It is a grim task for a writer to chronicle the terrible massacres which have been inflicted on the people of Shem.
It is even more disturbing to know that even now, the plans have been drawn for even greater and more thorough such massacres of this people.In chronicling the Reigns of Terror of the French Revolution,the Bolshevik Revolution,and the Spanish Revolution,Americans are not being offered another television drama;they are being given a preview of their own future.
To those who travel in France
today, the horrors of the French Revolution must seem remote indeed. Enjoying unrivalled
cuisine, visiting great chateaux, and viewing the works of art which have made
the name of France synonymous with the creation of art, it is difficult to
envision that the streets and rivers of this nation once flowed with the blood
of innocents, as thousands of women and children were murdered in obscene
It is for this reason,
perhaps, that even today, tourists, or rather, foreigners, are rarely welcomed
in France. At best, they are tolerated in this fair country. Is this not due to
a deeply hidden sense of shame, the desire to conceal an unpleasant family
secret which causes even innkeepers, traditionally a hospitable lot, to
maintain a cool reserve when tourists come in waving their currency like a
This is understandable, because the French Revolution, one of the three great orgies of the Canaanite demon-war-shippers during modern history, may have been visited on the French people as a deliberate punishment by God.
This punishment would have
been in direct retribution for one of the lesser known atrocities of
European history, the massacres of the Huguenots during the 16thand 17th centuries.
During the two centuries
prior to these atrocities, the people of Shem had wrought great changes in the
economic condition of the French nation, transforming it from a medieval state
into the most promising industrial empire in Europe. Because of their great
energies, intelligence, and abilities, the fair skinned people of Shem had
created enormous wealth and economic progress in France.
During that period of
explosive growth, the France of that day most resembled the Germany of two
centuries later, being very productive, extremely inventive, and causing the
land to blossom and give forth its fruits. This progress and its accompanying
wealth were viewed with great envy, and also fear, by the Canaanites who
wielded great power in France.
As the black nobility, they
had furnished the warriors of Normandy who invaded and conquered the British
Isles; they constantly conspired to extend their power, and to continue their longstanding
war of extermination against the people of Shem. Because of their great power
in the highest offices of Church, State, and the Army, the Canaanites began to
set the stage for what became known as the Huguenot Massacres. They were able
to gain considerable support for their plan from French nobles who were not
themselves Canaanites, but who were alarmed at the economic power gained by the
people of Shem, which, as they knew, would soon be transformed into political
They were also enticed by the promises of gold and property to be gained by robbing and killing the prosperous people of Shem.
Because of their blood lust
and their constant desire for human sacrifice, the Canaanites were able to turn
the Huguenot Massacres into a great orgy of ritual murder. Children were seized
and thrown into pots to be boiled, or fried in great skillets, while crowds stood
hooting and revelling in the entertainment. Families were dragged out into the
squares in cities and villages to be murdered one by one. No one was spared the
terror of the mobs, whether elderly or invalid. Their property was then divided
up among the eagerly waiting instigators of the killings, who would rush on to
find other victims.
The physical act of killing
whole families in city after city could not remain a secret, and currents of
alarm now swept the nation. Many thousands of the Huguenots were able to flee,
leaving their possessions behind them, particularly those in the northern
districts of France. They were able to make their way across the borders into
the Netherlands, where they found that they were hardly welcome. Most of them
embarked for the shores of Ireland, and after remaining there for periods
as long as one hundred years, they were able to set sail for the shores of the
New World.
ED Noor: The "Dark Queen" poisoner, sorceress, Catherine Medici.
It is hardly surprising to learn that the repressive acts against Huguenots began after Catherine de Medici became Regent on the accession of Charles the Ninth. We have already noted that the de Medicis paid for the formulation of the doctrine of secular humanism when Cosimo deMedici set up the Accademia in Florence, centering its teachings around the Christian Cabala.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica
says of Catherine's rule in France,
"She introduced Italian methods of government, alternating between concessions and persecution, both alike devoid of sincerity."
Catherine began negotiations
with Spain to bolster her planned slaughter of the Huguenots; on the 28th of
September 1568, she issued an edict which placed the Huguenots outside the
protection of the law, an open invitation for the massacres to begin. At this
time, they constituted one-tenth of the population of France.
Her son, Charles Ninth,
realized that his mother’s plans would be a catastrophe for the nation, and he
opened negotiations with the Huguenot leaders, hoping to avert the slaughter. Catherine,
true to her black nobility heritage, plotted the massacre to take place
while he had the leaders conveniently assembled.
Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury's 1833 painting portraying the assassination of Brion, Tutor to the Prince of Conti, at the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury's 1833 painting portraying the assassination of Brion, Tutor to the Prince of Conti, at the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre
The notorious Massacre of St.
Bartholomew's took place on the 24th of August, 1572, during which the Huguenot
leader, Coligny, and all of the important Huguenots were killed. The
Encyclopaedia Britannica notes,
“This date marks a disastrous epoch in the history of France. The Paris massacre was followed by massacres throughout France. One victim was King Charles himself. Overcome with horror at the atrocities Committed by the tragedy of St. Bartholomew’s, he expired."
There is a strong possibility that Catherine, knowing
of his unwillingness to proceed with the massacre of the Huguenots, and his
plans to make concessions to them, way have poisoned him. This, too, would have been in keeping with her black nobility
heritage. Charles' successor, Henry II, also died violently; he was
assassinated by the monk Jacques Clement, who believed that he, too, would be
unwilling to proceed with the massacres of the Huguenots.
