Friday 15 September 2023


Few comments today; need to elevate the leg so moving quickly. Once again, remember to check my blog roll. It is a gold mine of information. Meanwhile, keep well and enjoy today's offerings.

Senator Scott Weiner is most likely involved in this legislation, yet another blow to California's young ones. So far Newsom has approved of everything Weiner has put forward.

I have to say, mainstream Canadian cartoonists are beyond pathetic It is almost impossible to find good meme material for you all. It is there but scattered about and even then, 99.9% of it is just tame.
Death vulture of India. For some reason these birds have been in great decline over the past decades. They are known as nature's sanitation for their part in the decomposition cycle in areas of that country.


Just shut up.

Could all these headlines mean that perhaps these folks are taking orders from the same paymaster? Don't bother to answer.

Not a Liberal. A Conservative.

Yes. He is dead. GreenCrow has been deep diving into this issue. Check her work out.

New sticker campaign
None of the giddy bum patting vibe JT shares with his globohomo buddies here with Mr. Modi.

The Indian media on Justin Trudeau. The fact that he protects terrorist Singh from Indian justice does not go down well back in the homeland.
The blank stare of Trudeau's is fascinating. Is he between personalities? Is he trying to look intimidating with the stare? Is he brain dead? Is he trying to sit still so his "Daddy" doesn't have to tell him to stop fidgeting. It is rather unnerving.I remember a film of Bill Clinton in puppet mode as well. PeeWee was a creep too, as we all know.

Actually, Madero gained about 70 pounds after things went bad.

I imagine the state paid for AOC's cleavage.

Born old.

Just like in Canada!

Egg and suitors...

I am thinking that this is a test or trial run of something to come.

Israel was never a democracy any more than North American countries were.

Wooden bomb shelter

Somewhere in Alabama

School question. Seriously. Thinking straight out of The Walking Dead....

"Reptiles! Huge honkin' reptiles down there!"

Clever enemies we are dealing with.

Woodpecker saving acorns for the winter season.

Such a beautiful sunrise. All those chemtrail clouds might look pretty but ... we know the truth. They were out spraying poisons just before the sun began to rise....

All rescue dachshunds...

I want to swim in this pool.


  1. Noor, please give us ways to help you financially.

    1. Did you get your give send go, up and running?

  2. Wonderful posts Noor, loved the meme about cow farts being more environmentally toxic than pesticides and herbicides. Keep well.

  3. I hope you're healing and maintaining a healthy head of harmonious helpers ;-) Aeneas

  4. Hola Noor,
    Brilliant, as always.
    Like Anonymous above, waiting for your instructions as to how we can contribute to your replacement car fund.

  5. Something doesn't look right in the pictures on Greencrow's page reporting on the man trampled by the police horse (and the @$$h0le riding it):
    1) in the first picture, of the man being trampled, he is on (almost) clean asphalt, but
    2) in the second picture, where he is "almost 100% dead", he's lying on a thick blanket of fresh white (i.e., no blood) snow, all around him and the spectators and police on both sides, but there's NO snow on him!
    How did that happen?? He was lying on the ground long enough for a thick snowfall to carpet all the asphalt around him, but not a single snowflake fell on him? And he was left lying on the asphalt all that time? Neither the @$$h0le cop$ nor the fellow protesters picked him up in all that time?
    Very, very strange, eh!?


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