Saturday 9 March 2013


This movie is absolutely mesmerizing. I cannot recommend it highly enough if you are interested in catching up on your WW2 history as I was. The score is inspiring and sweeping, the knowledge and visuals too real for many people I am sure. Nothing gratuitous, just footage from the actual events.

This is the extended video of the movie and then you must watch the last 7 or 8 videos one by one at YouTube.  Although it was a tad fuzzier, I watched on full screen the better to see everything. I also recommend keeping your mouse nearby if you are not a very fast reader because some of the writing moved just a tad too swiftly for me to absorb what I was seeing along with what I was reading. But then, that is just me!


  1. why do the heathen rage and imagine a vain thing...

    curiously the stool sculpture deity cult manages to convince the members of the cult that KHAZAR PROSELYTES must stay in the cult compound and can't leave {KNOW TRUTH} because the world is full of ANTI-SEMITES....

    AS IF "JEWS" are actually semitic...

    now that is funny.

    IN THE OVENS OF TRUTH... be an angel

    with all the LOVE of Jesus,



  2. Hitler failed to tell the German people IG Farben was Jewish owned,Jewish financed,and Jewish controlled.

    Read Anthony C Hutton's :

    "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler pdf"

    Read Guido Preparata's, "Conjuring Hitler pdf"

    Hitler failed to tell the German people Rockefeller's Standard Oil pumped billions of dollars into Nazi Germany via IG Farben ; Hence, the Nazi "economic miracle".The Rockefellers are a Jewish family.

    IG Farben was the very foundation of Nazi political/military strength. IGF put Hitler into power. IG Farben was Jewish owned.

    Hitler and the top leading Nazis investigated everything in Nazi Germany except the the very one mega-corporation that put them in power in the first place, IG Farben.

    It's true Hitler cut ties with US/UK banks, but he Never cut the ties between IG Farben and US/UK. Never. Wall St and the City of London bank-rolled Nazi Germany via IG Farben, not through banks.

    The 1945 US War Dept Report to Congress details the connections between IGF and the Nazi party. It clearly states Hitler and the leading Nazis Never investigated who financed IG Farben.

    Also,many Jews served in the Nazi party/military.

    Read Bryan Mark Rigg's, "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers"

    Dietrich Bronder's, "Bevor Hitler Kam English Translation".

    Dietrich Bronder was an honest Jewish professor of history. He wrote " Bevor Hitler Kam" in 1975. His work is banned in Europe. One can access his work by using the above search term. Go to "Scribd"."Bevor Hitler Kam" is German for, "Before Hitler Came".

    Bronder details the immense role Jews played in creating the Third Reich, as he also details the role of the satanic Freemasonry halls of 19/20 century Germany in conjuring up both "Aryan history/myth" and "Zionist history/myth".

    The Jewish/Zionist/mainstream "narrative" and the "WN Aryan narrative", both, come to us from the very same satanic bankers via Freemasonry.

    Abridged out of both narratives is the horrible suffering of devout Catholics and sincere Protestant Christians in WW2 Europe.Devout Catholics, for example, were brutally murdered - qua devout Catholics -- and thrown into the IG Farben work camps along with the low level Jews; The kind of low level Jews who have no say in the way we're ruled, similiar to devout Catholics in that sense.

    The Jewish "narrative" is a giant lie, so is the WN "narrative". They go hand-in-hand together. Both narratives come from satanism.

    From : Joe

    1. Freemasonry comes from the teachings of the Jewish Talmud, Joe. Nice cover up for International Jewry.

    2. Joe, currently I am working my way through posting Codex Magica by Texe Marrs and it is VERY clear that Masonry is chock full of Cabalist ways, in fact is based on the Jewish teachings. The connections between Freemasonry and the "great mysteries" can all be found in old Jewish texts, Zohar and the Talmud as well as the Kabala.

  3. The Rothschild Formula fits in perfectly well:

    1. War is the ultimate discipline to any government. If it can successfully meet the challenge of war, it will survive. If it cannot, it will perish. All else is secondary. The sanctity of its laws, the prosperity of its citizens, and the solvency of its treasury will be quickly sacrificed by any government in its primal act of self-survival.

    2. All that is necessary, therefore, to insure that government will maintain or expand its debt is to involve it in war or the threat of war. The greater the threat and the more destructive the war, the greater the need for debt.

    3. To involve a country in war or the threat of war, it will be necessary for it to have enemies with credible military might. If such enemies already exist, all the better. If they exist but lack military strength, it will be necessary to provide them the money to build their war machine. If an enemy does not exist at all, then it will be necessary to create one by financing the rise of a hostile regime.

