Sunday 26 May 2013


Albert Pike had promised his Masonic allies in Europe that they would have three world wars to consolidate the world power of the Canaanites. We have now seen two of those world wars, and, as promised, the first world war was to set up a Communist regime, the second world war was to raise it to the status of a world power, and the third world war is planned to destroy both Communism and Christianity in a great orgy of annihilation.
This coming war is intended to be the final death knell of the people of Shem; after its conclusion the Canaanites will reign unchallenged throughout the world.
The two world wars which have already taken place in the twentieth century have been nothing more than wars of extermination, as proven by the fact that most of the onslaught has been directed against women and children. The millions of young men of Shem who have been killed in these wars did not have an opportunity to marry and begin families.
All of this was done according to the plan of the Canaanites. Working behind the scenes for many years to place their agents in positions of guidance and power in the various nations of the world, they have been able to carry out their own designs, often in direct violation of the interests of the nations which they have infiltrated.

Of all countries, this has been most true-of the United States. It is difficult to think of a single act of foreign policy in the past fifty years which the Washington agencies have directed as a benefit to the American people. By achieving dominant roles in all factions and parties in the United States, the Canaanites have faced no serious opposition in planning and executing their programs.
As a result, the wars and revolutions of the twentieth century have been nothing more than great celebrations before the image of Baal, large scale human sacrifices in such numbers as the world has never seen.

The emphasis on the massacres of women and children are twentieth century updated observances of the child murders and immolation of women which marked the festivals of Baal more than three thousand years ago.
This will come as a shock to those scholars who have laboured patiently for decades in the hopes of finding some logical explanation of the two past world wars, some economic or political cause which they have sought as a prospector might patiently toil through the arid hills of the west, seeking the Lost Dutchman's Mine. The Lost Dutchman's Mine has not been found; neither have the scholars discovered any logical cause of World War I and World War II. Let us, then, attempt to end their quest, and allow them respite. 

In the Boer War, for the first time in a war conducted by a major European power, the British used concentration camps, starvation and disease as the crucial weapons to subdue the enemy. These atrocities were directed by Sir Alfred Milner, a Rothschild agent who had founded the Round Tables (which later became the Council on Foreign Relations). The stakes were high; the Rothschilds needed the enormous capital represented by the gold and diamond riches of South Africa to finance their final drive for world power.

Because of these riches, South Africa remains one of the world’s principal areas of contention today. The furor about "apartheid" and "racial problems" provides a convenient cover for the real struggle of the Rothschilds to protect their diamond holdings, DeBeers, and their gold hoard, Anglo-American Corporation. The Rothschilds have also managed to pick up a few billion dollars by speculating in the South African rand. Due to their worldwide media campaign, they drove the rand down from $1.45 to 25¢.

The Babylonian monetary system
relies on a strong central government,
that is, a non-representational Oriental despotism,
which in turn is dependent
on its continual financing
by a strong central bank.

The central bank exercises power by obtaining a monopoly

on the entire money and credit of the people;

it then uses this power

to loot the nation through enormous expenditures.

The Rothschilds established central banks throughout Europe, as one of the plums which fell to them after their victory over Napoleon. They then programmed these central banks to launch the nations of Europe on a costly and ruinous "arms face," even though no nation in Europe had any plans for attacking any other nation. It was a time of continuous peace. By the year 1886, it was apparent that these nations could no longer survive these enormous expenditures; they must either collapse into internal revolution, or embark on full-scale external war.

The European economies staggered on for nearly three decades, with no relief in sight. These were the years, we might recall, which have been termed the "Golden Years" of Europe. Art, music, and Cultural institutions flourished in spite of the Canaanite conspiracies. However, it was soon to be thrown on the block. The way out of their dilemma was granted by a curious American, of undefined origins, a dour academic who convinced the bankers of Wall Street that he was their man.
Woodrow Wilson was elected President, and he signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. A few months later, World War One was under way.

During the years immediately preceding the World War, there was a continuous outflow of emigrants from Europe to the United States. They had found that "the Golden Years" were not golden for those who had no gold. The masters of the Order, the Canaanites, floated from country to country and from great estate to great estate on a sea of champagne, but for most Europeans, life was brutal and short. They did not flee' 'the good life"; they were searching for it.

