Friday 10 December 2010


By Kawther Salam

December 10, 2010

Palestinian prisoners in an Israeli jail.

Issa Qaraqe’e, the Palestinian Minister of Detainee Affairs, revealed that Israeli soldiers urinated on two Palestinian minors who they had kidnapped, then jailed, forced to drink urine from a toilet, tortured and filmed while they were completely naked. 

Minister Qaraq’e said that lawyer Hibah Masalhah visited the kids Mohammed Tariq Abed El-Latif Mekhemar, 13 years old, and Mohammad Naser Ali Ridwan, 13 years old, at the Rimonim prison. After her visit she stated that the Israeli occupation soldiers had forced both kids, Mekhemar and Radwan, residents of Beit Ur in the district of Ramallah, to drink the urine from the toilet. The soldiers then urinated on their faces while laughing and mocking them, another soldier shot pictures of the kids while they were naked.

Attorney Masalhah who met the kids in the Rimonim prison added that the children were arrested by the “Israeli border police” (an IDF unit of criminals and drugs dealers who are mostly Druze) near the apartheid wall in the village of Beit Ur (where they live) on Route No. 443, in July 2010. The IDF soldiers beat the children harshly, using guns and kicking them with their military boots on all over their bodies, then covered their eyes, tied them up and transferred them to a Jewish colony near the village of Beit Ur. Masalhah said that the IDF soldiers took the children to a toilet and placed them naked in one room and put the air conditioner on cold.

The children told their lawyer Masalhah that the IDF soldier did not give them water and food, and when they asked for water, the IDF urinated over their faces and ordered them to open their mouths to drink. They then forced them to drink the water in the toilet bowl and took some pictures.

The children spent two days naked in the toilet room at the squatter colony without food and water and they forced repeatedly to drink urine during their staying. They were forbidden from sleeping or putting their clothes on.

On the third day, the kids were transferred from the toilet at the “Benjamina” colony (Beit Il military base) where they were interrogated from 10 at night until 3 in the morning and after that they were transferred to the Ofer military jail, where they spent three months before being transferred to the Rimonim jail.

The lawyer stated that the children are suffering deep psychological stress due drinking the urine of the IDF and being filmed naked while the soldier were urinating over their faces and bodies.

It should be noted that many stories have been released in the past about IDF soldiers forcing Palestinian youths to drink their urine. In Hebron, the IDF soldiers stationed on Palestinian rooftops were urinating and dropping their feces in water tanks. Several families were infected with typhoid as a result; I know personally from the Jaber and Abu Monshar families which were infected with typhoid after drinking water contaminated with IDF feces and urine, and many more cases were related to me.

Click here to see video clip about Israeli culture of drinking urine. 
Please Read the following piece regarding feces and Israeli warfare during Gaza as well as their personal treatment of Kawther Salam. 

 This is the soldier who smeared feces on his Palestinian prisoners while singing "I'm from the Russian Mafia".

This disgusting story is not an isolated incident. 15 years ago, 10 years ago, 8 years ago I reported about such incidents in Hebron. I was told in Hebron stories where soldiers would take the sandwiches from children going to school or from workers and return them with after having shat into them. Others have reported similar stories from all over Palestine. 

When they Israel destroyed Jenin in 2002, the soldiers defecated and urinated into photocopiers, printers, computers, such behavior is also known from house invasions and the destruction of public and private premises throughout Palestine. 

Most of the squatter colonies release their untreated waste water onto Palestinian fields and villages what has as a result that the groundwater is contaminated in most of the West Bank. 

"The army was creative in their destruction, in their defacing of property, in their insults. Creative in the ways they could shit in rooms and save their shit for cupboards and unexpected places. They put shit in the sinks, shit everywhere. Our clothes were everywhere. The last time they invaded (March 2008), it was easy. They broke everything and we fixed it. This time, they put shit everywhere: in cupboards, on beds ~ my bed is full of shit. MY daughter opened her clothing cupboard: there was a bowl of shit in it! They used our clothes for the toilet. They took out my lingerie, shit in it and left it lying everywhere." Such desecration was everywhere after the Gaza Holocaust.

These disgusting stories repeat so often that it becomes obvious that drinking urine and eating feces is an important part of Jewish culture. Where did these Israeli soldiers, who are all boys and girls from Jewish families, learn to defecate into water tanks, into office equipment, on food, learn this, if not at home, where the culture is Jewish? 

Why would all the squatter colonies let their waste water run untreated onto Palestinian villages and fields if it was not their culture to swim in fecal matter?

Israel espouses Jewish customs and heritage, and obviously all these European Jews want to teach us their culture, their custom of swimming in fecal matter, of eating feces and drinking urine. I can only say that all Palestinians find this Jewish culture and heritage plain disgusting. It would be better if they kept their sickening culture to themselves and their shit-eating friends in the USA and elsewhere, for example by serving feces and urine at the receptions of their “embassies”.