ED Noor: Catherine and her court view the carnage of the St. Batholomew's Massacre of the Huguenots.
The Edict of Nantes, April
13, 1598, was an attempt to reverse the process. It granted the Huguenots a
charter guaranteeing them religious and political freedom, but many officials
ignored it, and continued the persecutions. The terrible dragonnades (1663-83)
saw many Protestants tortured until they abjured their faith. On the 18th of
October 1685, King Louis XIV declared that the Edict of Nantes was revoked. As
the Encyclopaedia Britannica comments”
“Thus was committed one of the most flagrant political and religious blunders in the history of France, which in the course of a few years lost more than 400,000 of its inhabitants, men who, having to choose between their conscience and their country, endowed the nations which received them with their heroism, their courage, and their ability.”
It was the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, more than any other single event in history, which set the United States on its future course to greatness.
During the American
Revolution, and the writing of the Constitution which followed its victory, it
was the Huguenots who predominated in every battle and every deliberation.
The fortunes of France, on
the other hand, sank into a steady decline, from which it has never recovered.
Indeed, this nation has subsequently lurched from one disaster to another, not
the least of which was the Napoleonic Wars, whose excesses further bloodied the
nation of its bravest and best. E. E. Cummings, the American poet, used to
remark of Napoleon,
"He chopped six inches off of the height of every Frenchman.”
Ever since vile St. Bartholomew's Massacre, France has fallen
back from its once proud history. This, of course, was a great comfort to its
historic rival, England, who not only seized the advantages offered by the
French decline, but seems to have engineered quite a few of its subsequent
France’s birth rate declined,
her command of the seas declined, and her rate of invention declined. Most
important, she never again won another war. Despite the great military successes
of Napoleon, France lost the Napoleonic Wars at Waterloo; she was defeated by
the Germans during the Franco- Prussian War and the successive world wars, her
foes being halted and turned back only by the arrival of troops from
America, many of them of Huguenot descent.
Huguenots in prayer.
If God may have visited the Reign of Terror upon the people of France as punishment for the massacres of the Huguenots, it was also made inevitable by their absence. With the sober, restraining influence of the Huguenot people removed from France, the way now lay open for every possible excess of the demon-worshipping Canaanites.
Sex orgies, financial
scandals, and foreign intrigues became everyday occurrences among the high
officials of the black nobility, while the kings of France, seeing no
alternative to "going with the flow" let license reign. It was not
accidental that France was the only country in Europe to undergo a major
revolution at this time. It was the only country in Europe in which the central
government had allowed itself to be overcome by the desires of the worst
elements in the nation.
Every type of heresy
flourished in France. Idleness and tile pursuit of vice were foremost in the
minds of the people, While the economy was being paralyzed by a plethora of
lawsuits, some of them litigated generation after generation, which
created unrest throughout the nation. As in the United States today, prejudice
and bias dictated every decision in the courts, and this favouritism became
one of the principal causes contributing to the outbreak of the Revolution.
The rot was very high on the
The king's brother-in-law,
the Duc d'Qrleans, was called Philippe de Egalite because of his close
identification with the new forces of "liberation." The Duc had been
persuaded by Mirabeau to amalgamate Hate the Blue Lodge with the Grand Orient
of France; at same time, Mirabeau and
his mentor, Moses Mendelssohn, persuaded the Duc to make some risky
investments, in which, as they had planned, he lost his fortune.
By 1780, he owed 800,000
livres. He was forced to sign over his magnificent home, the Palais Royal, to
Canaanite lenders. They hired de Laclos to turn it into one of the world's most
elaborate brothels. As his aide, de Laclos brought in from Palermo the
notorious "Count" Cagliostro, born Balsamo, who had taken his
godmother's name. He was a Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Knights of Malta,
which he had joined at the age of twenty-three.
Cagliostro now used the Palais Royal as a headquarters for revolutionary propaganda, printing thousands of the most inflammatory pamphlets, with which he flooded Paris. The downfall of the Duc d'Orleans had been carefully planned. Mirabeau had been a habitué of the salon of Henrietta Herz in Vienna and Paris; here he had come under the influence of Moses Mendelssohn, the founder of Freemasonry. He became the principal tool of Mendelssohn and other conspirators, including the Rothschilds, in precipitating the events of the French Revolution.
At this same time, the
government of England was falling into the hands of Lord Shelburne, the
notorious William Petty. The English Prime Minister, William Pitt, had also been maneuvered into a position where he was
overcome by onerous debts; Petty and his closest associates paid Pitt's
debts and, in return, dictated his subsequent policy decisions.
Lord Shelburne was the chief of the British Intelligence Service; as such, he masterminded the course of the French Revolution from London.One of the most persistent legends has been the myth of the Scarlet Pimpernel, a quixotic British aristocrat who risked his neck many times to snatch French aristocrats from the guillotine. If such a person ever existed, he was greatly outnumbered in France by the number of British agents of Lord Shelburne who were to be found there, promoting the most atrocious acts of the Reign of Terror from behind the scenes, in order to make sure that even if the French nation survived the Revolution, it would never again present a threat to the ambitions of the British Empire.
