Tuesday 13 November 2012


Dubai police Chief, Dahi Khalfan slams Muslim Brotherhood Islamic group

We have been saying this for the past while, especially with the attacks within Syria.

November 13, 2012

Dubai police chief Dahi Khalfan says they will fight against the Muslim Brotherhood in the Persian Gulf, accusing the group of sowing strife, a report says.

The officer said Mohammad Badie, the Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, tries to spread sedition among Sunni Muslims, adding that all people in the region will stand up against the group in the next two years, al-Qods al-Arabi quoted Khalfan in a report on Monday.
The police chief further warned that the establishment of Muslim Brotherhood group in Syria would pose a catastrophic threat to the security of the Persian Gulf.

Khalfan also took swipe at the Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi over his attitudes towards Israel, particularly his letter to Israeli President Shimon Peres regarding the appointment of a new Israeli ambassador to Cairo.

Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood have called on the UAE government to question Khalfan over his remarks.


  1. The Gulf states are the most corrupt states in the the whole Middle East; all of them, and this asshole is rotten to the core. I have friends in Dubai and I am well aware of dirty games.

    Ask yourself, what the motive behind spreading such sedition would be, and what kind of sedition he is taking about.

    What did the gulf states did about Israel? nothing! they have American bases in the area same as in Saudi Arabia (America who blindly support Israel).

    Egypt and Israel have a peace treaty (camp David)and it is not easy to breach it. So what do these gulf Arab bastards want?

    As far as the news reaching me from Egypt are concerned, Morsi is doing damn well, and most of the Egyptians are happy with him.

    There is a multimillion dollar contract between Egypt and China for a pipe line project along the Suez canal that will have a great impact on oil business in the area. Are they scared now of Morsi and the brotherhood?!!


  2. Bugsy murders Gaza.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to the jews - Jn. 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning,....

    Palestine Cry: 66 Killed and Wounded in a Series of Israeli Attacks on Gaza « Kawther Salam


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