 The soldiers leave these behind wherever they stay in Palestine ~ urine and feces.



Say and repeat: “Yasser Arafat is a son of a bitch”. The Israeli soldier from the so-called “border police” insisted that a Palestinian teacher from Hebron should say that. The Palestinian teacher was caught and harassed by the IDF soldier while he was on his way back home. 

The teacher refused the order of the IDF. He did not repeat the sentence which the IDF thug insisted that he must say. Why should the Palestinian do that? The IDF order is illegal. Absolutely, it is Nazi humiliation. But such orders are normal, business as usual, under the grave crimes of the Israeli occupation in Palestine.

The criminal IDF thug applied the burning end of his cigarette to the teacher’s chest. The lit cigarette burned two holes in the teacher’s shirt and left a scar on his chest.

After twenty more minutes of detention, the policeman released the man.

These crime were not perpetrated by fascists or Nazi soldiers, and the victims were not the privileged Jews in EU. The crime was perpetrated on April 8, 2010, by a Nazi IDF Jew. The victim was a civil Palestinian teacher who lives in his Hebron. The IDF military commander of Hebron is the war criminal Lt. Col. Udi ben Muha, or “Udi ben Moha”, who in the past contributed to the ethnic cleansing of the north of Gaza and along the Palestinian-Egyptian border, and he has also implemented other measures which correspond to the definition of genocide and crimes against humanity in the Geneva conventions. Under such a criminal, any soldier feels encouraged to perpetrate crimes.

This crime was not the first or the last crime under the criminal regime of the Israeli occupation in Palestine. This crime is part of the daily Palestinian life under the Zionist Jewish occupation. The occurrence of such crimes is every day and hour in the city of Hebron, and in all the Palestinian cities, towns and at the so-called military checkpoints in the West Bank. 

The crime of burning a Palestinian youth with a cigarette or forcing them to drink the urine of the IDF soldiers and forcing them to repeat their antisocial, immoral phrases is part of the Zionist occupation regime which is aimed at forcing the Palestinian citizens to leave their homes in the heart of the city of Hebron in West Bank.

This kind of crime repeatedly happened under the former IDF military commander like Gadi Shamni, Baruch Najjar, Yigal Sharon, Dror Weinberg, Baruch Goldstein, Amnon Cohen, Yehuda Fuchs, Noam Tibon, and other leaders of the IDF commanders, and under the current criminal IDF commanders Udi ben Moha and Aviv Feigel.

The of the most terrible stories of abusive treatment was the incident involving about 24 Palestinian youths who had violated the curfew in Hebron and received their punishment from the hands of the Israeli border Police unit called “Shmark Fuhl”. The soldiers had cursed the youth, spit on them, beaten them, and forced them to sing humiliating ditties: “Hoto Al-hummous al Al-Fuhl, ana baheb abos teez le shmark fuhl”, which translates into English as “put hummus on bean, I love to kiss the border police buttocks”. 

The border police brought their Palestinian prisoners bottles filled with urine to drink, and everybody was forced to sing and drink. This happened 1996, when occupied Hebron was under the authority of Colonel Baruch Naggar. Read the full article in English. Read the article in Hebrew.

According the Christian Peacemaker Team member Ms. Paulette Schroeder: “Every day teachers and students from many schools in the Hebron area must pass through several checkpoints on their way to and from school. These checkpoints most often cause problems for a number of teenage male students and at unpredictable times for teachers and younger students. Detentions of these students and teachers at the checkpoints cause loss of school time and a disruption in the classes when the students or teachers are late.”

Water is very scarce for the Palestinians so most leave containers on their roofs to gather moisture. It is not uncommon for the soldiers to leave these containers contaminated with their body waste.
Say and repeat: “Yasser Arafat is a son of a bitch”. The Israeli soldier from the so-called “border police” insisted that a Palestinian teacher from Hebron should say that. The Palestinian teacher was caught and harassed by the IDF soldier while he was on his way back home. 

The teacher refused the order of the IDF. He did not repeat the sentence which the IDF thug insisted that he must say. Why should the Palestinian do that? The IDF order is illegal. Absolutely, it is Nazi humiliation. But such orders are normal, business as usual, under the grave crimes of the Israeli occupation in Palestine.

The criminal IDF thug applied the burning end of his cigarette to the teacher’s chest. The lit cigarette burned two holes in the teacher’s shirt and left a scar on his chest.

After twenty more minutes of detention, the policeman released the man.

1 comment:

  1. This is similar to the comments by hasbara on blogs that they try to trash. Always referencing anal body parts and poop. Fitting for those jews who do that. They are so often into that type of perversion and push it into our societies.

    Here is an interesting video link about World Conquest in 10 Minutes:



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