This proved to be the outcome. Mirabeau later was overcome by the developments of the Revolution; in a moment of remorse, he conspired to save King Louis from the guillotine. To avoid a public trial, he was promptly poisoned by the conspirators, thus sealing his lips against any future revelation of the identity of the true perpetrators of this horror.
In King Louis' final days of power, measure after measure was enacted which served to further weaken the authority of the Crown and fed the appetite of the mob.For instance, the National Assembly resolved to set an example by suppressing slavery. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, the measures which they enacted, forbidding any retaliation against slaves "set the stage for the terrible negro insurrection in Santo Domingo."
In fact, the entire white population was slaughtered, being replaced by a black government which is today the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.
The Assembly also abolished
feudal tenure in France, which violated the rights of certain Princes in Alsatia
which had been guaranteed them by the Treaty of Westphalia. Foreign
statesmen saw that France was sinking into anarchy, which gave them free rein
to pursue their own policies, without fear of any French intervention.
King Louis' Minister of
Finance, the Swiss banker Necker, was true to his heritage of revolutionary
intrigue. He deliberately pursued policies of inflation which caused terrible
economic suffering in France, and further inflamed the populace. He is thought
to have inaugurated those policies in obedience to certain Swiss bankers who
planned to reap great profits from the approaching French debacle.
After all, it was no less than Baron Rothschildwho advised those who wished to become wealthythat they should"Buy when there is blood in the streets.”
On the tenth of October,
1789, Talleyrand proposed the confiscation of all the church lands in France.
This was thought to be one- fifth of all French land. This was proposed as an economic
measure; the famous assignats were issued against these lands, in the amount of
four hundred million livres, which was later increased to one billion eight
hundred thousand livres. His work done, Necker now resigned and left
France in September of 1790. During the ensuing three years of the Convention,
more than seven billion livres were issued. Their value fell to one
per cent of their face value.
The inspiration for the French Revolutioncan be traced directly to the doctrine of secular humanismwhich had been formulatedat the Accademia of the de Medicis in Florence,and which were but a modernized version of the Kabbalah.
The placing of "human
interests" first in all things created the climate which made possible the
guillotining of King Louis XVI; after denying God, it was a simple step to
deny the authority of a monarch who ruled by divine right.
From the Neo-platonic
humanism promulgated by the de Medicis came the cults of the Rosicrucians and
Freemasonry. Sir Francis Bacon's dictum that "knowledge is power"
threw down the gauntlet to the traditional powers of Church and State, which
were then cast aside during the Revolution.
The Baconian Doctrine
logically developed into the Positivism of Comte, who states that
"God is only an abstraction ~ he does not exist; only humanity is real"
The Enlightenment of
Descartes, surreptitiously aided by the secret alliance between Voltaire and
Frederick the Great, both Freemasons, led France into the excesses of the
The immediate plans for the French Revolution had been laid at the international convention of Freemasons at Wilhelmsbad in 1781, a gathering later famed as "the Convent."
It was attended by seven
brothers from England, including Lord Shelburne, who later directed the
progress of the French Revolution from London, Lessing, Mirabeau, Dohm,
delegates from the French Illuminati, and Knigge, who represented Weishaupt.
"The Convent paved the way for the French Revolution" (A. Cowan,
"X-Rays in Freemasonry," pp. 67-68). There were some 2000 lodges in
France in 1789, with over 100,000 adepts. The first lodge in France had been
set up by Lord Derwenwater of England, paving the way for the later influence
of Lord Shelburne and British Intelligence.
French officials soon
realized that the assignats which had been issued against the church lands were
not negotiable; they could not be used in real estate transactions, because the
church lands might be restored, and they would then be worthless; the populace
refused to accept them. Matters were not improved after the Assembly passed
laws of varying severity, imposing penalties for refusing to accept the
assignats as payment. The penalties ranged from imprisonment to death.
The steadfast refusal of the
French peasantry to accept assignats in payment for their grain led to
their being killed.
These killings then unleashed
a nationwide Reign of Terror. Like the earlier Massacres of St. Bartholomew's,
these atrocities had been foreseen by certain "legislative" acts. The
cahiers des doleances denied clerical taxation and benefits, foreswore all
their rights to real estate, the church lands having previously been seized,
and denied the church any financial privileges.
This was followed on August
4, 1789, by the resolutions of the deputies abolishing all privileges of
individuals and social groups, inaugurating the formal
"dechristianization" campaign, which lasted from May 1792 to
October 1794.
On the third of August, 1790, Revolutionary France gave full rights to the Jews; the measure was denied for thirteen successive votes, but the Masons forced it through on the fourteenth attempt
The Assembly itself was split
into two rival groups: the Girondins from Bordeaux, who envisioned a modest
type of federated Republic; and the Paris Sections, seated high on the left,
and thereby called the Mountain. From that day on, revolutionaries have always
chosen the Left as their symbolic place. The Mountain consisted of forty-eight
sections of the Paris Commune, led by Marat, and composed of hooligans and
criminals. The entire Assembly of 655 members
had among its members 405 Masons.
Marat, whose person came to
exemplify the excesses of the Revolution, was born in Switzerland of a
Sardinian father and a Swiss mother. During the 1770s, he had traveled in
Holland and England. In 1772 he published in England a work called "An Essay on the Human Soul," a
Masonic work whose emphasis was on Mysticism. A second book, "The Chains of Slavery," published
in 1774, continued his radical philosophy.