At a millionaires' club on Jekyll Island, Georgia, in November, 1910, the problem of financing a world war was resolved. Paul Warburg, of Kuhn, Loeb Co., and Henry P. Davison, of J. P. Morgan Co., met with Senator Nelson Aldrich (after whom Nelson Rockefeller was named) to secretly draft a plan for an American central bank.

Seventy-five years later, it is impossible to find any Establishment scholar or historian who has ever heard of the Jekyll Island meeting. They earn their comfortable salaries by concealing from the public what has taken place. 
Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
The people of Shem had always opposed a central bank, fearing its power over them. Now the Congressmen, led by Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., waged a gallant struggle against the power of Wall Street money. The Wall Street money won. On December 23, 1913, a significant year in Masonry, Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. The American people were now poised for a great roller coaster ride, up and down from depression to prosperity and back again, and from world war to world war.

The actual planning for the outbreak of World War I had been in operation for some years. The fuse was to be lit by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. His murder was carried out at Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. Within a few weeks, the nations of Europe were at war.

Surprisingly enough, the approaching fate of the archduke had been widely known for some time to European politicians, including the Archduke himself. Cassell's "The World War," p. 45, quotes Count Ottkar Czernin, the Austrian Foreign Minister:
"A fine quality of the Archduke was his fearlessness. He was quite clear that the danger of an attempt to take his life would always be present, and he often spoke quite simply and openly of such a possibility. A year before the outbreak of war, he informed me that the Freemasons had resolved to kill him."
This is not as startling a revelation as it may seem. The Masonic Order of Canaanites has always relied upon murder and assassination as the key elements in its march to world power; many royal heads have fallen before their lust for vengeance.

On July 11, 1914, Horatio Bottomley published in John Bull a document obtained from the Serbian Legation in London, dated April 14, 1914, which was found to be in "crude Spanish," and which was decoded to reveal an offer of two thousand pounds for "eliminating" Ferdinand.

Prof. R. W. Seton-Watson, in his book, "Sarajevo," p. 127, notes that
"crude Spanish is really the dialect employed by the Jews of Salonika, and that the man who hawked this document round several London newspaper offices and was eventually accepted by the sensation-loving Bottomley, was a Salonikan Jew. This suggests some connection with the Committee for Union and Progress, which had centered in the Jewish lodges of Salonika until the expulsion of the Turks eighteen months previously, and whose course was actively hostile to Serbia."
Rt. Hon. W. F. Bailey, in his book, "Jews of the War Zone," p. 227, notes that "The Jews of Bosnia are named 'Spagnolo'."

C. H. Norman notes in "A Searchlight on the World War," p. 42, that
"the originals were worded in Spanish. It is within the writer's knowledge [as he was connected with an endeavour to form an English Lodge of the Grand Orient, from which he withdrew on learning of the real nature of this confederacy against European safety] that the language used by the Polish Dept. of the grand Orient for communication with its agents in the Balkans is Spanish."
Ambassador Gerard, in his book "My Four Years in Germany," p. 137, notes, "I was able to converse with some Serbians in the first days of the war in their native tongue, which, curiously enough, was Spanish."
In fact the language was not Spanish, but a language defined in the Encyclopaedia Judaica as “Ladino," also known as "Latino," "a Judeo-Spanish spoken and written language of Jews of Spanish origin after expulsion in 1492 by Ferdinand and Isabella Perhaps the execution of Ferdinand may have been a symbolic revenge for this historic event. “
The Encyclopaedia Judaica notes various forms of Ladino:
"Oriental Ladino" spoken in Constantinople and Smyrna, and "Western Ladino" spoken in Salonika, Bosnia, and Serbia. Many of the refugees from Spain settled in Serbia, where they ever afterward conversed in their private tongue, Western Ladino. Pozzi's book, "Black Hand Over Europe," notes of "A Mr. Stevens, who spoke Spanish, whose job was to shoot the murderers at Sarajevo after they had performed the assassination, so that they could not reveal the plot."
These revelations bear out the insistence of Albert Pike to Mazzini some forty years earlier to involve the nations of the world in three world wars. Grant Richards, in "The Cause of World Unrest," 1920, p. 144, comments on the Committee for Union and Progress:
"Indeed, I can go so far as to say that the Union for Progress was practically born in the Masonic Lodge called 'Macedonia Risorta' established by the Salonikan Jew, Emannuele Carass. Although Freemasonry was forbidden in Turkey, there were two lodges in Salonika under the Grand Orient of Italy."
The Archduke Ferdinand and his wife moments before their assassination in Sarajevo, 1917, by the Jew Gavrilo Princip pictured below. :

Mathias Erzberger, in “Experience in the Great War," stresses that

the Grand Orient of Italy
was completely under the control
of the Grand Orient of France;
he refers to the transfer of 700,000 francs
from Paris to Rome
between the Grand Orients
on behalf of the Jewish
charitable trust,
Alliance Israelite Universelle;
this is the funding
which was provided
for the assassination at Sarajevo.

