War by deception, the Mossad motto utilized by all secret service agencies, comes in many forms. Here that approach is taken to an all new level.
“They” not want you to see Ed Chiarini’s videos. His accounts on Youtube and Vimeo have been taken down. A search of his name brings up dozens of attack videos that attempt to disparage him and debunk his work.
“They” not want you to see Ed Chiarini’s videos. His accounts on Youtube and Vimeo have been taken down. A search of his name brings up dozens of attack videos that attempt to disparage him and debunk his work.
His YouTube is back up under a account:
Ed Chiarini’s videos are proof that many of the news stories
reported by the media are just that ~ stories. And the people involved in these
events are actors.
The implications of his research are huge. If even a fraction of
Chiarini’s videos are correct, then the Zionist media has been orchestrating
fake news reports on a massive scale, for many years. In fact, at least as far
back as the sixties. Some of the events portrayed in the video posted are part
of the history of my generation and played a huge part in moving along the
agenda desired by the power brokers.
Although I do not agree with every assertion that Chiarini makes,
his videos are shocking, compelling, and in some cases undeniably true. He has
exposed the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, the Occupy Movement, and even elected
officials as frauds.
The Zionists are attempting to silence Mr. Chiarini because they
cannot refute his findings, and they are afraid of his growing popularity.
According to Chiarini’s website, WellAware1.com, his YouTube channel had nearly 2
million viewers, 10,000 subscribers, and 240 videos at the time his account was
Despite the enemy’s attempts at censorship, the truth movement has
already re-posted most of his work. A web search including his name, or
“dallasgoldbug”, the name of his former YouTube channel, will bring up hundreds
of his videos. Several of these videos are posted below.
After watching them, you will realize that nothing broadcast by the
Zionist media can be trusted.
Ed Chiarini first gained notoriety by exposing the alleged shooting
of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tuscon, Arizona. As you are about to
see, that shooting did not take place, it was a staged event ~ a drill.
Gabrielle Giffords is a fake! The other victims were fake. Even the shooter,
Jared Lee Loughner, was an actor.
Pay particular attention to the opening interview with the young actor known to my generation as Abbie Hoffman, young Jewish activist and one of the Chicago Seven. He had enormous "street cred" and helped radicalize American politics with many other young Jewish activists who can now be found in different roles today. Listen to his words; he speaks the truth to an unaware and unreceptive audience at the time. Now, you listen and know he speaks the truth. Then, Chiarini exposes him as an actor. AND, no surprise to this writer, Medea Benjamin of Code Pink is exposed. She, I have questioned many times, now my doubts have been validated.
The one thing I disagree with is his opinion regarding MK Ultra mind control slaves. And there, I beg to differ simply because the two systems, that of the media and actors, and that of the MK ultra slaves, could easily work together very nicely. The one thing I disagree with is Chiarini's beliefs regarding the use of MK Ultra mind control slaves in so many government psy ops. So, here I beg to differ simply because the two systems, that of the media and actors, and that of the MK ultra slaves, could easily work together very nicely. Check out his site and draw your own conclusions. ~ Wellaware1.com
Julia Mitchell
Opinion Maker
May11, 2012
Edward L. Chiarini Jr. is the original owner and creator of Wellaware1.com, a website
devoted to the exposure of a vast conspiracy at the highest levels of Western
governments around the world, with the principle focus at this point being the
government of the United States.

As a concept what he has uncovered is the most sinister plan one
could ever imagine, but as reality it is the manifestation of all that plagues
the world today, and its underlying premise is the contention that we have
allowed ourselves to be ushered to the brink of becoming a totalitarian state
by a very dark, rapacious, and sinister cabal of people whose ultimate goal is
to enslave and control the vast majority of the human race to the benefit of an
elite few.
The public news broadcasts and family photos he found available
for public viewing on various facebook pages are more than sufficient to
establish the veracity of his claims.