In 1777, he returned to France, where he became physician to Conte d'Artois, brother of the king. With a salary equivalent to five thousand dollars a year, he lived well. He even petitioned for a coat of arms of nobility. He began to spend more of his funds on publications, financing a radical newspaper, L' Ami du Peuple. Because of this activity, he was soon placed under surveillance. He then resigned from the service of Artois, fleeing to England, where he remained until 1790. Seeing that the revolutionary climate was now ripe for his work, he then came back to France.
An acquaintance described
Marat thus:
"Marat had the burning eyes of a hyena, marked by spasmodic convulsions of his features, and a rapid and jerky walk."
Another description has come
down to us:
"His countenance was toad like in shape, marked by bulging eyes and a flabby mouth, his complexion of a greenish, corpse-like hue. Open sores, often running, pitted his terrible countenance. He wore no socks, and his boots were usually filthy."
His physician, Dr. Cabanes,
"Eczema, in one of its more revolting and dolorous manifestations .... A suppurating gutter ran from the scrotum to his peritoneum, maddening him with torment. Headaches, pain and fever tormented his spirit. He endured intolerable pains in his arms and legs."
Cabanes concluded that Marat
was probably in the last stages of syphilis. He usually wore a red bandana over
his greasy hair. During the height of the Revolution, he married Susanne Simone
in the Temple of Nature, a Rousseault spectacle before an open window. This was
the appearance of the creature who spawned the Reign of Terror.
With the power of the Paris Sections behind him, Marat appointed himself the head of a Committee on Surveillance. He then arrested some four thousand people and the slaughter began. It was a Sunday, September 2, 1792, when the first victims, twenty-four priests, were led into a garden, one by one, and beaten to death. Some twelve hundred souls were killed during that September, more than one hundred and fifty being slaughtered at the Carmelite Convent.
The murderers foreswore the
convenience of guns, perhaps because these weapons did not exist at the time of
their preceptor, Baal. The killers preferred the greater satisfaction of
finishing off their victims with axes, shovels, and knives. A chronicler
of the time, Philippe Morice, wrote,
“The gutter ran red with the blood of the poor creatures whom they were butchering there in the Abbaye. Their cries were mingled with the yells of their executioners, and the light which I had caught a glimpse of from the rue de la Seine was the light of bonfires which the murderers had lit to illuminate their exploits.”
The prisons at Chatelet and
the Conciergerie were simultaneously invaded by two trained bands of assassins,
who proceeded to kill two hundred and twenty-five victims at Chatelet and three
hundred and twenty-eight at the Conciergerie.
An English observer, Dr.
Moore, reported that the massacres were the result of
cold-blooded planning by certain politicians.
"Cannon were fired repeatedly, as a toxin to arouse the populace to their bloody work. Thirty-three boys between the ages of twelve and fourteen were killed at Bicetre." At Salpetriere, girls only ten years old were put to the sword, according to Mme. Roland, who said, "Women were brutally violated before being torn to pieces by these tigers.”
In the provinces, the
massacres were carried out by lunatics, who seem to have been specially
recruited for this purpose. The most notorious of the mass murderers was one
Carrier, who was said to be the subject of frequent fainting fits, falling to
the floor, foaming at the mouth, and howling and snapping at everyone like an
animal. He had an obsessive desire to torture and kill small children, as did
his assistant, the hunchback Du Rel, a homicidal maniac who delighted in killing
children by repeatedly puncturing their bodies with sharpened sticks.
A Noyad in the Loire.
These two madmen herded more than five hundred peasant boys and girls into a field outside of Nantes, where they clubbed them to death, with the aid of misfits like themselves who eagerly joined in the slaughter. Carrier was famed for having invented the infamous Noyades in the Loire. Large rafts of victims were floated onto the river; plugs were then removed, and all on board were drowned. Some six thousand people were killed in this manner.
Carrier also observed the
rites of what came to be known as "Republican marriages." Men and
women were stripped, bound together as couples, and thrown into the river. On
attachait deux a deux les personnes de l'un et l'autre sexe, toutes nues y
tournees comme pour s'accoupler.
Another notorious madman,
Lebas at Arras, first executed all of the rich who fell into his hands so that
he could seize their wine cellars and their jewels. He then set himself up in a
requisitioned mansion which overlooked the town square. When there were no more
rich to be had, he began to murder the poor, of whom there were many. He had
them beaten to death in the square, while he and his friends looked on from overhead,
celebrating with orgiastic frenzies.
Joseph Fouche
At Lyons, on December 4,
1792, Fouche ordered some two hundred men tied together and shot down with
grapeshot just outside the city walls. Robespierre's agent, Achard, was an invited
guest at this entertainment; he reported back to his superior,
"What delights you would have tasted could you have seen natural justice wrought on two hundred and nine scoundrels! Oh, what majesty! What a lofty tone! It was thrilling to see all those wretches chew the dust. What achievement this will be for our Republic ~ Held out of doors in Nature's vault! “
The Place Bellcourt contained
some of the most splendid mansions in France. They had been designed by
Mansart. Fouche had them blown up, one by one.
A visiting English liberal, Helen
Williams, described the guillotining of twenty peasant girls from Poitou after
they had been taken from the Conciergerie. Soon afterward, Williams
herself was thrown into prison.
