Thursday 21 March 2013


By Mac Slavo
March 21, 2013

We’ve seen it time and again over the last five years. Governments overstepping their authority and punishing their people because of the actions of elite banking conglomerates, dirty politicians and bought-off regulators.

Iceland, Greece, Ireland, Hungary, Argentina, Spain, and Portugal have all been pillaged in the name of purported recovery and stability.

Today we’re seeing it in Cyprus, where Euro Zone financiers have threatened to not only rob the populace of their personal savings, but shut off access to bank accounts indefinitely. And, as we’ve seen elsewhere, the people are having none of it.

Like the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, it took a mere 72 hours of restricted access to funds, and thus essential goods, before the people took to the streets in mass protest and rioting.

The following pictures depict what’s in store for the United States in the very near future, when our own banking system re-collapses and Americans are left with no ability to access their money or are restricted to how much cash they are able to withdraw.

When the banks close your only option will be ATM’s, most of which will be empty:

(Images Courtesy of Zero Hedge)

And within 72 hours, when the realization of the magnitude of this event takes hold, people will no longer stand in line peacefully, but rather, will storm their banks and government offices, just as they have done in Cyprus (and elsewhere).

There is one key distinction to consider between the rioting in Cyprus and what we’ll experience here in the United States.

You see, the US government and the Pentagon have been actively war-gaming this very scenario for years. They know an economic collapse and the civil unrest that follows is an inevitable outcome of our current paradigm. Thus, they have spent the better part of this crisis training the National Guard to respond to mass riots, along with coordinated exercises that involve local law enforcement and military forces.

There’s a reason that Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled nearly two billion rounds of ammunition.

What’s waiting for Americans when this goes down is starkly different from the response by government officials in other parts of the world.

A financial collapse in this country cannot be avoided. Do everything you can now to ensure you aren’t part of the mob when it happens. 

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