Friday 17 December 2010


This story is just too bizarre to let slide.  According to these CPS people a lot of us are or have been terrible parents. My poor children (!!!) did get vaccinated alas, but way back when, from 1981 until 2006, they were obviously maltreated. They did not have junk cereals and went to school often with tummies full of last night's organic but delicious organic lasagna.  I never took them to MadDonalds' thereby warping them forever. (I did buy them the toys, however, so they were not com[completely out of the loop). 

A birthday party treat was bologna on white or all beef hot-dogs. Only on that "special" day.

Our drinking water came from an artesian well we have access to and a most food from local gardens and farmers.  Even our milk was fresh from healthy goats and cows.  They even attended an alternative school where everyone, including the principal, was addressed only by the first name. One of them, I must admit, earned a few whacks on the bottom when required. 

Now decent parenting is considered criminal? This defies belief but read on. The truth itself seems impossible in this increasingly senseless and over-bureaucratic world.
December 13, 2010
Paul Joseph Watson

A father of two was harassed and investigated by Child Protective Services and police for feeding his daughters organic food, refusing to make them drink fluoride-poisoned tap water and not having them injected with mercury-laden vaccines, all of which constitutes “suspicious activity” in the new Sovietized America, a foretaste of what’s to come once Big Sis’ Wal-Mart spy campaign gets up and running.

Relating his story to the Sherrie Questioning All blog, the man states that a child abuse investigation was launched after one of his neighbors reported him to the authorities, prompting a CPS worker to visit his home accompanied by a police officer, during which she bombarded him with questions and conducted a warrantless search of his house, even down to the contents of his refrigerator.

The case worker turned up at the man’s door with a police cruiser in close attendance. The woman nervously began to question him and was obviously under the impression that he could pose a physical threat.

“She said that there were allegations that I wouldn’t give my children tap water,” writes the father, before noting how he explained to the woman that municipal tap water in most parts of the United States is poisoned with sodium fluoride, a form of toxic waste that contributes to innumerable health problems, including disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.

The woman’s line of questioning took an even more bizarre turn after she told him that one of the accusations against him which led to allegations of child abuse was that he fed his daughters organic food. That’s right – Americans actually think that if you don’t feed your children genetically-modified, gluten-stuffed, high fructose corn syrup-crammed, aspartame-laden garbage like KFC or McDonalds then you’re probably a child abuser. Eating natural, clean and healthy food not sprayed with sickening pesticides is now a suspicious activity.

“I was still quite frightened by this woman in my house, I mean really think about it,” writes the father. “This woman has the authority to take the only things worth living for away from me. My girls. So the allegations continued.”

The CPS worker then demanded to know why the man refused to have his daughters vaccinated, again implying that this was a form of child abuse. “I said yes that’s true, I refuse to allow my children to be poked with syringes filled with squalene, thimerasol, mercury,etc. I promptly produced my states exemption form. That was the end of that allegation,” he writes.

The interrogation concluded with the CPS worker asking the man’s daughters if he smacked them.

“They said ‘oh yeah my daddy will whoop my backside if I say a nasty word,’ he writes. “The woman asked me if this was true, I said yes, and it is completely legal to spank your child in this state, in fact there are school districts here in my state that allow it in public schools.”

The woman, who had not obtained a legal warrant to search the house, inspected the girls’ rooms and even the father’s fridge before leaving.

Despite the fact that the man’s behavior in not making his kids drink toxic waste and eat GMO garbage, while protecting them from mercury-filled vaccines, actually proves that he is an outstanding parent who cares deeply for his children, he was subject to a one month investigation before the case was closed.

The man was able to confirm that he was informed on by someone he knew after the case worker asked him about his “bug bag,” a 72 hour emergency preparedness kit. Apparently, even though Homeland Security itself encourages Americans to prepare for emergencies, actually doing so is a sign of “child abuse”.

Presumably, this is the kind of community spirit Big Sis is seeking to encourage as part of Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something” program, where Wal-Mart shoppers are encouraged to report suspicious activity to the authorities after watching a video message at the checkout featuring Janet Napolitano.

Since the DHS program makes no reference to what constitutes “suspicious activity,” expect to read many more stories about Americans being investigated and harassed for their personal lifestyle choices as a result of being turned in by ignorant Americans who think that being knowledgeable about health issues is a form of child abuse.

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