Wednesday 2 June 2010


Are you already numbing to the nightmare?

Or hungry to learn the worst?

Where to go to understand the unfolding catastrophe.

By Crawford Kilian,

June 2, 2010
Family moved away, his shrimp fishing business gone,
debts mounting, this fisherman wipes a tear from his cheek.

Six weeks into the worst environmental catastrophe the U.S. has ever faced, if you want to go deeper into the causes, risks, possible fixes and latest developments, you have to move beyond the big news outlets.

Here are ten web sites worth bookmarking for regular reference.

BP: Gulf of Mexico Response: Not as current as one would like (on Monday afternoon, the most recent update was from May 28), but they're literally on the scene.

NOAA: Office of Response and Restoration: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is tracking the spill and its impact.

Deepwater Horizon Response: This is "the official site of the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command," and it's cranking out a lot of information.

EPA Response to BP Spill in the Gulf of Mexico: The Environmental Protection Agency is really slow to update, but the data on air, water and sediment contamination are important. is updating frequently and well.

Its May 31 Report on Oil Sighting throughout Coastal Louisiana gives us the least appetizing new term of 2010: "tar patties."

Sea Grant: Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico: Sea Grant is a consortium of universities in the Gulf states, and provides dozens of links to other sites.

In the media, the New Orleans Times-Picayune at is doing a superb job, as it did five years ago during and after Katrina. Look for plenty of breaking news plus links to video updates, photo galleries, and a public blog where readers can post their own updates. They're also talking about disaster fatigue ~ more accurately described as fatigue with slow-moving government and corporate officials.

Speaking of blogs, two are covering the spill with some technical expertise.The Oil Drumseal off leaking and burning wells with nuclear weapons? gathers news from all over and adds analysis from a "peak oil" point of view. Who knew the Soviets used to

And Victoria's own oil-spill expert, Dr. Gerald Graham, is blogging the disaster at Marine Oil Spills ~ which is also The Tyee's Blog of the Week.

Tenth on our list is Google crisis response: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. You'll find a good map of the current extent of the spill, plus a discouraging tally of estimated gallons leaked so far (just over 20 million on the afternoon of May 31.)

A few more sites:

BP claimed that there was not really proof that this dolphin, one of a pod of 7 washed ashore, died due to the oil.


  1. I wasn't long ago some were calling me an idiot and saying this wasn't a big deal. Yes it is a catastrophe.

    Don't miss this one.


    By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
    This week “religious commandos” from Israel attacked the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters. Seven Israelis were injured during the attack with one member of the “Israeli Secret Police” thrown overboard by an 81 year old woman. Jerusalem papers report that Israel is holding the woman for attempted sexual assault.

    Is it illegal to rape a pirate on the high seas? We are waiting for a ruling from the International Criminal Court at the Hague on this.

    One “commando” tripped over a wheel chair in the dark and fell down a flight of stairs. The injured commando, an Obergruppenfuhrer, a rabbinical rank with the IDF, said, “After shooting the man in the chair, I quickly ran over to get his watch. Imagine how I felt, nearly giving my life for a stinking Timex.”

    The helicopters and boats used by the “floating and flying rabbis” were paid for by the US as part of a USAID program funding health clinics in Gaza. Israelis working with USAID on the project indicated that they the “Peace Flotilla” was mistaken for a “refugee resettlement cruise.”

    Red Elk also speaks of a Red Sky Prophecy


    If Cumbre Viejo volcano goes, a granite mountain will hit the sea causing a tidal wave over the eastern seaboard from Canada to the Caribbean islands.

    If this oil has made it to the gulf stream by then you could now be looking at an oil tidal wave.


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