McCurdy's "The Truth About the Secret Treaties," 1925, quotes on page 45 the article published in1914, "After Vivordan," by Ljuba Jovanovitch, president of the Serbian Parliament and Minister of Education,
"I do not remember if it were the end of May or the beginning of June when one day, M. Pashitch told us that certain persons were preparing to go to Sarajevo, in order to kill Franz Ferdinand, who was expected there on Vivordan, Sunday, June 28th. He told this much to us and others, but he acted further in the office only with Stefan Protitch, then Minister of the Interior; this was prepared by a society of secretly organized men.
Protitch and the whole cabinet of Serbia knew of the plot. King Alexander, the Russian Minister Hartwig, and the Russian military attache Artmanov were in on the plot. M. Pashitch's nephew was a member of the Black Hand; he was the link between Protitch and the conspirators.

The agent of the Black Hand in Sarajevo was Gatchinovitch. The Black Hand were the murder plans which had long been laid were known by and encouraged by the government of Serbia. Printzip confessed that it was through Ciganovitch that they had been referred to Major Tankositch, supplied with weapons, and given shooting lessons.

After the Salonika trial, the Pashitch government sent Ciganovitch, as a reward for his services, to America with a false passport under the name of Danielovitch. After the war, Ciganovitch returned and the government gave him land near Usakub, where he then resided .... Dimitryevitch, who was chief of intelligence, who led in the assassination of King Alexander and the Queen in 1903, was executed in Salonika in 1918 to silence him about Sarajevo."
Thus there were many persons, both conspirators and highly-placed government officials, who knew well in advance of the coming assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Probably no one among them wished to interfere with the plot, because of the certainty of immediate retaliation.
There were many Freemasons in government circles throughout Europe who also must have been informed of the plot; no doubt they awaited the outcome with great anticipation. Once Ferdinand had been eliminated, it was but a matter of a few days to launch the Great War. Lord Grey, British Foreign Minister, wrote in his book, "Twenty-five Years," v. 2., p. 25,
"If matters had rested with him [the Kaiser], there would have been no European War arising out of the Austro-Serbian dispute."
This would seem to deny the oft-repeated charge that it was Kaiser Wilhelm who insisted on the war; it also may explain why he was never tried as "a war criminal," despite repeated demands that such a trial be held. Such statements as Grey's (who, after all, was his "enemy") would have exonerated him.

Lord Fisher, First Lord of the Admiralty, stated in the London Magazine, January 1920, "The nation was fooled into the war." This statement would also belie the "war guilt" of the Kaiser.

The urgency to involve the United States in direct participation in World War I was required so that the Canaanites would acquire the necessary authority to inflict even more oppressive laws against the people of Shem.

In 1916, fifty-four per cent of the American people were of German origin: a vote to make German the official language of the Republic had failed by only one vote during the formation of the Republic. During the first hundred years of this nation, German was the only language to be heard in many areas.

A poll in 1916 asked of the American people,
"If we should enter the war, would you choose to go in on the side of Germany, or of England?" An overwhelming majority responded that they preferred to enter the war on the side of Germany.
This was hardly surprising; England's policies, her interference, and her continual attempts to destroy the American Republic were no secret to the American people, despite the efforts of our historians to gloss over or cover up these campaigns. Pro-British groups such as the Pilgrims, the English Union, and other well-financed operations in the New York area poured forth British propaganda, but it had little or no effect on the rest of the nation.

There was as yet no conceivable reason for the United States to involve itself on behalf of either belligerent. No threat was ever presented against any of its territory; therefore the desired result had to be achieved by the usual devious means. The firm of J. P. Morgan, which had originated in London as George Peabody and Company, had made large loans to England from the enormous sums made available by the operations of the newly-launched Federal Reserve System. J. P. Morgan headed the Federal Advisory Council, which met with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. A veteran of the Jekyll Island meeting, Paul Warburg, was Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors.