In this series of videos Chiarini conclusively demonstrates that
many, if not all, of the widely publicized events that have contributed to
shaping the collective psyche of the American population and involve horrific
acts committed by various individuals are in fact falsified, and that all of
this is done with the purely malicious intention of deceiving the population at
large and manipulating our perception as to the true nature of the global
From the kidnapping of Jon Benet Ramsey to the kidnapping of
Holly Bobo, and then on to the death of Lacey Peterson and the recent falsified
shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, he provides tangible evidence that
indicates that none of these events actually occurred, and that many of the
same "actors" play different roles in multiple events.
In addition, Chiarini shows that Giffords herself is in fact
merely one of several actors that have infiltrated the U.S. government at the
highest levels.
One organization that falls victim to being exposed as
fraudulent in this body of work is the Department of Homeland Security, as
Chiarini provides more than sufficient evidence to support the assertion that
the individuals overseeing that department are in fact fictitious
characters, and that events such as the Giffords "shooting" are in
reality nothing more than Dept. of Homeland Security training drills.
These drills are individually referred to as Full Scale
Exercises, or FSE's, for which sponsoring law enforcement agencies receive
grants via taxpayer dollars. To successfully carry out one of these Ex-plans
involves the actual planning of the event, submission of the plan to the DHS
website portal for scheduling, the occurrence of the event itself, and the
subsequent evaluation of said event.
A summary of the event is the completed and submitted to DHS,
and the promised grant of federal money is distributed. These events are then
broadcast via the national corporate news media as having actually occurred,
and thus the charade continues, as a significant part of the Ex-plan involves
ensuring that the general public believes that the event was real.
And although the falsified events run the gamut from a missing
child to false flag terror events, as in the case of the Shoe Bomber, the
pattern of behavior following the staging of one of these fictitious events is
generally the same.
These falsified events are invariably followed by multiple
interviews on the various morning news shows. Those interviews are conducted by
numerous hosts and commentators that the general public has been led to believe
are legitimately attempting to provide fair, balanced, truthful, and unbiased
news coverage, many of whom have well established regular audiences of sizable
The participants in the charades that are being perpetrated function using falsified personal history profiles that were developed to suit the needs of the specific character they represent, until such time as they are needed to play a different role in a different event, while the silence of the peripheral participants in terms of the truth is guaranteed by the rationale that public knowledge that the events are staged would threaten the believability of any real event.
The end results of all of this are the initial boost in ratings
and profits for the news organizations and the corporations that own them,
and then ultimately the substantial profits that go into the pockets of these
fictitious characters stemming from the establishment of "non-profit"
memorial foundations in honor of the victims, as in the case of the still very
much alive Christina Taylor Green, and whose real name happens to be Samantha
These events are carefully calculated to elicit a maximum amount
of public attention, sympathy, horror, and fear, and one can imagine that the
profits that are generated via such avenues as facebook pages, websites, book
deals, and sometimes even movie deals as a result of the emotional state of the
buying public would be quite substantial.
In addition to falsifying crimes as horrific as the ones
mentioned above, Chiarini also exposes these individuals for their
participation in the falsification of stories surrounding actual events.
For example, the prepared stories that were filmed throughout the day on 9/11
are indicative of a foreknowledge of what was planned and occurred on that
fateful day.
ED: A very public example of this could be, the infamous 911 BBC
slipup in which the broadcaster is standing right in front of Building 7,
describing the horrors of its collapse, while the building stands tall in the
background. This was 25 minutes before the actual event.
He also provides incontrovertible video evidence to support his
contention that the clashes occurring between Occupy Wall Street protestors and
the police in which the police appear to be assaulting the protestors for no
reason as well as throwing out canisters of tear gas are in reality
pre-planned, staged events, although the ordinary people showing up to
participate in those protests remain oblivious to that fact.
Meanwhile the corporate media continues to report them as
factual evidence, as does the alternative media, which increasingly appears to
be complicit in this massive deception.
However, as heinous as all of this is, it is the underlying
reason behind all of it that is the most disturbing.
Over the last couple of decades the American population and, indeed, much of the world, has been inundated with an almost constant barrage of propaganda designed to instill a fear of the world at large into the average citizen.
