Saturday 22 January 2011


From Gilad Atzmon: 

Friday, January 21, 2011

A few days ago I published an expose of Captain Israel, a new Jewish racist comic magazine. I also mentioned the names of the Jewish organizations and sponsors as listed by the Jewish magazine publisher.
Earlier on today, the Foundation For Jewish Culture contacted me. They wanted to disassociate themselves from the new Jewish comic magazine.  Someone out there starts to feel the heat. I guess that our criticism may fall on some attentive ears after all,
Here is the letter from Ester Bloom@ Foundation for Jewish Culture:

Dear Gilad,

I saw your piece on OnlineJournal and wanted to correct a misunderstanding. Although the Foundation for Jewish Culture was a nominal supporter of a project several years ago called "Team SuperJews," through the UJC and the Federation/Alliance, that project ended in 2008.

This new Captain Israel comic book is a product of StandWithUs, a completely separate and different organization with no ties to us at all. The confusion seems to stem from the fact that "Team SuperJews" had, and the new StandWithUs comic book have, main characters called "Captain Israel." But we have no relationship to the comic book or to StandWithUs.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


Ester Bloom
Program Associate
Foundation for Jewish Culture

1 comment:

  1. Noor, In response to your request, I have set my blog to display 3 articles per page. But sometimes when the articles are too long it only display 2 articles; some times only one.


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