The Terror was genuine; there
was no doubt of that. Nor was there any doubt, as Dr. Moore had observed that
it was being carefully engineered by politicians and financiers who intended to
profit by it. Speculators poured in from Switzerland and the Rhineland to
profit from the ever-changing regulations issued by the Assembly.
Mme.Defarge sat and knit watching the public executions.
Having foreknowledge of these measures by the judicious distribution of bribes, the speculators made enormous profits. The climate of terror was increased by the presence of spies everywhere; private agents working for unseen masters; government informers, spies from every faction, and everywhere the demented tricteuses, clad in rags, who often sat in front of the guillotine, shrieking with joy at every head which rolled into the gutter, and constantly screaming for more and more blood.
The massacres were carefully organized by the Revolutionary Committees, whose members were selectively chosen by the Jacobin Clubs. The Jacobins were, one and all, Freemasons.
During the Terror, the
population of France was 650,000; the National Guard alone had some 125,000
members, and there were six thousand members of the Jacobin Clubs. Una Bush, in
her important work, "Secret Societies and the French Revolution,"
Pic cap
"The Phrygian cap of the Illuminate became the headgear of the populace during the French Revolution; the half-mystical phantasies of the lodges became the habits of daily life.
Those who were not members of
the Masonic lodges had no idea of how to comport themselves, or even how to
survive; only the Masons profited by and
directed every aspect of the Revolution.
At the execution of Louis XVI
in 1793, an elderly Mason dipped his
hands in the royal blood, saying, "I baptise thee in the name of Liberty
and Jacques." This was a reference to the Grand Master, Jacques de
Molay, who had been immolated by King Philip the Fair. Revenge was now had.
ED Noor: Princess de Lamballe
Many of the acts committed during the orgy of terror defy belief. The fate of the Princess de Lamballe, a pleasant, middle-aged aristocrat who had escaped from the city, was typical. Driven by loyalty to her mistress, Marie Antoinette, she returned to Paris to administer to her mistress. The Princess was promptly seized by the mob, publicly disembowelled, and her private parts paraded through the city as trophies of the triumph of the Revolution!
ED Noor: The murdered Princesse de Lamballe was then torn to pieces, her private organs mounted on a pike and carried about Paris.
After the storming of the
Guilerriers, a young apprentice fell into the hands of the mob. A great pan was
fetched, and a fire built under it. He was then fried in butter, after which
the revolutionaries enjoyed a feast.
The cemeteries of Paris
became the scenes of nightly orgies, many of them mystical rites which had not
been seen on earth since the destruction of the Temples of Baal. Graves were
torn open, and the remains used in fiendish rites. All of this had come about
because the people of France were ignorant of the Curse of Canaan, and the Will
of Canaan.
These horrors, which were beyond the imagination of any sane person, were perpetrated because of the satanic nature of the Canaanites, who seized on every opportunity to indulge their passion for human sacrifice and cannibalism.
The ideological basis for
these atrocities had been enshrined by the National Assembly on August 26,
1789, which formally adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man. This led directly
to the formation of the Revolutionary Tribunal, established March 10, 1793,
which then set up the Committee of Public Safety. The initial committee was
composed of nine men; it was later increase to twelve, and was led by
He first used the Committee
to destroy his chief opponents in the Assembly, the Girondins. On November
1, 1793, he decapitated twenty-one of them in one day. The Girondins
principally represented the region of Bordeaux; a young lady from that
district, who was of good family, Charlotte Corday, privately resolved to
avenge her friends. Because of the agony of his deteriorating skin, Marat
now spent most of his time in a bathtub. Corday accosted him there and
stabbed him. She was tried and executed that same day. Marat’s funeral was
turned into another Babylonian orgy, in which large quantities of incense were
burned and symbolic paper pyramids, representing his Masonic affiliation, were seen
ED Noor: Please enlarge thumb. Overbar:
The heroic Charlotte La Cordie, upon her trial at the Revolutionary Tribunal of
Paris, 1793, for having rid the world of that monster of atheism (?) and
murderer, the regicide Marat, whom she stabbed in a bath where he had retired
on account of leprosy, with which Heaven had begun the punishment of his
crimes. “The noble enthusiasm with which this woman struck the whole assembly
with terror and astonishment.”
Mme. La Cordie: “Wretches! I did not expect to appear before you. I always thought that I should be given up to the rage of the people and that my head stuck on the top of a pike would have preceded Marat on his state bed, to serve as a rallying point to Frenchmen, if there still are any worthy of that name. But happen what will, if I have the honour of the guillotine, and my clay cold remains are buried, they soon will conferred upon them the honours of the Pantheon, and my memory more honoured in France than that of Judith in Bethulia.”
Marat was succeeded by the
two other architects of the Reign of Terror, Danton and Robespierre. They, too,
were soon to be destroyed by the monster which they had unleashed upon the
nation. A great Festival of Reason was held at the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Mercier's
account describes "the infuriated populace dancing before the sanctuary
and howling the Carmagnole (the Song of the Revolution).
The men wore no breeches (the
sans culottes); the necks and breasts of the women were bare. In their wild
whirling, they imitated those whirlwinds, the forerunner of tempests, that
ravage and destroy all that is in their path. In the darkness of the sacristy,
they indulged in the abominable desires that had been kindled in them during
the day. The mob howled for worship of Virtue instead of that Jew slave and his
adulterous woman of Galilee, his mother.