    4. The ultimate obstacle is a government which declines to finance its wars through debt. Although this seldom happens, when it does, it will be necessary to encourage internal political opposition, insurrection, or revolution to replace that government with one that is more compliant to our will. The assassination of heads of state could play an important role in this process.

    The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained as one block, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. – Otto von Bismark

    If this mischievous financial policy, which had its origins in North America, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe. –Times of London


    5. No nation can be allowed to remain militarily stronger than its adversaries, for that could lead to peace and a reduction of debt. To accomplish this balance of power, it may be necessary to finance both side of the conflict. Unless one of the combatants is hostile to our interests and, therefore, must be destroyed, neither side should be allowed a decisive victory or defeat. While we must always proclaim the virtues of peace, the unspoken objective is perpetual war. (The Creature from Jekyll Island, 1994. G. Edward Griffin, pg. 230)

    1. Thank you. Your succinct description greatly describes the world today near the end game for many. This is truly what has been going on for the past while, a combination of genocide and takeover by the International criminals and seems to be nearing the endgame in the west.

  4. Now I just found a book from 1914 in Russian translated by google with startling information about Jews creating Islam. I honestly have no hate for Muslims and my heart breaks for the way they are being treated by the Jew occupation. The name of the book is
    NL Butm Kabbalah, heresy and
    St. Petersburg · 1914
    I figured I would post this in your blog since you present books with your comments. I am in no way trying to blaspheme Islam or desecrate it as a religion but only to present information since you seem to have an open mind.
    So here it goes about how the Jew may have started Islam to counteract the continued spread of Christian believers.

    Mohammed and the secret society of ISLAM
    The idea of ​​creating, in contrast to Christianity, a new religion, able not only to attract the masses, but to subject them to Jewish influence, relentlessly pursued the leaders of the chosen people. Between V and X centuries, until the Aryan world, a flow of blood, reborn to a new life, while decaying and dying world power of Rome, and in the ruins of her appeared too Aryan, but young and full of fresh energy state - in this vague and gray the era of the Jews suffered a major center of its activities to the east - in Arabia Felix. Here at the end of VI century design Dark Force on the establishment of a new religion in opposition to Christianity finally got its implementation. In 571, Muhammad was born, destined to become the founder of a new religion, not just fire Mr. sword conquered many peoples and countries, but became a source of the greatest disasters for the Christian Church and Christian states.

    1. Glad you appreciate the effort! I do have one thing to ask of you though..Could u change my email to annoymous...did not realize i had it up! Thanks!

    2. Lol!!!!What book?Muhammad SAWS ,was the best human being in the history ,there was / is no one with the better character.
      YOU ARE A LIAR AND A SHILL,you cant fool anyone here!

  5. con't
    Relatively close relationship between Islam and Judaism can not of course be no doubt: the Jewish belief is almost entirely up to and including circumcision, moved to the religion of Mohammed. "The best part of the Qur'an is taken from the Bible and the Talmud," - writes Jew Bernard Lazare. But to what degree can the Jews contributed to the creation of this new religion - is a question which we are most interested in, and we'll try to respond to the next element, a very significant fact:
    1) In the age of birth of Mohammed the best part of Arabia, Yemen - also called Arabia Felix, which lies along the Red Sea, was very strongly populated by Jews. "About 530 years, said Jew Bernard Lazare - all Yemen was Jewish.
    2) The influence of the Jews in Arabia was so strong that there were entire Arab tribes that have adopted Judaism and their leaders were often purebred Jews. Incidentally, the warlike tribe of Ben-Kinanal akin Koreyshitam, which came from the tribe of Muhammad, to profess the Jewish religion.
    3) The mother of Mohammed was baptized Jew, who always inspired his son honoring the Hebrew prophets and Jesus Christ.
    4) Finally, the prevailing idea of ​​the Mohammedan religion, Islam, which has raised and attacked him like fire and iron flow to the pagan and the Christian world, which struck the centuries, unquenchable hatred between Christians and Mohammedans - is the idea of ​​a purely Jewish, is the idea of ​​an earthly king - the Messiah which is designed dominion over the world. Only with such a devout Muslim Messiah was in their eyes the greatest prophet of the One God Muhammad, after his death his successors will be better honored his covenant - the conquest of the world believers.

