Thursday 24 March 2011


Yes, right overhead, all day long. This is what I see.

This video features extensive video evidence of a Geo-Engineered, Biological Attack against Canada filmed on March 23, 2011 over Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 
Mar 24, 2011

This has got to be one of the best local documentaries that I've watched thus far covering the chemtrail issue in Victoria, B.C.

Dozens upon dozens of jets spraying continuously over the area, some approaching from the US side of the border then doing a 360 degree loop leaving their chemical-laden payload to waft downward upon the breezes that are blowing into Canada's sovereign air and land spaces. This video features extensive video evidence of a Geo-Engineered, Biological Attack against Canada filmed on March 23, 2011 over Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. My sincere respect goes out to videoto-grapher Fritz Stammberger for his efforts in producing this coverage.

Naysayers are a dime a dozen these days; when asked to remove their head from its usual resting place and actually check out what's going on above their domes they always seem to also have a dozen or more feeble excuses to justify not taking the time to do so.

Whether suffering biologically from lack of sunlight, poor soil conditions, polluted drinking water, compromised immune systems, respiratory illnesses or man made viruses, Geo-Engineering is affecting us all.

This video features extensive video evidence of a Geo-Engineered, Biological Attack against Canada filmed on March 23, 2011 over Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

Stammberger of Victoria, B.C.'s should help to dispel any doubts as far as what is now occurring on a regular basis across Canada, the USA and much of the globe, but most specifically in the video, right over my head.

As the morning sun rises in a clear blue sky it's destined to be shrouded over with a blanket of chemical toxins so that by nightfall a gloomy canopy of darkness is preceded by a blanket of grey-black chemtrails that give off an eerie, artificially false-coloured sunset.

Please do watch this video and also pass it along to any naysayer you may encounter who still believes that contrails and chemtrails are one and the same.


  1. Hi

    The findings in these science journal backed documents have been concurred by leading researchers including Skizit and Dr.Gwen Scott

    Here is the answer to Chemtrails and Morgellons

    and this accompanying related info*Yt6R0xnjIl-yORig


  2. Hi

    The findings in these science journal backed documents have been concurred by leading researchers including Skizit and Dr.Gwen Scott

    Here is the answer to Chemtrails and Morgellons

    and this accompanying related info*Yt6R0xnjIl-yORig



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