“Blasphemy was the hallmark of the Revolution, not merely the fury which brought about the slaughter of hundreds of priests, but also the urge to degrade and defame that which was greater than themselves. At the Clootz Convention, a militant atheist, one Hebertist, declared,"A religious man is a depraved beast. He resembles those animals that are kept to be shorn and roasted for the benefit of merchants and butchers.”
After the death of Marat,
Robespierre achieved his peak of power, being named President of the Convention.
To celebrate his elevation, he organized a great celebration, the Festival of the
Supreme Being, on June 8, claiming it signified the rebirth of God. In
"The Life of Robespierre," G. Renier writes,
"On the 28th of July, 1794, Robespierre made a long speech before the Convention ~ a philippic against ultra-terrorists ~ uttering vague general accusations. ‘I dare not name them at this moment and in this place. I cannot bring myself to entirely to tear asunder the veil that covers this profound mystery of iniquity. But I can affirm most positively that among the authors of this plot are the agents of that system of corruption and extravagance, the most powerful of all the means invented by foreigners for the undoing of the Republic. I mean the impure apostles of atheism, and the immorality that is at its base.'
Renier comments,
“Had he not spoken these words he might still have triumphed!”
Because he had threatened to
expose the Illuminists behind the Revolution, Robespierre had doomed himself.
At that very moment, his archenemy and deadly rival, Fouche, was passing the
Law of 22 Prairial, which provided in Article 16 "no defense for
At the Assembly of 9
Thermidor, Robespierre was not allowed to speak, or to defend himself against
his accusers. Soon afterward, he was arrested at the Hotel du Ville. In the
struggle which ensued, he was shot in the jaw. He was dragged away to the
Conciergerie, still adorned in his costume for the Festival, a sky-blue coat
and jonquil breeches. Twenty-two of his supporters were first executed; then
Robespierre himself was led to the guillotine. Before throwing him down before the
guillotine, the famous executioner, Samson, deliberately ripped the bandage
from Robespierre's jaw. Spectators said he screamed like a slaughtered
animal before the blade mercifully descended.
The third leader of the Reign
of Terror, Danton, also was soon led to the guillotine, and Paris slowly began
to return to normal. The inevitable reaction, which was called the White
Terror, soon began. It culminated in the famous 18th Brumaire, a date cited
with hatred and anger by revolutionaries ever since. On the 18th Brumaire,
Napoleon took power, and the Revolution was over.
A further development of the French Revolution was the unleashing on the world of a new formula for mankind's control, the social sciences.
This technique was developed
by an imprisoned aristocrat, Comte de Saint Simon, during his Imprisonment in
the Luxembourg. While awaiting trial, he amused himself by developing his
vision of a new social system, one which would be developed purely on
scientific principles instead of political realities.
From his concept came the entire socialistic system of "social welfare," which proved to be a necessary tool for imposing socialism by the governments of many countries.
The Terror had offered a
great opportunity for the Canaanites to indulge their inhuman desires. They now
hated Napoleon with all the passion of which they were capable, because he had
taken away their delights.
After his downfall, they saw to it that he was slowly poisoned to
death with administration of arsenic in his food. This was proven one hundred
fifty years later by examination of his hair, which showed heavy concentrations
of arsenic. The poison had been administered to Napoleon on the island of St. Helena
by a trusted agent of the Rothschilds.
To further satisfy their lust for revenge, these same conspirators later
murdered his young son, the Duke of Reichstadt.
It was the Duke of Brunswick
himself (known as "Aaron" in the Illuminati) who delivered the last
word on the French Revolution:
"A secret sect working within Freemasonry had brought about the French Revolution and would bring about and would be the cause of all future revolutions."
Monsignor Dillon, writing in
1885, offered a further comment:
"However subversive the doctrines of the Grand Order may have been-and undoubtedly were ~ it was not Freemasonry itself but Illuminism which organized the movement of which the French Revolution was but the first manifestation.”
The great French historian, Hippolyte
Taine, wrote:
"Liberty, equality, fraternity!Whatever the great wordswith which the Revolution was ornamented,it was essentially a transference of property.”
The successful conclusion of
the Napoleonic Wars found the Rothschilds in unchallenged control of that
property. They held the Congress of Vienna to celebrate their great victories.
Von Gentz, secretary to Prince Metternich, pointed out that there never really
was a Congress of Vienna; the Rothschilds merely dictated the signing of
the Final Act, in June of 1815, to the four great powers. Von Gentz
"The real purpose of the Congress was to divide among the conquerors the spoils taken from the vanquished.”
The Congress of Vienna was
formally headed by Lord Castlereagh, Foreign Minister of Great Britain, and his
half-brother, Lord Charles Stewart, who was serving as
Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Vienna. Lord Aberdeen, Lord Cathcart, and
Lady Burghe, a niece of the Duke of Wellington, also represented Great Britain.
Princess Thurn und Taxis arranged nightly meetings in her drawing room between
Talleyrand and the Czar of Russia.
During these meetings, Talleyrand routinely betrayed the French people. Nearly all the royalty of Europe was present in Vienna for the Congress. They gathered at the Opera House for a special concert by Beethoven, which he conducted.
During these meetings, Talleyrand routinely betrayed the French people. Nearly all the royalty of Europe was present in Vienna for the Congress. They gathered at the Opera House for a special concert by Beethoven, which he conducted.