  6. con't
    Louis researcher secret societies is given, based on a variety of historical data, argues that Islam was undoubtedly initiated by the Jews, that this new religion, combining part of Jewish and Christian beliefs, that is, worship one God (in one) and the recognition of Moses and Christ His prophets, though less grand than Mohammed - that the religion was destined to Jewish sages not only reduce the spread of the hated Christianity and conquer the world of Jewish influence.
    The first part of the plan succeeded brilliantly. Apart from the fact that according to the Jew Bernard Lazare, in the very emergence of Islam Arabia once and finally put an end to the Christian message, the Mohammedan religion is due to introduction of the idea of ​​Jewish world domination, was mightily a rival of Christianity, and remains so to this day.
    As for the conquest of the world influenced by the Jews named Mohammed, in this part of the Jewish plan for the chosen people had a great disappointment. First, Muhammad, although introduced to Islam Jewish idea of the Messiah - the earthly king, who had owned the dominion over the world, but in a self proclaimed messiahs and previously announced that another prophet after him will not. This definition of Mohammed, rejecting the coming of the Jewish Messiah, strike Jewish lust for world domination. Interests of Judaism and Islam became the opposite. The followers of Islam were ready to lead a holy war against the whole world, but not in favor of the Jews, but in the name of Allah and Mohammed. The consequences of this radical split between Judaism and Islam were quick to emerge.
    "In Algeria and Tunisia, the Mohammedans, when they met with the Jews, and spit in their faces, the children threw stones at them."
    So we see that from its inception Islam, instead of being an obedient tool of the Jews, and became their enemy and a very powerful. But on the other hand, according to historian Jew Graetz: "Despite the hostility of the Arabs, the Jews, the triumph of Islam (as an opponent of Christianity) was beneficial for them." Turned the situation is very difficult and complex, from which, however, the Israelites were able to get out, so to speak, with honor.

  7. They contributed to the success of the Mohammedan arms in order to curry favor with the winners or undermine Christianity. Thus, according to the Jew Graetz, "The conquest of Persia by the Arabs was in strong support of the Jews." Later, the same Jews contributed to the victory of the Arabs in Spain.
    Its just some information which could be false but it wouldn't surprise me if it were really true. The jew lacks any moral compass and is capable of creating a religion in order to serve their purpose even though it may hurt millions of people in the process. The Muslims already hold Jesus and Mary in a high regard so when the time comes to be judged by Christ he would forgive them since the fault lies in the children of satan. Its interesting also since I read not to long ago that Islam was a creation done by Christians which most likely came from a Jew source in order to create more division between them. I knew right away how false this claim was because it goes against the Christian character and moral belief system.
    As for the conquest of the world influenced by the Jews named Mohammed, in this part of the Jewish plan for the chosen people had a great disappointment. First, Muhammad, although introduced to Islam Jewish idea of the Messiah - the earthly king, who had owned the dominion over the world, but in a self proclaimed messiahs and previously announced that another prophet after him will not. This definition of Mohammed, rejecting the coming of the Jewish Messiah, strike Jewish lust for world domination. Interests of Judaism and Islam became the opposite. The followers of Islam were ready to lead a holy war against the whole world, but not in favor of the Jews, but in the name of Allah and Mohammed. The consequences of this radical split between Judaism and Islam were quick to emerge.
    "In Algeria and Tunisia, the Mohammedans, when they met with the Jews, and spit in their faces, the children threw stones at them."
    So we see that from its inception Islam, instead of being an obedient tool of the Jews, and became their enemy and a very powerful. But on the other hand, according to historian Jew Graetz: "Despite the hostility of the Arabs, the Jews, the triumph of Islam (as an opponent of Christianity) was beneficial for them." Turned the situation is very difficult and complex, from which, however, the Israelites were able to get out, so to speak, with honor.
    They contributed to the success of the Mohammedan arms in order to curry favor with the winners or undermine Christianity. Thus, according to the Jew Graetz, "The conquest of Persia by the Arabs was in strong support of the Jews." Later, the same Jews contributed to the victory of the Arabs in Spain.
    Its just some information which could be false but it wouldn't surprise me if it were really true. The jew lacks any moral compass and is capable of creating a religion in order to serve their purpose even though it may hurt millions of people in the process. The Muslims already hold Jesus and Mary in a high regard so when the time comes to be judged by Christ he would forgive them since the fault lies in the children of satan. Its interesting also since I read not to long ago that Islam was a creation done by Christians which most likely came from a Jew source in order to create more division between them. I knew right away how false this claim was because it goes against the Christian character and moral belief system.

    1. Thank you so very much for taking time to write all of this. I plan to look into this matter in the near future. I have heard rumors in the past of this creation of Islam. After all, the Saudi family come from Jewish roots (and the (British corrupted) Islam of the Wahhabi terrorists is, when you get down to it, as evil as anything else, their interpretation of the Koran very very similar to that of the Talmud in terms of repression. A few decades ago a very honest Jesuit was killed, "accidently by terrorists", for speaking out of similar Jewish activities regarding Catholic secrets regarding the Jesuits (founded by a Marrano). Father Rivero, a brave martyr for truth within the Catholic Church which is now, as of this new pope, almost assuredly Zionist controlled.

      Anyhow I am going to look into this and thank you for your time and generous sharing.


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