If we are to believe what we are told, danger and possible
catastrophe lurks around every corner even when we are confined to the privacy
of our own homes, and the world is full of people with the potential and even
the desire to do as much harm to their fellow human beings as possible.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government, for example, has engaged in a
process of passing legislation that has systematically destroyed the
Constitution of this country, and the grounds used to justify their actions
constitute these very same fabricated events.
This exposure of falsified events during the Occupied Movement must not be missed.
Chiarini's work is quickly exposing the entire fabric of the matrix that we live in, and all the evidence he provides indicates that there is a concerted effort to convince the population at large that there has been such a progressive downward spiral of society in terms of its moral foundation and social construction that it has rendered us unable to function amongst one another as free and independent human beings.
This fear of "the other" that has been cultivated engenders a disposition that is more willing to accept the implementation of laws specifically designed in reality to chip away at the rule of law and further erode the inalienable rights guaranteed to us under the Constitution.
The situations they are fabricating and the fear and tension
those falsified events create within society ultimately alter public opinion in
favor of various moral, social, legislative, and global initiatives, none of
which appear to be designed to serve the good of humanity as a whole.
Chiarini's evidence proves conclusively that the current trend
among many popular public figures such as Alex Jones, David Icke, and Jordan
Maxwell in terms of attempting to incite civil unrest and turn various factions
of the population against such entities as the police and military is firmly
rooted in this much larger plan.
And that plan is and has been for a very long time initiated and
implemented by and on behalf of a very elite few, the majority of whom are past
and current occupants of positions of enormous power within the governments and
corporations of the Western world.
In terms of domestic terrorism as it is currently defined by the
legislative branch of the United States federal government, these events are
the collective manifestation of all that it entails.
It is an utterly diabolical plan of attack against the many on
the part of a few, and it is insidious in its intentions and pernicious in its
And all indications are that it is a global phenomenon.
Whether or not we continue to take the proverbial bait remains
to be seen.
Ed is a joke and so are his videos. I can't believe you, Noor, fell for this. My reason for being hard on him comes from the fact that one of my friends made it into his theories, (which he calls fact).
ReplyDeleteWho are you? Tony Greenberg?
DeleteNO wonder they want to shut this guy down!
ReplyDeleteHe is on some psychotropic to come to the conclusions he does.
Talk about an agenda, anything to get some fame and fortune, new world any thing goes.
Oh by the way, Obama is really Flip Wilson.
When we all know YOU are the real Flip Wilson.
DeleteIntrigued but not yet persuaded. I have no use for HLS--but that a Congress woman could be a fabrication seems a bit far fetched. I assume she was elected. Or the person playing her part at least. However, in general to pull off a conspiracy of this magnitude would require a very compelling raison d'etre. Such as only doing this can save the world. I suppose there are always people about who want to save the world.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally I realize some people have greater visual and auditory skills and experience than myself. I don't believe I would have spotted the resemblances.
Plato as well as Eastern mystics do not regard the senses as providing real knowledge. They view the senses as very deceptive. Intuitively then I have no trouble believing that there is a Power Elite willing to do most anything (for example 9/11) to gain its ends. That a fake Congress woman could be created with husband and all, then shot, and so on seems very remarkable indeed and rather hard to believe. Still . . .
This material reminds me of reversed speech. There is a temptation present to believe and yet some genuine doubt. Perhaps he originally discovered some real shady business but then got carried away and began seeing things that were not quite true . . . For example, the David Icke video. My impression is that David Icke worked for years as a sports caster. Surely during that time he made friends and was often seen in the public. How then could he live a second life as Sir X? And so on. Finally one wants to turn his suspicions on him. What might he really be up to? Still . . . valuable to keep an open mind. I think we all have a subtle layer of consciousness that will in time tell us whom we can trust--provided we listen to it.
ReplyDeleteI posted this material simply because I figure my readers can all make up their minds. This is just a presentation of this man's work.
ReplyDeleteI have quite a few reservations about some of his work, the Icke/Branston stretches the imagination. As does the Carter/JFK.
