Monday 4 March 2013



The Rothschilds were related by marriage to the Sephardic Jewish family of montefiore as follows: ~
Abraham Montefiore, brother of Sir Moses, married Jeanette, daughter of the senior Amschel Mayer Rothschild in 1815.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild, of London, Amschel’s son, married the sister-in-law of Sir Moses Montefiore in 1806.
Abraham Montefiore’s daughter, Louisa, married Sir Anthony Rothschild, Bart., in 1840. 
The Montefiores themselves linked up with the big financial Jews Goldsmid by the marriage in 1850 of Abraham Montefiore’s son, Nathaniel, to the daughter of Sir I. L. Goldsmid, Bart. 

Sir Moses Montefiore, Bart. (1784-1885), after 1812 until his death “lived in New Court, close to his friend Rothschild; and the brothers Montefiore, as the brokers of that financial genius, became wealthy men.” Thus says the Jewish Encyclopædia (B, Vol. VIII., p. 668), so there can hardly be any argument that Sir Moses Montefiore depended on and represented the Rothschild interest. 

Thus, to 1824, together with Rothschild, he helped to found the Alliance Insurance Company as a sort of Jew-controlled rival to Lloyds. 

We may take it that the rivalry between the Goldsmid firm and that of the Rothschilds was ended by the Montefiore-Goldsmid marriage mentioned above. 

It is notable that Sir Moses Montefiore’s son Leonard was a very intimate friend of Lord Milner and Arnold Toynbee. 

It was Sir Moses Montefiore who was sent out to Egypt and Constantinople after the Jewish Ritual Murders at Rhodes and Damascus (U, p.p. 23 seq.) to bribe the Khedive and the Sultan into hushing up this Jewish practice, after the failure of the Austrian House of Rothschild to achieve this object through the Austrian Consulates, Austria being in need of loans from the House. Referring to the Rhodes murder, the Jewish Encyclopædia states: “owing to the efforts of Count Camondo, Cremieux and Montefiore, a firman was obtained from the Sultan which declared all accusations of ritual murder null and void.” 

The cost of this firman is not stated, but the reader will note with interest that the Paris Rothschild agent Cremieux reinforced the endeavours of Montefiore, their London broker. Camondo was banker to the Ottoman Government, and a Jew. 

Writing of the Damascus case, the converted Rabbi Chevalier P. L. B. Drach states in his Harmony between the Church and the Synagogue (1844, Paris, p. 79) “Money played a great role in this business.” 

Another member of the Montefiore expedition was Salomon Munk, who had previously been teacher to the Paris Rothschild family, his pupils being Alphonse and Gustav. 

The results of these bare-faced briberies have been completely misrepresented in the Jew-controlled “British” Press. Thus, the Damascus prisoners were released but not exonerated, whilst the Sultan’s firman was the merest sophistry; but for further details see my other book (reference U). 

It is particularly interesting that Pope Pius IX. refused to give an audience to Sir Moses Montefiore on his way back from this exploit, although the Jew persisted in his efforts to see His Holiness with typical shameless effrontery. 

The Montefiores are the Jewish Kings of Australia: the first to go there was Jacob (1801-95) who arrived in South Australia in 1843 as agent for the Rothschilds (B, Vol. VIII., p. 666) where his reception by the Governor and the people is described as “enthusiastic.”
Baron Solomon Benedict de Worms, father of Lord Pirbright, lived in Nathan Rothschild’s house in London as a boy; Nathan’s sister was the boy’s mother. 

The estates of the Worms family in Ceylon were known as the Rothschild estates. Baron Pirbright, a “Conservative” politician, was more than once Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade and from 1888 to 1892 became Under-Secretary for the Colonies.
As stated on p. 59, the Samuel family was financed by the Rothschilds from the nineties of the last century, when the first Viscount Bearsted began to interest himself in the sea-transport of oil.
This family of Baghdad Jews is related by marriage to the Rothschilds. It represents the Rothschild power in India and China. 

Sir P. A. Sassoon, Bart., married the daughter of Baron Gustave de Rothschild in 1887, and had two children, Sir Philip Sassoon and the Marchioness of Cholmondeley. Lady Sassoon was a member of the “Souls,” the notorious gang of which Balfour and Margot Tennant were members. 

Leopold Rothschild married a Perugia, sister of Mrs. Arthur Sassoon. 

