Tuesday 12 September 2023


And hello, hello, hello, dear Readers. Just a few words before we begin. Thank you everyone for your positive response to my request for help. I have been investigating the cost of cars and it is not as bad as I thought but until I am more mobile, shopping seriously is just a way to pass time as I learn what is out there. 
By the beginning of next week I hope to have a Give Send Go account up and running. My leg is a wonderful multicoloured map of the universe at present but healing well. Thank you as well for all of your kind words! And now, off with you to enjoy today's offerings.

This is possibly my favourite for this post. Inspired; it says so many things in a simple image.
Phys Ed many decades ago.

Once again, I apologize for the puns...

Let it die.

Absolutely the greatest understatement in the history of humanity.

Missing Traducteur. The man loved his trains.


Saying good-bye to summer.

Small capitalism in a communist nation. The flower seller.

Another brilliant cartoon.

McCarthy tried to warn us.
This looks like the events of today. Pay attention to history!

Bear cub or puppy? I honestly cannot tell.


The only time Barry has told the truth in his political life.

This paid propagandist again.

Where did the surge in child degeneracy get its roots in the education system? He put criminals like this into power; Joe just carried on the tradition.

A Vancouver Island farmer with his flock

How can that tiny thing even cook a steak big enough for that man?

He is in there.

He deserved that.

Now this is a bridal party I could truly enjoy.

Too many vegetables in this lox and cream cheese on a bagel. Just the fish, cream cheese, onions. Nothing more.

This is absolutely astonishing.

Welllll, tbh, the current pope is a Communist Jesuit infiltrator more than Catholic!

"I have become death, the destroyer of worlds."
Plague warning from Freud, double uncle of Bernays.
Just an old favourite.

You know what this is.

This cardinal is a hermaphrodite with the colours of both male and female. Unlike human hermaphrodites, this bird has never demanded preferential treatment from other birds and is quite content to just enjoy life with no extra muss or fuss.

Save our tomboys. Right from the start, my granddaughter absolutely idolizes her brother and does everything he does. Teaching her to potty SIT is a major challenge! He just mastered the art of standing to take a whiz so she wants to do that too. At 2 she only wants to play with Lego and vehicles, just like him. Sometimes she might serve us "tea" but her interest in dolls is negligible.


My latest pile of dishes gets washed and the rugs vacuumed. Plants watered. Etc etc.

Someone needs to grow into their eyes....

This is where the move to "anarchy theft" originated. Abbie Hoffman, one of the (((Chicago 7))).

Highly hallucinogenic honey in those combs

The common bittern

Beaver dam


  1. Very happy to read you again, Noor!
    Muchas gracias!

  2. The eyes of the young woman playing clarinet through a mask are rather expressive. She looks to have some doubts about trusting the science

  3. I changed this meme, so it's less likely it gets blocked.
    It doesn't fool anyone, but there's nothing in it, "they" can use to block it.



  4. Bruises last longer as we get older. Keep well Noor and keep posting.

  5. I love your site, I count down the days sometimes for this nice distraction. Memes are one of the awakened people's best tools. I was wondering because I have a blog through WordPress but I can't post save able images for my readers, pictures only save as webpage. Is there a trick I am missing or an addon? Any help would be appreciated.

  6. All of your content is always on point and appropriate! Thank you for the work you do to put this together. And my prayers are beaming out there for your smooth recovery from all your trials!

  7. "This paid propagandist again."

    Sorry I have to disagree on this Noor.
    The man is telling the truth.
    "It was almost like he was inside all of us".

    Obama wanted to be inside all of us, especially if you're male, from the back, hard and dry...


  8. Dear Noor, now I'm able to look at this collection. I was a little bit ill. I'm stealing memes for my son, who wishes more "weird grandchild memes". Kind regards another grandma


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