The Disney/Hitler evidence rather fit although it truly strains the imagination.
His work on Gifford was excellent as was his work on Columbine although I did find, upon research, inconsistencies in his work about the perpetrators and South Park. The years did not sync if I remember correctly.
"taken in" by him as someone suggests? No. Just offering his stuff for deliberation. As with so many other researchers, there is a grain of truth in here.
Part of me has wondered if he is not tossed into the mix to confuse and obfuscate the issues for many people as well. He would say that I am perhaps just too accepting of life long conditioning perhaps.
But I do know, what is said by and about Abbie Hoffman, is IMPORTANT and not to be tossed aside. Just those comments along throw everything to the wind for fresh interpretation. This is how Goldbug interprets.
Eustace Mullins, in an interview was asked if he knew Icke. He said that he didn't know him but was on the same bill with him at an event. When pressed for an opinion, Mullins said only that Icke might be working for secret service.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ed that all of this stuff is staged, however, IMO
Stiller is not Larry
Adolf is not Walt
Richard is not Icke,
but Ed's vids are still interesting, thanks for posting!
All media is controlled. As Ed shows- even Rt and Press TV. There is a fetzer podcast with Daniel Noel, he call it 'watchdogs that don't bark' about 911 truth. If I was an Arab and had a TV network I'd show 911 truth vids 24/7, they don't. Arabs have been falsely accused- where's the outrage? It sure aint on Press TV. Note Press TV's George Galloway affirms the 911 official fairy tale.
ReplyDeleteConclusion- Press Tv is not to be trusted
As you can see by these Annon's remarks they are desperate. They don't have a shred of fact to argue with so they have to immediately go to personal attacks. I see that as a sign that I am headed in the right direction. They know it and they also know that its a matter of time before the tables are turned and they will have to cut an run. I have been producing these videos since the Giffords Hoax and only have to point out the obvious, and that is if I were wrong about anything that I said you would expect that individual/s that were accused would have a field day on me in court. NO ONE OF THEM HAS THE GUTS TO TAKE ME ON. I have tried to contact every single one of them and they run the second they find out its me. If the tables were turned and I were being accused of something I didn't do you better bet you would hear from me or my lawyer. Some food for thought, and one last point. I only have to be correct about one individual per event to make the case that the event was staged. To date I have exposed over 600 individuals, from presidents and royals, to CEO's to the Hollywood elite and on down the line. I have published hundreds of personal family photos of these individuals (David Rockefeller Jr at his beach house on the beach with his grandchildren and children) You know he has the means to take my ass to court but he doesn't because he knows I have the goods on him and one slip up and the documents become published in court as a permanent court record validated and available for all to see would spell disaster for their agenda. Only one has filed a complaint but stopped after I fired back letting them know I am not playing. You can download it from here http://wellaware1.com/Haskell_Chiarini.pdf so you can see what Im talking about.
ReplyDeleteI am honoured you stopped by Goldbug!
ReplyDeleteI fully agree that the lack of lawsuits for your work is good proof of its validity.
The fact that Kathy O'Brien went before the Senate and presented her case on MK Ultra and named HUGE names publicly, presidents, kings, political leaders including the Clintons, Bushes, Cheney, four presidents, Kissinger and went into great detail on their perversions, perversions that have other live witnesses, and not a single one of these bigwigs EVER challenged her allegations was all the proof in the world to me that she was speaking the truths they could not refute. Same goes for the other victims of MK Ultra who have come forward. Susan Brice was also prolific in her reservations. Indeed once they realized she could not be assassinated they just put her on their kook list and ignored her, as they could NOT do with Fritz Springmeier. The truth is irrefutable.
I say, keep it up, buddy. We all have a role to play in our movement and yours is truly unique and valid.
Wow cn truths b4 even me controller can click send that was tha jewsons theycant own iga independant german anarchists,are or was it the jews mind control battle im not speshel am I jews control media includes this page then huh .....?? Join tha revolution
ReplyDeleteSorry but I don't have a clue what you are saying here!