Because England was the
victorious power, the world supremacy of British naval power was accepted
without question by the members of the Congress. An important piece of business
was the passage of Acts on March 20 and March 29, 1815, which permanently
guaranteed Swiss neutrality.
These acts not only ensured that Switzerland would continue to be the nation where the revolutions of the world could be plotted, but also that the ill- gotten gains of those revolutions would be guaranteed safe deposit and insurance against being repossessed by the victims of robberies.
Lord Castlereagh later
addressed the House of Commons in this report on the Congress: "The
Congress of Vienna was Hot assembled not for the discussion of moral
principles, but for great practical purposes, to establish effectual
provisions for the general security."
One of these provisions
was Nathan Mayer Rothschild's setting up a Special German Committee in the
Congress to work out a grant of rights to German Jews. This provision was
inserted into the final Act, which was then advertised as establishing
"equilibrium in Europe," the famed doctrine later known as "the
balance of power."
In fact, British Intelligence, led by Lord Shelburne, had operated the entire French Revolution from London as a Masonic plot to rid England of its oldest and most historic rival.
After 1815, France never
again mounted any threat to the British hegemony. It was not a balance of power
at all; it was the triumph of the Hegelian system.
The Bourbons had now become a
weak and ineffectual ruling family: Lord Castlereagh formally restored them to
the throne in the Treaty of Paris, only because they would be an important
contributing factor to France's future weakness.
Ed Noor: Lord Castlereagh, who committed suicide when he saw the results of his work, inspired Henry Kissinger.
Ed Noor: Lord Castlereagh, who committed suicide when he saw the results of his work, inspired Henry Kissinger.
Castlereagh, Marquis of
Londonderry, was now considered the most powerful single politician in the
world. He was the godson of Lord Camden, who, with Lord Shelburne, had lent large
sums to Britain's Prime Minister, William Pitt; thereafter they were able to
control him for their own devious purposes.
Lord Shelburne, William
Petty, was denounced by Edmund Burke as "a
Cataline or Borgia in morals," which was undoubtedly true. Henry Kissinger openly modeled his own
diplomatic techniques on those of Lord Castlereagh. In his book "A
World Restored,” which he dedicated to McGeorge Bundy (of the Brotherhood of
Death), Kissinger wrote,
"There are two ways of constructing an international order; by will or by renunciation; by conquest or by legitimacy."
The "world
restored" to which Kissinger dedicated his career was, of course the
continuation of the Rothschild World Order which had been established at the
Congress of Vienna. His idol, Lord Castlereagh, apparently had some second
thoughts about the consequences of his diplomacy. He returned to London from
Vienna believing that he had achieved a great personal triumph both for himself
and for his country.
On later examining the actual results of the Congress of Vienna, he belatedly realized that he had delivered the entire continent of Europe into the hands of the Rothschilds.
On the 12th of August, 1822,
he had an emotional audience with King George IV, informing him, "Sire, it
is necessary to say goodbye to Europe." He then went home and cut his
throat, slashing his artery with a small penknife.
This story has even more
interesting significance today. A principal partner of the Rothschilds in their
worldwide wheeling and dealing is the financier, Sir James Goldsmith. He is
married to the daughter of the present Marquis of Londonderry, the descendant
of Lord Castlereagh. This is Goldsmith’s third marriage. He first married
Isabel Patino, heiress to the great tin fortune, when she was only twenty years
old. She died mysteriously. Goldsmith then married the niece of the Comte de
Paris, the Bourbon Pretender to the Throne of France. He later married the
descendant of Lord Castlereagh.
In the forty years since
Mayer Amschel persuaded the Elector of Hesse to let him invest his fortune (the
money paid him by King George III for the Hessian mercenaries who were intended
to crush the American revolutionaries and maintain control over the American
colonies), the Rothschilds had come a long way.
They had parlayed the
Elector's money into a worldwide fortune of their own. Until that stroke of
good luck, they had been by no means the most important family in the Frankfurt
moneylending hierarchy. There had been a considerable Jewish contingent in
Frankfurt-on-Main since 625 A.D. In 1265, a covenant was signed which allowed
them to remain.
However, in 1614, the
Judengasse was sacked. Some 1390 Jews were living there at that time. In 1615,
the gates of the Judengasse had been posted with the warning, “Under the Roman
Imperial Majesty and the Holy Roman Empire's Protection."
In 1715, there were some 415
families in the Judengasse, of whom 109 were moneylenders; there were also 106
hardware dealers; the remaining families were engaged in second hand clothing
or fruit businesses. Of the twelve wealthiest families there in 1715, the
Speyers were the richest, having a fortune of 604,000 florins; then came the
Goldschmidts, the Wertheimers, the Haas family, etc. No. four on the list
were the Rothschilds, with 109,375 Florins.
Exactly one hundred years
later, the Rothschilds were the masters of Europe, dictating the terms at the
Congress of Vienna. They then requested a noble coat of arms with a royal
coronet, featuring the Leopard of England and the Lion of Hesse. This request
was denied in 1817, but after t tremendous financial pressure was brought to
bear on the government, it was finally granted in 1822.
