Tuesday 5 September 2023


All due apologies for no post today. To be honest I think I am still a bit in the shock zone.

It is just after 10 pm. I just got home from the hospital where I spent the last 7 hours in Emerg to see a doctor, x-rays, all that stuff. Hell is a waiting room overflowing with all levels of sick human beings. I actually wore a mask because some of the folks looked rather unhealthy to put it mildly.

On the exciting side, I closed down a bridge for about 30 minutes during rush hour! Then we figured how to move traffic until the cops came. On the not so cool side, my car is completely totalled and the car I rear ended probably a write off. I am ok but have a very bruised and swollen right knee. Ambulance rides are a lot of fun too. This means I will be sitting around doing nada for at least a week or two. 

I am trying to imagine a life with no car and having a very hard time with that. My gratitude is huge; it could have been worse. But it is still all on me. A rear ender. Thank God no one was injured; thank God there were no children in her car. Angels musta been hanging around.

Stuff up on Friday. I am just a tad too shell shocked to do much at this point.


  1. hope you get better soon, apply paste of crushed comfrey root to bruised areas, will heal much faster.

  2. I hope you are well Noor.
    My wife and I here hope for your recovery.
    Hug NP

  3. Dear Noor,
    So very sorry to hear of your accident. Best wishes for your full and speedy recovery.
    Not to worry about the car, $h!t happens, but it can be repaired or replaced. Many, many, many moons ago, when I was a hot-shot driver with a newish Italian sports car and a heavy right foot, I also rear-ended another vehicle, an old, battered, lumbering American boat-sized clunker, driven by a much older, doddering man who inexplicably stopped suddenly while entering a major elevated artery, completely blocking my path, just as I had been accelerating up the narrow entrance ramp. Sadly, my Italian beauty took the worst of it, and I'm certain that the other guy replaced his clunker with my insurance payment. Other than being very shaken up for a few days for the damage to my baby (subsequently well-repaired), I was fortunately uninjured. And life soon returned to normal (except for my insurance rates, which took a few years to do so!).
    Hopefully this incident will permit you to update your steed, and you will ride safely ever after.
    Warm Saludos from sunny Spain,

  4. I hope you are okay and things work out you can get another car soon. I was in a very bad car accident whre I was rearended by a tour bus going 45 MPH on an Interstate highway some 36 years ago and I still suffer from it to this day. Make sure you keep your dr appts!!! Very important as trauma hides for weeks inside the body...mine did. Feel better and get well. Take it easy with your knees, too. Mine were shoved into the dash and the steering wheel shoved into my abdomen so hard they thought my spleen burst! I will send some Reiki healing to you as I am a Reiki Master!!!!

  5. god heal you and bless you,ijn,amen dr k https://gab.com/truthtellers

  6. Praying for your sppedy recovery, Snips. Thanks for all you do, Nick

  7. Hola Noor,
    You may want to see this short video on the Maui fires.
    The houses were burned down to a white ash, car wheels were melted into rivulets of molten metal, but the trees around the white ash house remnants were completely untouched! Definitely not forest fires or wildfires. What source of heat energy can produce such irregular results?

  8. Noor, You are in my prayers. PAY ATTENTION WHEN DRIVING PLEASE. Al

  9. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Noor.


  10. Glad to hear you're not too banged up.

    -Brian in OK

  11. Κρεμμύδια: Τα κρεμμύδια περιέχουν άφθονη κερσετίνη – ένα συστατικό που πιστεύεται ότι έχει αντιφλεγμονώδεις ιδιότητες, οι οποίες μειώνουν το οίδημα στην μελανιά. Να αναμιγνύετε πολτοποιημένο κρεμμύδι με λίγο αλάτι και να το βάζετε πάνω στη μελανιά για λίγα λεπτά κάθε φορά (έως 10 το πολύ).


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