Saturday 3 December 2011


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It was pouring rain at Haena-Tunnels beach in Kauai as the sun rose. Things were looking dismal and hopeless for good warm first-light. But these intense showers can last for a minute or an hour so you have to stay prepared if you wish to capture a grand moment. A guy walked past me and asked me why I was standing there in the rain with my camera on the tripod under an umbrella and a towel. I pointed behind the camera towards the horizon (where the clouds were coming from) and told him that the opening in the clouds over there looks like it is going to pass overhead and light up the scene and possibly make a strong rainbow.

Sure enough, about 10 minutes later the sun broke through and the rainbow was so strong that the rainbow in the first few shots I took was overexposed. Once I made the proper adjustments, the secondary rainbow appeared and I made this exposure. The second rainbow is the reverse of the main one, with blue being on the outside of the arc. Look up "double rainbow" and there is lots of information if you are curious. Also if you look it up, there will be an explanation as to why the sky is darker outside of the brightest rainbow. If you see photos where the sky is the same color inside and outside of the rainbow, it is probably a fake! See here for more.

The reason I stood there with the camera on the tripod is that I had a good composition and was waiting for the rainbow to appear. I did not want just a 'rainbow shot' but rather a seascape with a rainbow in it!

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