The following year, the Rothschilds
took over all of the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church. Of
the head of the family, Sir Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the Dictionary of National
Biography noted:
“The influence of his firm and himself compared with that of the-Bank of England; after the death of Sir Moses, Montefiore Rothschild may almost be said to be the generally authorized, leader of the Jews of the world.“
The success of the French Revolution, which was really a coup d’état,
was due to the reorganization of the Freemasons in France. The original French Lodge
had only three degrees; the 33 degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite, the revolutionary degrees, were then introduced; this guaranteed the
success of the conspiracy.
After the Revolution, the Supreme
Council of the Order generally met in Paris. The Jewish Lodge of Frankfurt, L'
Aurore Naissante, the Rising Dawn, had been authorized by the Grand Lodge
of Paris in 1808.
The Scottish Rite always
dates its official documents in the Hebrew months.
On September 18, 1885, the Bulletin of the Grand Orient of France openly called for the destruction of the Catholic Church..In 1886, the International Congress of the Grand Orient continued the call to arms with the battle cry "War on God!" The political battleground of Freemasonry was then concentrated in Italy, hence the call for war against the Catholic Church. There was no subsequent Italian Revolution, as had occurred in other countries, notably France, because the area was too diffuse; the only central enemy in Italy was the power of the Church.
The Italian
"liberators," Mazzine and Garibaldi, were the leading Masons in the
Lodges. Here again, they were merely carrying
out the instructions of British Intelligence. It was no less a personage
than Lord Sackville who had introduced Freemasonry into Italy, in 1733. The
British influence was dominant when Lord Palmerston, with the assistance of
Cavour, guided the "liberators" in their capture of Rome and their
placing the Pope under arrest
The ascension to power in
France of Louis Napoleon, later known as Napoleon III, was a
further triumph of the Canaanite conspirators. Louis Napoleon had been
born to Queen Hortense in 1808. Her residence in Paris was also the
headquarters of the House of Rothschild; it later became the private
residence of James de Rothschild; the building was torn down in 1968.
General Spiridovich, an
authority on the period, states unequivocally that it was common knowledge that
Napoleon III was a Rothschild. Napoleon III was also a well-known member
of the Carbonari, a group of Italian noblemen who were the leaders of the
Guelphs, or black nobility, in Europe.
The Alta Vendita was the
Supreme Director of the Carbonari, whose orders had to be obeyed on pain of
death. When Louis Napoleon was proclaimed Emperor in 1851, the Carbonari moved
quickly to consolidate their gains in Italy. An international Masonic group
led by Lord Palmerston, and which also included Kossuth, Lemmi and others,
had met in London in 1860 to plan their strategy for seizing absolute control
in Italy. When Garibaldi occupied Naples, a group of English Masons was on hand
to aid him.
Rothschild Napoleon III, Princesse Eugenie and the Prince Imperial.
Despite his Canaanite origins, Napoleon III deeply offended the world order when he organized his coup d’état in December, 1851 and seized power in France. To atone for his breach of discipline, his son, the Prince Imperial, was later murdered.
Despite his Canaanite origins, Napoleon III deeply offended the world order when he organized his coup d’état in December, 1851 and seized power in France. To atone for his breach of discipline, his son, the Prince Imperial, was later murdered.
No less a person than
Gambetta, former premier, whose secretary was Adolphe Cremieux founder of the
Alliance Israelite Universelle, said,
"The providential death of the Duke of Reichstadt [the son of Napoleon I] has been the penalty for Brumaire [when Napoleon I seized power]. I swear to you that December 1851, [Napoleon III's coup d’état] will be punished also."
In 1879, the Prince, then
twenty-three years old, joined a British expedition against the Zulus, because
he had been proscribed in France. He developed a mysterious fever on the boat
to Africa, but recovered. He was then assigned an aide, Lt.--------, a
Freemason, who later persuaded him to go eleven miles past the bounds of
prescribed reconnaissance, where they set up camp. When the Prince mounted his
horse (during an attack), the strap broke; it had been cut in half, although it
was a new leather strap. He died from seventeen javelin thrusts from the
ED Noor: Depiction of the alleged death (assassination predicted by a Freemason) of the Prince Imperia by Zulus.
.Adrien Paillaud recounts this
story in "La Mort du Prince Imperial," Paris, 1891. Paillaud wrote,
"At the time of the Prince’s departure from France for England, a Freemason Republican Deputy said,
'You will never see him again [the prince]. I don't pretend to be a prophet, but, believe me, the Prince will be killed in Zululand.'The Deputy was a close friend of Gambetta. On May 19, 1879, a radical paper announced that the Prince had been killed. A Masonic Lodge at the Cape had sent word to Paris; however, on that day the Zulus had failed to appear.On a later expedition, the Prince was killed, on June 1. This remarkable circumstance was noted in a highly successful play, 'Thy Wife of Claudius,' by Alexander Dumas in Paris. The hero' Daniel says,'The Diaspora has not scattered us; on the contrary, it has extended us in all directions. In consequence, we enmesh the whole world in a net, so to speak.'”
incredible that graduates from "JEW" approved universities know virtually nothing about WHAT REALLY HAPPENED...hmmmm
curiously, when I asked Bunker if he had read the book ...
he replied..."No."
sometimes it is the little things that really matter...
briefly during a visit with Eustace we discussed this chapter...his family coming from France also...and lamented the lack of vigorous enthusiasm of descendents of the French to know the History and pursue Justice...
Thank you Noor,
Giving a chance to the few who can grasp the importance of what you are presenting is commendable indeed. Let us hope your time has not been wasted.