Everything seemed well in hand.

William Jennings Bryan, who had campaigned against the Cross of Gold on which the international bankers planned to crucify the American people, now led the "Keep Us Out of War" movement. On February 3, 1917, he addressed a mass meeting of five thousand people in New York. The entire procedure would be repeated in 1940, as if by rote, and with the same outcome; we would go into the war.
ED Noor: Incompletely burned bodies from Baal's great fire orgy of blood and sacrifice, Dresden, crammed with hundreds of thousands of refugees, was viciously bombed by the allies days after the war was ended.
We did not lack for religious leaders to urge us into this "godly" war. This was a great blasphemy, because it was really a ritual celebration of Baal's orgy of human sacrifice. Frank North, president of the Federal Council of Church of Christ, declared,
"The war for righteousness will be won.”
Clergymen were instructed in propaganda to promote the Liberty Loans by special banking officers of the Second Federal Reserve District (New York). Bishop William Alfred Quayle shrieked that
“Germans have ravished the women of Belgium, Serbia, Roumania, Poland; Germans murdered the passengers of the Lusitania; Germans poisoned wells, crucified inhabitants and soldiers, and denatured men and boys."
All of this was part of a well-financed propaganda campaign on the part of British agents. As usual, the government of the United States was being "run" by the British Secret Intelligence Service. The propaganda was intended to be purely inflammatory, and no accusation was too wild to be denied front page coverage in the American press. Alfred Ponsonby's book, "Falsehood in Wartime," E. P. Dutton, 1928, was one of a number of books which later exposed the fantastic lies which were used to incite Americans to go to war against Germany.

Ponsonby's book was dedicated to his friends, the Marques of Tavistock and the 'historian Francis Neilson. On p. 17, Ponsonby writes, "General von Hutier of the 6th German army,
'The method of Northcliffe at the Front is to distribute through airmen a constantly increasing number of leaflets and pamphlets; the letters of German prisoners are falsified in the most outrageous way, tracts and pamphlets are concocted to which the names of German poets, writers, and statesmen are forged.' "
On p. 19,
"Tant que peuple seront armes, Ie unscontre les autres, lis aurent des hommes d'etatmenteurs, comme ils auront des canons et desmitrailleuses. As long as the peoples are armed against each other, there will be lying statesmen, just as there will be cannon and machine guns."
One of the most notorious propaganda coups of World War I was the German "Corpse Factory," the Kadaver. On April 16, 1917, the Time reported that
"The Germans are distilling glycerine from the bodies of their dead, burning of bodies for fat, turned into lubricating oils, powder from bones; the story proved to be a popular one and was repeated for weeks afterward in the Times (London).
On October 22, 1925, the Times belatedly blamed General Charteris for the story, which had proven to be the greatest propaganda falsehood of all time. Charteris, in a letter to the Times, November 4, 1925, denied any involvement with the story. Relying heavily on faked documents and doctored photographs, British agents deluged credulous American journalists with "hot copy." The result was that American mobs began to attack elderly German shopkeepers, blaming them for the "atrocities" committed in Europe. In most instances, these shopkeepers were the most staid, as well as the most patriotic, residents of their areas.

The principal vehicle used by Woodrow Wilson to justify his declaration of war against Germany was “submarine warfare" against American shipping; the keystone of this claim was the sinking of the Lusitania. In fact, the German government had published warnings to Americans in the New York press, advising them not to travel on the Lusitania, because it was known to be carrying munitions.

George Sylvester Viereck showed this writer the actual clipping of this ad, which he had kept in his files. To this day, the United States government has refused to admit that the Lusitania was carrying arms, consigned to the British Army. In its issue of November, 1920, the Nation quoted D. F. Malone, Collector for the Port of New York as stating that the Lusitania carried 4200 cases of Springfield rifle cartridges on its manifest, consigned to the British government. The Wilson Administration had refused permission for Malone to publish this report. When Sen. Lafollette referred to it, they attempted to have him expelled from the Senate.

Malone stated that he would testify in defense of LaFollette, and the attempt was dropped. Later records revealed that there were 5400 cases of ammunition on the Lusitania.

