the moment, all of that optimistic stuff posted in the past seems shallow and meaningless when I think of Lahaina and the ritual sacrifice of thousands of children now missing. The more I learn about this planned sacrificial ritual, the more I am saddened on a very deep level. Everything seems to be lost at the moment.

No one listened; few still listen; so many are already buying back into the lies and propaganda of the past few years. Please pardon me for my low mood. I think I remember why I liked to drink!

Why do we even bother? Posting images and pretty pictures seems so frivolous to me in this mood. It will pass. So for now, please enjoy this meagre offering and know Saturday will be a full post. It is just a bit too much at the moment.


Do you remember that droning dial tone?

I have fish.


Struggling with those britches this week.

It has been too hot out although that might be changing soon.

At the moment, these words seem so frivolous when one considers the enemy we deal with. Their relentless onslaughts of violence and evil tend to wear one down.


  1. Gracias siempre, Noor!

    From the videos and photos of the Lahaina fires' aftermath, it's evident that some sort of directed energy was used. How can cars be carbonized and their wheels melted into flowing rivulets of metal (which requires extremely high levels of heat energy), yet there are trees nearby still standing, almost untouched?? Spontaneous combustion of metal?? Some homes totally untouched, including their neatly manicured gardens, while all other homes for blocks around were levelled to the ground? Cement brick and metal homes totally turned into white ash, while the trees around them remained green and untouched?? What fuel can selectively do that?
    Here's some links that provide clear videos, pics and witness statements:
    https://nypost.com/2023/08/16/house-surrounded-by-burnt-down-homes-miraculously-survived-maui-wildfires/ (AMAZING! Look how neatly that home and its garden property was totally untouched, while everything around it was turned to dust! Intelligent fire, of course!)
    Interesting video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Itt6chKTwdzL/


  2. I think I can understand your mood. As the wise lady once said: "If you fall down and lose your spark, rise up as the whole damn flame." (Image 49). BTW, have you noticed that things started falling apart when the Church removed the Latin mass? It persist, but they are fighting it at the highest levels.

  3. Hola again, Noor,

    The burn and destruction patterns of the melted cars look very similar to these from 22 years ago:

    I use Yandex for my searches ("Melted cars on 9/11"), since Google won't show any of these results, only "debunking" articles. But here's one that sneaked in Google: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/666462444849907643/


  4. #14 - Also that horrible screeching busy signal....

  5. Hi Noor, sorry for the long absence, but I've been short on time.
    Thank you once again for your mix of cartoons that help me to cheer up and update on what is happening in the world.
    The world is strange, people are all brain numb... could it be the vaccine?
    An example is the images of India moon landing... how is it possible for anyone to believe those images...
    A hug and a kiss from across the ocean for you and remember: You are not alone

  6. Tar & Feathers here Noor.
    Buck up girl. you'll come right. What's happened to all those kids on Maui is very hard to contemplate. Some are even trying to tell themselves . . & us, that it's just bureaucratic incompetence - a tragic level of incompetence to be sure, but incompetence. That's why areas are locked down, no new drone footage, very little internet connectivity officials refusing to even acknowledge questions about children. Of course everything's copacetic.
    I, we, greatly appreciate all the effort that you put in here girl - it must take a great degree of concentration & dedication I know I suggested this some time ago - why don't you set up some variety of donation/patreon type setup, treat yaself. You've certainly earned it.
    Cheers Noor. Chris in Ch-Ch

  7. Hey Noor,
    Just a quick note from one old warrior (almost 80) to another. I can only hope my novels and other writings reveal as much truth, sincerity, dedication and talent as what you have created/shared here.

    Thank you for all the inspiration and courage you have given me and countless others over the years. It is clear that you have 'passed' the test of life with flying colors. Great achievements in the face of great duress. Please take heart once again and continue your admirable work.

  8. Moloch is eating, makai and up mauka.
    Live children are thrown in the beast’s fiery mouth.
    Horrible screams of pain, animal sounds,
    are heard coming from out Moloch’s furnace of bowels.
    Watching the show, priests of evil chant curses
    that fatten their members and swell up their purses.
    Bound by a circle of fire, lives are burning.
    Folks jump in the ocean, rough dark waters churning,
    Just to escape almost certain demise
    in the flames where two thousand souls will shed their lives.
    Not voluntarily, they were returned
    to their homes and corralled in the pyres of their burning.
    This is a burnt sacrifice of young lives
    and young blood, carried out by malevolent liars,
    Minions of evil, decrepit elite,
    lust infested with greed, kleptoparasite evil.
    Evil is hungry, it wants to devour
    any innocent life, every minute, each hour.
    It never stops. Evil’s ever relentless.
    So always be vigilant against malevolence.
    Almost as old as mankind, to defeat it,
    Remember, learn from a mistake, don’t repeat it.
    Learn to discern good from evil. Reflect
    on your cognitive dissonance. Do not deflect it.
    Beware of liars, thieves, cheaters, false leaders,
    ones leading you off to your doom, the death eaters.
    These are the same ones that propagate viruses.
    Their tricks abound. They’re as old as papyrus.
    God help us vanquish this evil from earth,
    and from all human culture forever exterminate.
    Help us stand up for the good and the true.
    God please show we the people of earth what to do.
    Maui is burning ~ the shores of Lahaina
    are covered with corpses of dead kama’aina.
    God rest their souls. Please console their ohana.
    Give their keikis pono, aloha, and mana.
    Give them the land, and the ocean and sky.
    Give them health. Let them live long and prosperous lives.

      Muchas gracias!

  9. Dear Noor, once you show us "Learn to rest, not to quit." But sometimes one feel no regeneration, even not in sleep well, music ... Take good care of yourself. Kind regards by another Grandma


  10. "At the moment, these words seem so frivolous when one considers the enemy we deal with. Their relentless onslaughts of violence and evil tend to wear one down." Do you truly understand "who" we deal with?? Thank you Noor for your work. I look forward to Wednesday and Saturday , Cant write much more Probably would'nt make much sense. Bless you Dear.

  11. This excellent video of the aftermath of the Lahaina fires shows extremely clearly that this was a very targeted attack, not a "wildfire". See how specific buildings were totally untouched, including their very manicured lawns and gardens, while everything around them was carbonized, but the trees that would have provided the fuel in a wildfire are still standing. What high heat fuel source carbonized and melted cars and wheels??
    Lahaina Fire left Governor’s House And Major Hotel Untouched

  12. MORE EVIDENCE - 2 Miles from Lahaina Fire A Melted Car Surrounded by Gravel! D.E.W. or What?
    They are spitting directly in our faces, and telling us that it's rain!

  13. An excellent Canadian website, Global Research, curated by a very critical thinker, Prof. Michel Chussodovsky, on the (highly probable) use of DEW's in the Maui "wildfires": https://www.globalresearch.ca/buoyant-multi-billion-dollar-direct-energy-weapons-market-for-military-and-civilian-use/5829357



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