As stated elsewhere, Sir Philip Sassoon was the bosom friend of the war-mongering politician Anthony Eden. Sir Philip was Field-Marshal Haig’s Private Secretary throughout the Great War; Private Secretary to Lloyd George at the Peace Conference; and was “British” representative at the League of Nations discussion in 1933 as to the possibilities of forming an International Air-Force. He was a constant associate of the Duke of Windsor when the latter was Prince of Wales. 

King Edward VII became familiar with the Sassoon family, setting the bad example to his grandson. He was a wedding-guest at the Rothschild-Sassoon marriage.
This family of banking Jews has long had relations with the Rothschilds. Jacob Franklin (1809-1877) was Secretary to the North of France Railway and other French railways and became auditor of the chief Brazilian railways. All these concerns were under Rothschild control. His nephew, Frederic Samuel Franklin had two daughters who married Sassoons.


The power of the Rothschilds to influence public opinion by means of press control has been too often acknowledged and exercised for any doubt to remain on the matter. A newspaper has to pay its way, and is, except in the rare cases where its editor or owner is a man of unusual character, particularly susceptible to the favours which Jews of unlimited means can bestow upon it, to say nothing of the detrimental effects those same unlimited means can produce if applied in a hostile manner.
The Jew poet Bialik, in an address given to Jews at the Jewish University in Jerusalem on 11th May, 1933, said: ~
“Not in vain have Jews been drawn to journalism. In their hands it became a mighty weapon highly fitted to meet their needs in their war of survival.”
Note these words “weapon” and “war.” 
It is ridiculous then, considering that the Rothschilds have throughout the 19th century been the most powerful Jewish financiers in Europe, to suppose that they have not been the principal controllers of the Press for the purpose which Bialik so accurately defines. 
When, therefore, The Graphic of 26th July, 1879, stated that “the Press of the Continent is to a large extent in the hands of Jews,” it is equivalent to saying it was largely in the hands of Rothschilds. 
The whole subject of Press Control in Britain by Jews is dealt with in a special pamphlet issued by the Imperial Fascist League called Jewish Press Control. I must confine myself to some known examples of what must have been the general practice for over 100 years. 
Most noteworthy is the extreme intimacy of Mr. J. T. Delane, Editor of The Times between 1841 to 1877, with the Rothschilds, as already described (see p. 48). 
We know that Sir Moses Montefiore introduced the Jew Samuel Phillips to the staff of The Times where he became Chief Literary Editor, professing Christianity, his son becoming Private Secretary to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Benson! We know that this Phillips tried to influence the provincial press not to pin Lord Derby down to a pledge of protection in 1852. 
We know that in 1872, on the last to day of the year, the Russian Ambassador in London, Brunnow, wrote the Russian Chancellor saying that he was persuading Lionel Rothschild to use his influence on The Times to adopt a policy of peace and conciliation, and that Brunnow had used the same influence in 1863. (Cambridge Historical Journal, I, No. 1, 1923). 
We know that the Rothschilds had been urged by a Cabinet Minister to bring pressure on The Times to induce it to modify its hostile attitude towards Germany during the Boer War in 1900; this was of course long after Delane’s decease. (A, Vol. II., p. 453). The Rothschilds could do what no Cabinet Minister could achieve! 
We know that Lord Kemsley’s son Denis has married a Rothschild and that Lord Kemsley and his brother Lord Camrose are Press Kings. 
We know that The Standard had to close down at the outbreak of the Great War, 1914-18, because the Austrian Embassy “which had been surreptitiously financing it, could no longer make payments” (speech in House of Commons, 21st Nov., 1938, by Rt. Hon. T. Johnston, M.P.). Who ruled Austria, the Hapsburgs or the Rothschilds? 
We know that the Rothschilds are chief shareholders in The Economist. 
We know that Alfred Rothschild gave The Evening Times a gift of £1,000 to enable it to carry on. (L, p. 148). 
It is the same all over the Continent where “democracy” prevails. 
The Rothschilds control the Agence Havas, Le Temps and La Revue de Paris, and, until Hitler took over Austria, the Neue Freie Presse of Vienna. 
The most striking instances in which the Rothschild money-control of newspapers has been exercised have been in the deliberate suppression of news about Jewish Ritual Murders, and the vilification and abuse of prosecuting counsel and judges in such cases. Thus, the influence was brought to bear on the Damascus murder, 1840; the Tisza Eszlar Case, 1882; the Polna case, 1899; and the Kiev case, 1911. 

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