The World War was satisfactorily concluded with some fifty million persons having been slaughtered, most of them prime representatives of the people of Shem. With this happy result, the Masonic Order of Canaanites decided to go for one hundred million victims in their next outing. For this purpose, they assembled the most sinister members of the world's Masonic lodges at the Versailles Peace Conference. As Ezra Pound later pointed out over Radio Rome,
"The real crime is ending one war so as to make the next one inevitable."
Woodrow Wilson became famous as the originator of the Fourteen Points and the League of Nations; in fact, he merely read from the script which had been prepared for him. The Fourteen Points and the other agenda of the Versailles Peace Conference had previously been drawn up at a secret meeting of the Grand Orient of France and the International Masonic Conference at their headquarters, 2 Rue Cadet, Paris, on June 28-30, 1917.

The Versailles Peace Conference actually consisted of a three-tier system, each distinct from the others.
The first was the public conference, highly visible, attended by swarms of reporters from all over the world, and extensively reported; 

the second tier was the secret conferences of the Big Four, who met privately to compare notes and go over their instructions from their hidden masters; 

the third tier was the nightly Masonic conferences, known only to a chosen few, at which the actual decisions of all agenda at the Conference were discussed and decided upon.
The ministers of the victorious Allied Powers were well-treated for their cooperation. Woodrow Wilson himself returned to America with private gifts of one million dollars in gold and precious gems to ensure his efforts on behalf of the League of Nations. When he realized that the Congress would never approve this dismantling of American sovereignty, he was haunted by the fear that he might have to return these bribes, and he suffered a nervous breakdown, from which he never recovered.

Accompanying the Wilson delegation to Paris was an array of Wall Street bankers, among them Bernard Baruch, Thomas Lamont of the J. P. Morgan firm, and Paul Warburg, of Kuhn, Loeb Co. When they arrived in Paris, Paul Warburg was pleasantly surprised to find that his brother, Max Warburg, was the head of the General delegation. At Wilson's side was his long-time adviser, Colonel Edward M. House and House's son-in-law, Wall Street lawyer Gordon Auchincloss.
ED Noor: Bernard Baruch prepared the US for war by militarizing the country's industries. His domination at the Versailles Conference where he called the Rothschild/banker policy shots to the President, with full intention of bringing about return to WW2. Once Communism was in place in Russia after WW1, he helped orchestrate WW2 which created Palestine now an international hot spot to keep the flame of war alive and carry the world into WW3 via the Israel that was created by the two previous wars. Indeed, wars are the Jew's profit as one rabbi famously stated.

Secretary of State Robert Lansing was accompanied by his two young nephews, John Foster and Allen Dulles. They were direct descendants of the Mallet Prevost Swiss intelligence families, which had installed the Scottish Rite in the United States. A definitive work on John Foster Dulles, "The Road to Power," by Ronald Pruessen (published by Macmillan) fails to mention Freemasonry in the entire book. The Dulles brothers were later to play crucial roles in setting up the Hitler regime in Germany, preparing the way for World War II, and respectively as Secretary of State and founder of the CIA in the postwar period. Allen Dulles remained a director of the Schroder Bank, which handled Hitler's personal funds; Dulles consigned many millions of dollars to the Schroder as “covert" funds for the CIA. No accounting was ever made.

Another disappointment for Woodrow Wilson at Paris was his resolve to achieve fullscale diplomatic recognition for the blood-soaked Bolshevik terrorists in Russia, a goal which was fervently shared by the Prime Minister of England, Lloyd George. They were dismayed to find that other European diplomats, fearing Communist insurrection in their own countries, were adamant that no recognition be given to Soviet Russia. Bemoaning their defeat as a victory for "bigotry and intolerance", Wilson and Lloyd George turned to other affairs on the agenda.

Their program to make the next war inevitable was considerably eased by Bernard Baruch, who, as Economic Adviser to the Peace Conference, imposed the crushing reparations burden on Germany, impossible for them to pay, and forcing them to seek political relief. 

A ruinous inflation wiped out the middle class and set the stage for a revolutionary program; whether it was to be Communism or some other faction was not a primary concern for the conspirators. Whoever it might be, they would be in firm control. 

The way was now clear for the emergence of Adolf Hitler in Germany. His political party, the National Socialists, received the worldwide appellation of "Nazi" because it was the political party of the Ashkenazim, the German Jews (Ashkenazim means Germany in Hebrew).
Documents exist with the signature of Adolf Hitler just above that of Max Warburg, who, with the Oppenheimers, was the principal backer of the "Nazis." Hitler also had considerable occult support from the adepts of Ostara; a society which practiced the principles of Tibetan magic, as adapted to Aryan racial theories. The cult centered around Ostara, the Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Spring, to whom Ostermonth, or April, was dedicated. Hitler's birthday was April 20, which may explain why he was chosen to head this movement. During the Nazi period, it was a day of great celebration throughout Germany.
On April 20, 1935, Hitler was presented with forty-one airplanes by the S.A., with the following address: "My Fuhrer! The S.A. beg their leader, in celebration of his birthday, on the 20thof Easter Month [the pagan Ostermond-Ed.] 1935, to accept their contribution to the rearmament of the German people ~ the S.A. fighter squadron."
Tibetan magic claims to be untainted by its principal rival, Kabbalism; it also claims to be more powerful than any other known school of occultism, either Egyptian, Kabbalistic, or Hindu magic.
Some of the Ostara adepts close to Hitler became practiced in the highest principles of occult Lamaism. It was the overconfidence produced by the early successes of the regime, which had followed the advice of these adepts, the expansion into Austria and Czechoslovakia, and the unexpectedly easy military successes in the first two years of World War II, which led them to their downfall.
Whether Ostara actually is superior to Kabbalism and its other rivals may never be known, but whatever magical support Hitler and his circle may have been able to call upon, they were no match for the international organization of the Masonic Order of Canaanites.
Hitler’s greatest flaw was his lack of experience on a larger stage; it is doubtful if in his entire life he ever heard of the Canaanites. Both Hitler and Mussolini, early in their regimes, were quick to outlaw the Masons, failing to realize that Freemasonry and the Illuminati have always been underground movements. They had been proscribed numerous times in numerous countries; these bans only gave greater encouragement to their furtive conspiracy.
Neither Hitler nor Mussolini realized the awesome power of the "determined men of Masonry" who exercised total control over the “democratic" powers.
Another considerable influence in the early days of the National Socialists was the Ariosophists, the Aryan branch of the Theosophists. Based in Vienna, the Ariosophists exercised dramatic influence on Hitler's writings during his formative years. It is doubtful if he ever knew that Theosophy was merely an extension of Kabbalism, or that he was involved with those whom he considered his sworn enemies.

Once World War II had been satisfactorily launched, it seemed that nothing could stop Hitler’s triumphant progression across the battlefields of Europe. He failed to realize that Napoleon had also stridden victoriously over those same fields, only to die miserably of arsenic poisoning on a remote island.

No one in Germany could see that this was merely Act One of a carefully staged drama. Act Two would open with the entry of the United States into the war, a possibility never envisioned by Hitler, and Act Three would be Gotterdammerung, the melodramatic immolation of Germany and Brunnhilde.

Involving the United States in World War II was predicated on the successful operation of an end run play, which Hitler never considered. He had no intention of provoking the United States; when the British intelligence director, Sir William Stephenson, repeatedly murdered young German sailors on the streets of New York, the German government ignored the incidents. Despite the expenditure of millions of dollars on frenetic war propaganda, the American people remained insensitive to the "threat" of Nazism.
Charles Lindbergh, Jr. led a nationwide "America First” campaign which seemed certain to keep us out of the war.
The answer to the Roosevelt-Churchill dilemma was Pearl Harbour, one of the most artfully planned slaughters of American soldiers, sailors, and marines in our history. It seemed that everyone in a position of authority in London and Washington knew that the Japanese intended to attack Pearl Harbour, which was hardly surprising, because the Japanese secret codes had been broken months before. 

The nightmare of the plotters was that the Japanese commanders might inadvertently find that their codes had been broken and call off the attack on Pearl Harbour, since they would know that the defenders would be warned. The Washington conspirators, while breathlessly following the slow course of the Japanese fleet toward Pearl Harbour, avoided intimating to Kimmel and Short, the American commanders in Hawaii, that they were in any danger.
Alerting them, of course, would warn the Japanese and cause them to turn back. The Japanese commanders later said that at the first sign of an alarm, they were prepared to turn back toward Tokyo without pressing their attack.
A meeting of the conspirators at the White House on the evening of Pearl Harbour found them haggard with suspense; only a few more hours, and they would know whether they had "won," that is, whether the Japanese would attack and destroy the American fleet and installations at Pearl Harbour. Never has any group waited for "bad news" with such intensity.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who lived throughout his life on handouts from his mother, the opium money amassed by her father, Warren Delano;
Bernard Baruch, who had imposed the reparations debt upon Germany;
General George Marshall, whom Senator McCarthy was later to call "a living lie";
these were the men who had staked everything on this gamble to involve the United States in World War II; if it failed, they had no backup plan.
Hitler refused to pose any threat to the United States.
A book describing Stephenson's exploits in the United States, "A Man Called Intrepid" on p. 329 provides irrefutable proof that the conspirators knew what was to happen. Roosevelt used his son, Col. James Roosevelt, to convey his private communications to Stephenson to ensure secrecy. From information provided by James Roosevelt, Stephenson cabled Churchill in London,
"Japanese negotiations off. Services expect action within two weeks." This message was delivered in London November 27, ten days before Pearl Harbour.
Roosevelt's Chief of Staff, General George Marshall, a principal at the grim midnight meeting at the White House, later testified before Congress that he could not remember where he was at the time of the Pearl Harbour attack; yet an item in the Washington Post showed that he had addressed veterans' organization a few hours before; he had then gone on to the White House. Marshall, a person of totally amorphous character, is presented to our youth as a great moral leader. 

In the campaign to get the United States into World War II, Roosevelt relied almost completely on the assistance of the British Secret Intelligence Service. Its Special Operations Executive had been founded July 1940 under the direction of "C," one Sir Steward Menzies.

Menzies was reputed to be the illegitimate son of King Edward VII; educated at Eton, he had always moved in the highest circles of the British aristocracy. He was awarded the DSO in World War 1.
Lady Menzies of Menzies had been one of the founders of the British Fascist movement in 1923, with some of the largest landowners in England: the Earl of Glasgow, 2500 acres; Duke Abercorn, 2000 acres; Marquess of Ailsbury, 40,000 acres; Earl of Cardigan, 10,000 acres. A later group, the Anglo-German Fellowship, had been financed by F. C. Tiarks, partner of the Schroder Bank, and director of the Bank of England, which provided crucial financing for Hitler's regime. Also in the Fellowship were the Duke of Wellington, Admiral Sir Barry Domvile, and Lord Mount- Temple, chairman of the Navy League.
The cipher and signal branches of SOE were set up in Marks and Spencer's headquarters building; its chairman, Israel Sieff, had been a founder of the Fabian Political Economic Planning movement.

With Menzies were the cofounders of SOE, Hugh Dalton, brought up at Windsor Castle (his father had been tutor to George V), Sir Frank Nelson, later Acting Director General of the United Nations, Sir Robin Brooke, later a director of the Bank of England, Hugh Gaitskell, later Prime Minister, and Lord Christopher Mayhew.

The SOE operators took General William Donovan in hand to create their subsidiary organization, the American Office of Strategic Services. The British, who were past masters at every type of espionage and covert action, found willing, if inept, students in the millionaires' sons who volunteered for the OSS. President Lyndon Johnson later remarked about their successors in the CIA,
"Do you realize that those boys are all the sons of millionaires whose fathers were terrified to have them enter into the family brokerage business?"
Apparently a good time was had by all in London during World War II, such stalwarts as Paul Mellon, his brother-in-law David Bruce, Henry Morgan of the J. P. Morgan family, and many other fraternity brothers from Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. 
World War II did manage to meet its quota of one hundred million victims, many of whom were entire families of the people of Shem, such as the victims of the fiery holocausts at Dresden and Cologne.
Because they were the victors, no trials were ever held of the perpetrators of these atrocities. The Masonic Canaanites had succeeded in bringing off another great triumph, massive human sacrifices before the altar of Baal.
One of the first tasks demanded of American Army officers when they entered Germany was that they re-establish the Masonic Lodges, which had been closed by Hitler.
In Italy, the victors quickly reopened the Grand Orient Lodges throughout the country. They were heavily financed with covert funds from the OSS, and later received large payments from CIA operatives in Italy

1 comment:

  1. lotta 'splainin....

    and so-called Americans & Europeans have a lot to answer if "Jew" worshipping yields beneficial tangible results...

    happy celestail events



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